How about that?

How about that?

Persona is for girls confirmed.

>Potter lost to Goro


Sounds about right

Well I mean have you seen Goro? He's pretty fuckable.

>the user-driven protagonist is a more likable character than any of the girls

Waifufags are gonna have a hard time

How did the traitor beat the main protag?

No, that was just a poll dominated by fujos. And Atlus is going for the fujo bucks after P4.

The winners weren't the most likable guys, they were the biggest fujobait in order.

>Squid not making the poll

Where's the pandering

>Fujos ruin another poll in Japan with their stupid shipping fantasies
Nothing new here and how is there so many of them?

No wonder Final Fantasy XV is a sausage fest. The #1 female protagonist in the series isn't even mentioned.

She's not as likable as you would expect. Or maybe I just don't have imouto/daughter fetish.

This game is mostly cakes.

This is the overall numbers, but really you can't take males votes as face value in Japan polls becuase the Fujos are large and numbers and will give the most votes to whatever guy they think is super shippable with some other guy.

Pretty good for a killer.

Because fujoshis.

>Chie above anything
How can anyone stand that annoying girl?

>Makoto is the only girl in the top 5
Japan doesn't have shit taste for once

>the only girl that appeal to fujobait
>rank high

Really makes you think

>Guys don't vote in polls at all

Serves you right then.

They wasted all of their votes on the guys. She was the one that got the most male votes it seems.

>appeal to fujobait
Why? the hair? She's super cute and girly personality wise, I don't see what you're on about.

>looks cute
>look her up

What the fuck

teacher cum maid


Exactly right. Except you can keep the initial expression.


Well fuck that's the opposite of what I wanted.

>all p5 characters except Goro are unlikeable garbage
>Sup Forums blames fujos

She's their teacher, so it's two fetiches in one package. Or maybe 3 if you add messy hair.

So, are they really redubbing/fixing shit, or is that just a meme?


They really are redubbing/fixing shit. It must have been been pretty bad for them Jap Atlus to call them out on it.

The only bit of evidence to go on is them saying "Recording addition lines of dialogue"

That doesn't sound too good.

How much of a character is Potter?

Nothing like getting Jun to voice a character that barely talks.