Why do they get so much hate?

Why do they get so much hate?

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Because that could've been DK but we got that shit instead

Because they are shit. Kiddy is slower than Dixie and is is only useful for when he is supposed to be, i.e. the few times when you need to water skip or you need his fat ass to break the floor boards. Ellie was just crappy all around. She replaced Rambi, but was shit in comparison. Rambi could just charge thought enemies no problem, but Ellie can't attack forward without charging up at a waterfall (which only happens in a couple of stages) and will fucking retreat if she sees a rat. That is just stupid even if it's only in a single stage.

Ellie's water gimmick is pretty cool. But you only get to use it in like 2 levels.

As for the barrel grabbing shit...I can already do that myself.



Ellie is literally a downgrade

>That is just stupid even if it's only in a single stage.

It's in two actually.

I wouldnt be mad at DKC 3 being so-so if at least DK64 was good. Because after all DKC3 was a side project while the big dogs were working at the next-gen console. But the 64 game was so fucking mediocre, it only pisses me off more.

I can only remember the sawmill stage in the first area. Where was the second one? Was it one of the waterfall stages?

The jungle stage where you have to keep running forward.

Because Kiddy wasn't DK and Ellie wasn't Rambi, and they were both mechanically underutilized. That's pretty much what it sums down to. DKC3 also gets a lot of hate for being too easy, but honestly I probably had the most fun getting 105% in it than I did getting 101% and 102% in 1 and 2. The difficulty of getting the bonus barrels and other collectables was just right so I never had to look anything up (as opposed to 1's "which bottomless pit do I need to jump into next" and a few of the extra well hidden secrets in 2), and the final world was a lot of fun to play without being Animal Antics levels of frustrating. I still consider 2 to be the best, though.

Ah. I forgot about that one. I don't know if that counts as it's more of an excuse to make an auto-scroller level.

Hidden stage, she don't stop running.

Skip to 1:50 or so

That bonus within a bonus in DKC1 was the most bullshit thing ever.

Kiddy is a shit antd not a worthy replacement of either Diddy or DK

Ellie is Rambi without everything that made Rambi cool, also that retarded rat gimmick

>The stages where you had to keep Parry alive for a Bonus Barrel

Not only did DK get the shaft in his own series AGAIN, but Diddy got screwed, too.

Their replacement being that ugly annoying baby only rubbed salt in that wound.

A shame. A DK and Dixie team-up would have been interesting to see, and would have let all three characters in the trilogy work with each other at least once.

Pretty sure Ellie wouldn't be hated if Rambi was still in.

As for Kiddy, he really could have been given better stuff IMO.

But really, DK being gone for 1/2 of Rare's DK games was really stupid (I mean he was low tier in 64 as well)

There were a lot I remembered from my childhood, but after a certain point I hit a wall and said "Alright I need to look up the last ~10%".
The only two that come to mind are a waterfall level and the Ellie rat dash stage in the final world. The dash stage only became hard once you tried getting the last bonus barrel, because one of those wasps were placed just annoyingly enough to stop half of your attempts.

Ellie is a cross between Rambi and Squitter with all the good aspects removed.

>Not only did DK get the shaft in his own series AGAIN, but Diddy got screwed, too.
>Games are called Donkey Kong Country
>DK is only playable in one of them
>Only one game takes place on Kong "country" (ie Kong Island)


This is my fucking jam

Just snakin around

There's DK Land at least (The first since 2 is just a retelling and 3 is like a 2.5 remix with a new plot)

I wish Nintendo would acknowledge Gameboy games existed.

How would they make Kiddy a better character?

It's not Kiddy per se, it's that people expected Diddy and/or Donkey Kong to be playable.

It's called Donkey Kong.

Ellie can grab barrels from a distance, use water as a projectile, swim, and at least still jump on foes normally to the same affect as Kong's.

How is it like Squitter at all who can't jump on foes at all, has a free use projectile and can make platforms? Or Rambi who is all about pure power and rips holes in everything and anything near him?

The idea of a his character itself isn't fully bad, I mean I don't mind baby Mario cause he created a unique life system and is actually helping a lot in the game he 1st comes in (in that he is the reason Yoshi can turn into cars n stuff, and use things like p-switches, oh and rarely can take care of things himself).

Course, baby Mario isn't as annoying as Kiddy. IDK, its kind of interesting how they differ.

Chunky was Kiddy but good. He was stronger than DK but a cowardly wuss who wasn't as dexterous as DK.

Dunno about Kiddy, but Ellie was pretty cool. Water pistol, carrying barrels...very useful.

Shut your mouth Boco

Never got a cowardly vibe from Chunky that much. More of the sensitive type who doesn't want to fight due to his power.

Aw come on, why this time?

DK Jr. Back in Mario Kart fucking when?

I don't get it either it's my favorite DK game

>But the 64 game was so fucking mediocre,

Funny, DK Jr. was last in Mario Tennis for the N64, the game where Waluigi was made.

Well I guess he may have been last in Yoshi Island DS if you think about it.

It pretty much took the collection thing too far. And it is a fair complaint, after all banjo-tooie sort of lowered the amount of stupid stuff. Granted Note nests was dumb IMO as well.

you gotta be full fucking blind by nostalgia to think DK64 is anything better than mediocre. Probably one of the worst Rareware games. More considering the Playstation was getting loaded by much better games like Crash and Spyro.

>he's been viralling his shit stream for years

incredible, I can't believe it you're still at this.

The main problem was color coding fucking everything. It forced you to backtrack like a bitch way too many times. It was bullshit.

They needed to either make every item collectible by any Kong, or shrink the stages.

Stop 100%ing colored bananas unless you seriously don't have enough for a boss.

Your sanity will thank you later.

Not every item, but at the very least the fucking bananas. Being able to switch Kongs by pausing the game instead of having to backtrack to a fucking barrel every time would solve everything else.

Too late, I already 100% the U version. which remembers me of all those fucking shit minigames you have to do 3 fucking times each. I had that memory repressed. Now, that is what it ultimately kills the game.

Being able to grab barrels with an animal buddy was a pretty great concept. Shame it was hardly utilized.