Share your memories and pay your respects to a magical era that will never exist again in our lifetime.
Share your memories and pay your respects to a magical era that will never exist again in our lifetime.
I've still never beat it.
katana was OP as fuck
It was complete shit but it had a level editor.
Not as OP as Sledge. Nothing like killing dudes through walls.
Feels like this existed at least 10 years before YouTube did.
>do you want to borrow my 512mb flash drive and copy off the yeti sports games?
>tfw the guy who created XGen died last year
My internet was so shit back then it took 20+ minutes of buffering just to watch a video of one of these
But to 13 year old me, it was worth it
>no neopets
>no madness interactive
>only one newgrounds porn game
Come on Sup Forums
miniclip, armorgames, and newgrounds. it pretty much covered every inch of the golden age. still accessible, but not to any novelty.
>tfw waited every single day for newgrounds to come back from remaking their website
>tfw the website remake fucking sucks
>tfw thats when I left
feels bad
>runescape 2
Get a load of this faggot
Was 2004 the last great year?
Always feels like it to me for some reason.
homeoftheunderdogs -dot- net
I remember my dad got this game emailed by his sister and decided to show me when I was like 12. mom was very vocal about not letting me play it but my dad thought it was funny. it was very weird playing this game in front of my arguing parents
also elf bowling was the shit
2006 was. It was the last year before social networks, meme culture and smartphones took over everything.
stickpage dot fucking com
stickdeath dot com
Just gonna get this out of the way.
it was because things were spread out over the internet and you couldn't perfectly pinpoint where garbage came from. All communities are more inclusive than ever.
meet'nfuck detective, star mission and kingdom still holds up
Literally, the original meme. None of that Kung-fu baby shit, this was it - if you know you know.
Grimace ate my balls.
Reminder that Elf Bowling: The movie is a thing
Im not joking look it up
>All those screamers
>Your old home computer that everybody used couldn't run flash games for shit.
All those playtime hours lost like tears in the rain.
Who else got their Thing-Thing on?
>tfw Thing-Thing or Arena sequel never
>original meme
That's not "All Your Base"
>teens in 1999
>knows HTML
>teens in 2009
>tumblr and blog widgets
Did anyone else here play Neopets? I remember wanting to bang the fairy with green and orange hair as a kid.
Probably the only one that used to play this.
Is there a place for all the old cartoon network games?
For real though. I feel as though HTML in Neopets was my sister and I's first experience in "programming" but we weren't even teens yet.
>ray 3 was never completed
And another one
Back then everyone was willing and able to learn. God bless the Geocities - Angelfire - Tripod holy trinity.
>That one dude who had music playing in the background of his page.
Thats still a great gif. Need to find the explosion one also.
I used to play habbo back in 2004 and met this really big titted canadian girl. First online gf. Loads of nudes that are gone with my old phone being broken ;_;
>not directed by uwe boll
fucking bullet-time all the time
>tfw you will leave this earth without experiencing the internet entertainment boom again
I'm not ready fellas...
I still get the urge to go back and play Neopets. I am god dam 24 years old.
>refreshing all day for a rare Neopet starter
I fucking loved Graal Zone. It seems they gutted what it used to be and replaced it with something completely different now though.
>it's a .midi of allstar by smash mouth
Really guys? I can't be the only one.
Back then they didn't have wordpress, easy web-hosting, and other shit to make it brainless. You had to learn.
remember this shit?
MotherLoad on Miniclip while in the library.
Were Geocities, Angelfire and Tripod not considered easy hosting?
>MSN Gaming Zone
>Jedi Knight
>No force powers
>Sabers only
>Battleground: Jedi
The best of times holy fuck.
I did neopets for maybe a week
>Start with some seal or penguin
>Spin some wheel
>lose and my pet gets sick
>only cure is outof stock or something
>no one is selling the cure
>pet never recovers
>Now I can't do jack shit
The fuck? Like most things considered "programming" you just copy and pasted it and changed a few variables. Not really much to learn there, friend.
You should just go play the flash games for neo bux and take the daily freebies if they exist I don't remember
And here's what that faggot turned into: ncase.me
Dear god, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.
moshi monsters
How far did you get?
Beat the first chick, never saw anything else.
Are you a crime? In all? A criminal?
>you will never go back in time and save her
why live?
Who remembers?
fuck what was the arcade game this flash game ripped off gameplay?
I never beat it. What am I missing out on?
haha yea i used to play this via bored.com
i liked to drive into that hole in the middle of the map that made the wheels of your car spin exponentially faster each time the reversed directions as you fell into the void until my browser crashed
>that one guy that was a hacker and told me to go to omgwow.com to get the hacks
>mfw after i went to it and he got his laugh he actually told me how to get the hacks
Whoever you were: you were a dick and a bro at the same time. Hope you're doing well.
save this guy as well. child acting is a hell of a drug.
Ok. There was this game that looked kind of like this except way prettier. You were a monkey in a space suit and you moved around sand as units of the grid. Diamonds or boulders would fall on you and you'd lose a life.
You needed to get a key and then get to the exit without blocking yourself in.
I lost track of what website it was on and never found it again.
Has to have been at least 13 years ago.
Anyone remember that one game with the ball people that was kinda like Smash, with weapon pick ups and ring outs? It had shit like freeze rays, rpgs, poison darts, magic, tasers, and standard guns.
The final level was called Universe City?
Sonny 1 and 2. 3 Never coming out.
It all used to be so simple.
anyone played merlins quest or some shit? i remember it being cool
Hell yeah.
>implying anyone else played this kino-game
>It all used to be so simple.
Except I don't want to dump my cum deep inside macaulay and give him my children