Anybody watching Capcom Pro Tour Asia Finals?

Anybody watching Capcom Pro Tour Asia Finals?

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i am now. thanks for reminding me.


Zangief is good, GOOD!

Itabashi winning a 8-2 matchup

Yep. Watching floe restream it.

Remember when everyone complained about R. Mika, but hasn't really had any results outside of Fuudo/Du? Du only using Mika sometimes.

ye. been watchin like all day

It should be illegal to have cammy on jap voice, yes even in japan. "splillal allowluuuu-desu"

it's cute CUTE!

I remember when cammy was considered mediocre too. Thats why im glad capcom is being slow with the balance patches

>yfw Infiltration was just pretending to be retarded

Nah, Engrish is bad at the best of times. The english accent fits her character better too.

Thank you for playing slightly better today, Bonchan.

Hes going to capcom cup anyway. Might as well get rashid practice

There's an announcement happening after grand finals right? Do you guys think it's just the rest of the Akuma's trailer or something really new?

Hopefully akuma gameplay

They're going to announce fuck all. Screencap this for all eternity.

IS there an announcement? I hadn't seen that.

Really great picture, but why is there a literal pile of shit in the bottom leftish?

Nothing that I've heard of. Capcom Cup is only 2 weeks. Have to wait til then.

Do you idiots even pay attention at all? They already said when they're showing more Akuma.

that's not a pile of shit, you silly goose. that's ingrid.

Do you?

I just got home from work, where did they mention this?

Not sure why you bothered correcting me with a synonym.

"That's not fast, it's quick" "It's not big it's large"

That's you right now.

Ono said they would announce something after the grand finals when he was on stage giving shirts

They only said Akuma would be playable at PSX, nothing stopping them from teasing a bit more.

Havent been watching all day, nerd

I want everything to do with this woman.

No, was playing instead.

Got a disconnect right after dropping a combo, so shit luck made me look like a ragequitter.

Really annoying.


What? It's a street fighter thread, can't we talk about Cummy?

Cammy's butt cheecks are already unnaturally huge for her body, why would you want to make it even bigger, jesus..

You can't think right looks better.

Sakura announcement soon, we're almost there.

Hah, guess I just like lots of junk in the trunk!

I do

Be thankful it's not CVS2 Cammy's voice

Man, this game does things to my dick. I lost my will to play aftercI dropped Mika for Alex. Fuck you, haters, I'm back to Mika. She will be nerfed in two months anyway.


Mago nooo..

got any more of those?



Im late what which bracket is it up to?

losers finals now

It's gonna be pregnant Sakura.

welp, no more ass tonight. ihope Mago takes it at least

Thank you blessed user. After I crop out the explosions this will be perfect.

damn i wanna rape cammy and make waifufags watch

mago just did it a few mins ago

Jesus. Almost none of you talking about the tourny or the game itself. What a time to be alive.

Cammy fans in a nutshell.


nobody playing my main there birdie feelbatman

im drunk man


Trying to learn Guile, any tips?

who has more chances of winning against mov, haitani or mago?

Crouch and be extra annoying


Is RB there?


why the fuck is there about a foot and a half between her bellybutton and vagina???


cammy is waifu

LOBBY WHERE afterwards duh

God Zhi has been a shit commentator this stream.


Holy mother of fuck, these mods are gonna make my dick raw from all the fapping.

Sause pretty please


Post more Cummy, please. I'm enjoying this.

modders are posting mods on this website, so here we go:


Remember when people thought Guile was weak

Ah, thanks for the link!

How are these angles being screenshotted?

Is it a cameramod? I need a link if there is one. For the sake of my penis.

>That webm

Not what I was expecting. But not bad either.

Thank you, Mago. After a while without seeing a good Karin put in some work i started to question my character. My hope is regained.

Mago deserved that so fucking hard, gratz desu

I'm glad her face isn't all warped from the move swap. I've seen some scary stuff before, but thankfully this is all sexy and great.

ppl sleep on mago-san too much imo
haitani too

What a waste, I knew it would be nothing.


I want to make a cummy in Cammy.

Me too.


Dick status: MUH CUMMY

Get in line.


You'll have to do through me to do that, m8

Well I just got banned from the stream. This was the highlight of the entire tourney

Honest quesyion, do you think Cammy is an exhibitionist? I only ask that because she seems to hate pants, and always has her ass hanging out.

Not that I have any complaints.

So where's Ono's announcement?

Why does Zhi hate cameraman?


he tricked us all, he was probably keeping it to the real CPT grandfinals in december

the gymnastics leotard makes sense for her character design imo, super human killer acrobat

Ono's announcement was Fuck you.

Oh it's that kind of thread is it?