So Vanilla servers seem to keep going from strength to strength and it seems despite being a 12 year old game...

So Vanilla servers seem to keep going from strength to strength and it seems despite being a 12 year old game, Vanilla WoW seems to still largely hold up as a fantastic MMO even if some mechanics are dated.

What though are the worst things about Vanilla WoW? The aspects of Vanilla that when you play today, really stand out as just bad game design or just annoying as fuck shit in general?

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Soul shards not stacking, or even taking inventory slots at all.

It's just so dated that I can't really enjoy myself. Man playing it for the first time back then was something special though.

Everything is shit about vanilla WoW except the world pvp. What really sold me on nost was how fun it was to duke it out on a server with 6-8k people.

Every class has roughly 1 spec that is properly viable. Hybrids would take two expansions to get right. Druids in feral forms wouldn't scale to weapon damage and rather than just doing that Blizzard tried just about everything in the goddamn book to circumvent that, from absurd +AP bonuses to not doing anything at all. Or, you know, tanking. With almost no actual tank gear.

Balance wasn't much better off. It'd not be till Wrath that they'd be taken seriously. The spec was awful. Awful. Come BC people still didn't want it because no raid guild was giving cloth gear to a leather wearing class to do sub-optimal damage.

Druid in general just has a lot of annoying shit about in Vanilla, small things like you had to shift back to human to shift between forms, or you had to be human to talk to NPC's.

There is no tokens, no heroic dungeons, and no valor points to harvest. If a boss didn't drop your item you had to run the place again. Because of the size of loot tables you could end up running one place 20 times for one piece of gear. Some raid guilds got completely screwed over by the RNG machine when an entire class would get short changed for tier gear.

Low ranked spells often trumped high ranked spells for casting priority. The rank of Healing Touch a druid got at level 60 was less valuable than the one they learned back at level 10 because the level 10 one had a shorter cast time and in terms of health healed per point of mana spent, blew it out of the water

There is no buff stacking, and mobs have a maximum number of debuffs, so most DPS classes completely removed DOTs from their rotations so they weren't dropping something valuable off the debuff list. Similarly, only the healer with the largest +healing bonus.

Mounts at 40. Should be 25-30.

Epic Mounts being ridiculously priced.

Mounts take up bag space.

You get soul pouches and like it!

>world pvp in vanilla
>any pvp in vanilla
>not hilariously broken
I bet you were one of 3 op specs and 1-3shot everything

They take up regular bag slots though, and you can't put anything but soul stones in them too. It's not making it any better.

>Every class has roughly 1 spec that is properly viable

If by viable you mean. "you're in this raid to push exactly 1 button, don't waste mana on things that aren't that." then yes.

>just starting giving ultima online a try

Really makes you see how little depth WoW has.

this is part of what made warlocks unique, same with hunters and ammo. Modern WoW sucks because all the classes complained until they're basically the same

There's some shitty balancing in it but that's a minor complaint.

Ammo was just punishing, it wasn't fun it was just "gotta go waste a bunch of gold on shit other classes don't need to"

But you get pets, summons, soulstones,healthstones and a few neat spells in return. I played vanilla wow too. The hassle wasn't that off-putting

For me thing big thing was Black Lotus. One hour respawns for such an important herb... just ridiculous. I liked how they did future Lotus spawns, by having them be a random chance from high-level herbs.

Aside from that my only other real gripe would be poor itemization, but on the flip side of that, I really enjoy the fact that sometimes the best gear wasn't always from the "top" raid, and there was incentive to keep your older items and to run older content to get people what they needed. Like running Molten Core to get bindings, or BWL to get Rejuv Gem/DFT.

But yeah, in terms of bad design, Lotus was definitely my biggest annoyance, and the way they fixed it subsequently was absolutely perfect.

I feel like the game was fun during vanilla mostly because nobody was good at it. These balance problems didn't matter all that much for the most part, becuase most people didn't know what they were doing. And looking up metas on a wiki wasn't really a thing.

Metas and optimal play takes too much of the fun out of multiplayer games...

this is the kind of whining that made modern wow so boring. congrats I guess

>this is part of what made warlocks unique
>Modern WoW sucks
We can be unique without it being cumbersome. I very much enjoyed playing Warlock in Pandaland.

exactly, Shammys had to do totem quests then carry those four totems for the rest of their fucking lives. Every class had something annoying about them, instead of just being good at fucking everything with no drawbacks like modern wow. These are the things that make them CLASSES

Fuck off, it didn't add anything to the game but annoyance for anyone that had the sheer audacity to pick that class. There wasn't any payoff either it was just "you get to be poorer than everyone else, enjoy your stay"

meta is a naturally occuring thing, you can't stop it, the problem is more that everyone goes and researches what a small fraction of the player base defines as the meta.

Because other classes didn't need to buy reagents for things hunters didn't need? Are you retarded?

>you can't stop it
Yeah and it makes me kinda sad. Guess some things just had to be sacrificed for all the wonders of modern and fast internet

It's not a sad thing at all, when people play the same game more than once they'll start to form a specific way of playing that matches or fights the common ways of playing, this is a good thing because it adds extra layers of strategy and mind games.

Everything people are bitching about is exactly the masochistic playstyle i want and it got my hyped reading this thread for Elysium PVP in Dec

classes had different strengths and weaknesses in vanilla. If you want all the weaknesses gone for all classes, go play retail WoW, you'll probably enjoy it

Vanilla is a garbage game because of its atrocious class balance.

Every hybrid cornholed into healer only. Fuck that.
Warriors the only viable tanks. Fuck that.
Rogues and Warlocks stupidly overpowered. Fuck that.

Wake me up when custom patches are released that let Ret, Prot (Paladin), Balance, Feral, Enhancement, Elemental and Shadow are viable, and rogues and warlocks are nerfed.

Then I'll consider it.

Some classes only had all weaknesses though.

Hybrid classes in Vanilla were a fucking joke. Especially Druids who are hands down by far the worst class in the game.

>Hey Druid, you're only roughly 60% as good as any single other class. Enjoy never being raid viable or PVP viable unless you're some fucking super autistic elite player.

>Every hybrid cornholed into healer only. Fuck that.
>Warriors the only viable tanks. Fuck that.
>Rogues and Warlocks stupidly overpowered. Fuck that.

everyone complains that THEIR class is underpowered. Druids can go invisible and be cats and heal. Sounds pretty OP to me.

Everytime I've floated this I've had Vanillafags act like I just fucked then murdered a small child in front of them.

The thing is, this isn't even that fucking hard, Just backdate the best changes Blizzard did in BC/Wrath to Vanilla.

We know when Druids, Shamans and Paladins became viable and fun classes to play at end game, so just take those patch changes and backdate them to Vanilla.

Not fucking hard.

Until you realize that they healed for fuck all compared to a priest or paladin (even though paladins should not be healers), their invis was shit because they had no talents to increase their stealth level like rogues did, they did absolutely fucking zero dps as cats, had zero tanking gear as bears, and they were the number one most mana inefficent healers in all of vanilla

I played a Paladin and I KNOW what its like to have a broken class, but fuck me, Druids had it even worse than I did, and I flat out refused to play holy and was Ret the entire time.

I guess I should clarify what I meant. The thing I find sad is not metas themselves, but the whole "look up the current meta on the web and play exactly like it because you will lose otherwise"-thing.

But yeah, I know it's a stupid thing to feel sad about and it's not like there aren't loads of good things about the way things are now. I just feel like there was a different mentality around multiplayer games before that I am starting to miss.

So if a NE transforms into a c@ and get shagged by her c@ mount, can she get pregnant?

Druids were literally complete and utter shit until Wrath essentially. They do only 50-60% of their respective classes.

Cat form is a super gimped Rogue.
Boomkin form is a super gimped Mage.
Bear form is a super gimped Tank
Resto is a super gimped Healer.

Why in fuck would you take a Druid on a raid when literally any class can do the Druids role with 40/50% more efficiency?

The different mentality was mostly just because it was a pain to get mp running at all, even back in the day broodwar had that shit because you could play games easily and people played a lot.

the problem is, one class that can easily swap between DPS, tank or heal seems equally unbalanced compared to all the single role classes out there

I don't think making some classes into superheroes is the right solution

That's because vanillafags are utter fucking retards, mindlessly worshipping upon the altar of """"blizzlike"""", as if Blizzard was some divine gift unto the world and could do no wrong when they made vanilla, and they try to put down servers who make the effort to fix things by calling them 'funservers' as though EVERY server isn't a 'for fun' server.

Fucking vanilla faggots.

you need one to push innervate every now and then.

At least I think that was it.

>hat though are the worst things about Vanilla WoW?


Anyone who says it was fun after the first time is lying. I'd rather just be 60 so I can start playing the game.

going to assume this isn't bait, but consumables were amazing and I wish they focused more on class distinctions.

Rogues having to farm herb bullshit, ammo, shards, mage portal reagents, etc were all great shit.

the game ends at 60, why would you want to skip the entire game?


If custom patches were implemented that let Ret be viable, and I showed up to a raid as Ret, AS DPS, and a tank left or could not come, I would have to drop a significant amount of gold to respec, ASSUMING I HAD GEAR FOR TANKING BECAUSE GEAR MATTERS.

You are utterly fucking retarded. Just because Ret, Balance, Shadow WHATEVER is viable DOESN'T MEAN THEY CAN DO IT ALL AT ONCE.

Great question. I feel like the answer would be no since it would not survive the transformation. But then again, going by that logic, what would happen if she's pregnant from another night elf and she transforms...?

Each raid had 2-3 for Innervate/battle res. They weren't actually bad at healing.

50 gold seems trivial. Way easier than having to level up a new character like the other classes have to do

If you had ever actually played vanilla you would know the fallacy of that statement since in vanilla:
A. Paladins don't run out of mana
B. Paladins can sit outside of combat and resurrect raid members during fights
Druids were broken as fuck in vanilla and had literally nothing going for them.

I am convinced that the only people who liked vanilla were rogue and warlock players, of which there are a fuckton (due to them being the only classes that were not complete shit).

the answer is that only male nelfs can even be druids in canon

at least before they retconned the shit out of that

Rogues always just bought the shit for their poisons didn't they? The only herb they needed was Swiftthistle for Thistle Tea.

The solution for Hybrids was to have them specialize in things that other classes didn't have.

Cats should have never been a gimped Rogue, they should have been a DPS build that acted completely different from Rogues.

Restro should not have been a literal shit tier Priest, but a Healer that focused on powerful HoT's.

Boom should not have been a shitty mage, but should have focused on Nature damage. etc etc

The problem with Vanilla hybrids is that they are not specialized, they are just the shit tier versions of the main classes.

Oh yeah I forgot about that

>the game ends at 60

Why do people make statements like this about games they've clearly never played?

Poor class balance
Poorer spec balance

That's honestly all I can think of. Bosses and raids were good, but would get better in later expansions, and worse in even later expansions.
Beyond that, little nitpicks served to make the game a bit more challenging, or at least less immediately gratifying, and forced the community to rely on each other to get things done.

Do they even still have summoning stones at dungeons? If so, why?

They could also clutch tank bosses until they inevitably ate a crushing blow.

They were also the only other viable potential main tank in all of TBC, only being unable to MT Illidan due to saberlash crushes and not being able to push crit off the table, and the preferred MT to tank Arch due to tremendous health pools allowing them to eat several crushes back to back without flinching.

Feral DPS was highly competitive as well with an arms warrior putting up the 4% raidwide damage increase on the boss so the Feral didn't have to mangle.

But hey I actually played the game unlike most of the unwashed shitters in this thread.

I thought Warlocks were really bad as well

Mages and Warriors made up a very sizable portion of Vanilla population. As did Paladins as I'm sure many new WoW players came from War3/Diablo 2 and digged Paladins.

Never having played vanilla confirmed.

50 gold for a respec is an insane amount and was put there exactly to prevent on the fly switching.

Let me put this in perspective for your never-having-played-vanilla ass: When you made your first character, you better HOPE that you were smart enough to sell every single thing that wasn't a gear upgrade that you picked up, and not buy ANYTHING off the AH or you would not have a single hope of having enough gold to afford your 60% mount at level 40, which was 100 gold.

And unless you played a mage, you would NOT have that kind of gold for just fucking respecs.

The only reason mages had basically unlimited money was because they could aoe farm dire maul.

50 gold is only trivial in Retail, where WoW tokens cost 45k in US servers.

You had to buy ammo because as a Hunter you should rarely need to worry about repair costs.

You should also be Engi so you can feign death + defib you useless fuck.

WoW Canon?

>Night Elves as part of the Alliance instead of t Their own Faction.
>Forsaken as part of the Horde instead of their own faction.
>Blood Elves as part of the Horde instead of Alliance. In fact, BE's being anywhere near the fucking Forsaken.

None of that shit made any fucking sense.

Balance's problem before Wrath was that it got mana back from fucking melee attacks instead of spell crits.

>Mounts at 40. Should be 25-30.

>Epic Mounts being ridiculously priced.
Yeah and?

>Mounts take up bag space.
So carry the one you use with you.

HoTs in general had really good spellpower scaling.
Plus Druids got the best version of Aitesh if you managed to get your hands on it, free Mp5 for the whole raid.

Holy shit go fuck yourself

Warlocks were only bad because people made them into the Elements and Soulstone bitch, once raid leaders stopped being fucking stupid and let them put up Shadows, SM/Ruin was top spec with rogues and mages.

That's balanced though, since you're a ranged class. You have the benefit of being 40 fucking yards away from whatever you're hitting.

I do think that they should have been cheaper or not taken up bag space though.

TBC brought major buffs to Druids in Patches 2.0.1 - 2.0.3.

>Stacking Mangle in early TBC

Orgasm inducing.

>As did Paladins as I'm sure many new WoW players came from War3/Diablo 2 and digged Paladins.

It must have been a real bummer when it slowly dawned on pally players that they were the faggot class.

They are talking about vanilla idiot.

Warlocks were stupid overpowered. Fear had no diminishing return for a LONG TIME, meaning a warlock could LITERALLY permanently CC you while you died, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it unless you were a Paladin and bubble-hearthed. And you couldn't just bubble and attack the warlock because HEY LOOK, THEY HAVE A PSUEDO BUBBLE VIA SACRIFICING THEIR SHITTY VOIDWALKER THAT THEY CAN RESUMMON BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE AN INTERRUPT, YOU KNOW THAT THING THAT EVERY SINGLE OTHER MELEE CLASS IN THE GAME HAS?

Don't even get me fucking started on undead warlocks (all horde warlocks and rogues were undead) because they could break other warlocks fears via their stupid racial and then counter fear them.

In fact, all the horde racials were insanely overpowered.

But of course, if you take the average retarded vanillafag, sit him down and talk to him about the broken classes, the missing abilities, the ridiculously unbiased horde-favored PvP, he will immediately cry BUT ALLIANCE WAS BETTER FOR PVE!

Except Alliance WASN'T. The ONLY thing alliance had that horde didn't was dwarf fear ward for priests, which OH HEY UNDEAD RACE TO THE RESCUE I GUESS THEY DID HAVE A WAY TO STOP FEAR TOO.

The development team played exclusively horde, and exclusively rogue, warlock, and warrior. Not a single developer in vanilla played a druid, paladin, shaman, or priest.

Well Alliance is the faggot faction so it's only fitting


lmao, no.

What you used soul shards for back then compared to current wow, not having stackable soulshards and needing a bag for them is a price im willing to pay all over again.

But i liked having a dedicated bag for shards and farming it up until it was full. I merely gave my warlock the biggest bags in the game to compensate for basically being 1 bag short.

Now that shards are tied into moves like rain of fire, unstable affliction, and the shitshow that is demonology, fuck that noise. Cant cast what i want becauae they had to somehow tie shards in and make them a gimmick that is tedious as fuck.

>A. Paladins don't run out of mana

Maybe in Naxx gear. Innervate can also be cast on other classes, you know.

>B. Paladins can sit outside of combat and resurrect raid members during fights

So what? Even if someone would sacrifice raid spots to do just that, Innervate is still a big boon.

But fine, lets assume that they were indeed as garbage as you claim they were. Now go look up and count all the druids. You'll see they have decent representation even in private servers, where many people apply literal years of theorycrafting to min-max as hard as you can. You can switch the list for Kronos to check AQ40, btw.

If you don't wanna do that, top 5 raids from that list had between 2 and 5 druids each.

metzen mained mage from what I remember, which was a running joke for a long time because mage has never been in a bad spot from vanilla to cata (which is when I stopped so they might have been shit after that)

>Congratulations! Blizzard finally caved in and are going to release a Vanilla server!
>However there's one catch. You have to take one feature from every expansion and that will be added to the Vanilla server.
>You have to add something from every expansion or you're doomed to never get loot from any raids.

What do you add?

>Many specs were unviable and some only required one per raid (Prime example in terms of tanks only Warrior was viable)
>Debuff limits on enemies
>Gearing up was a nightmare
>Leveling was dull as shit and many classes had at best one button to press while leveling, some had none for the most part of it (Enhancement shaman)
>Some parts of leveling was pure grind because not enough quests
>Having to buy arrows all the damn time, having to farm soul shards
>Respec cost 50g after a few times
>40 man raids were a mistake overall because it made country specific raiding guilds hard to form and keep up

Based on the responses in this thread, Would a properly balanced vanilla server be even better then? How about adding custom content as well? More progression after aq, without added levels or maybe just a tighter leveling experience that doesn't just throw you back into questing and have you throw away all your raid gear.

I along with many other Paladins actually loved the class and enjoyed being unbeatable in 1v1 duels, unkillable in world pvp and being a major pain in the ass to horde when they realized that Warrior they just tried to gank has an immortal healer watching their back ;) I also really liked having a guaranteed raid spot.

>t. 2005 Paladin that enjoyed having the same benefits as the tanks ie dictating which bitch boy dps can/can't come to a raid

I wish there was a decent TBC server. Most fun I had with the game.

I can tell you've posted a lot on the official wow forums in your time, holy shit I've not seen this much class whining in a while, it really takes me back

the idea is to play the lvling content as if it was endgame content. the mindset that everything that matters before 60 is to get closer to 60 is the reason you fuckers dislike lvling.
people run the same dungeon multiple times to get that item they really want even if it's only on lvl 30. you can group up for elite quests or general lvling together not because it gives you more exp but because it makes it more enjoyable.

vanilla was the best part of wow because people didn't solely focus on getting ahead and finishing it but on playing it instead.

>Maybe in Naxx gear.

Nah, x2 Mindtap Talisman plus a few other choice +mp5 pieces and downranked healing you should rarely go OOM.

>heroics from tbc
>earlier access to mounts from wotlk
>never played cata-wod
>the professions system from legion

TBC: Shamans and Paladins
Wrath: Dual Spec
Cataclysm: RBGs
Mists: Scenarios
WoD: Selfie Cam
Legion: World quests


Having a mount at 30 or even 35 would be a tremendous decrease in time spent running around, which you will, even if you know exactly where to go and when. Unfortunately they'd need to adjust quest/drop rewards accordingly for the players to be able to buy them, which would upset the balance.

I'm gonna skip trading gold from your 60s to your alt and buying gold from illegal sites, that's another issue altogether.

Sacrifice isn't an invincibility bubble, it absorbs a set amount of damage like Power Word: Shield

And don't paladins have, you know, a stun? Hammer of Justice was pretty nice.

>In fact, all the horde racials were insanely overpowered.
What? Fuck no. Orc's Stun resist and Humans getting fucking 5% extra rep and spirit are the only racials I'd call OP. Humans got better weapon specializations than anything Horde side too.

Undead can only cancel fear on themselves retard. Horde had Shamans and their Tremor Totem for canceling Fear.

>but on playing it instead.

Which is why leveling is shit, you don't get to start playing the real game until you hit 60.

From BC: Contestable towns
From WotLK: Glyphs, though I'd be fine with including only the frivolous ones
From Cata: Goblins and Worgen (they provide good flavor and rocket jump is fun)

I haven't played past Cata.

>Warlocks were stupid overpowered. Fear had no diminishing return for a LONG TIME, meaning a warlock could LITERALLY permanently CC you while you died,

Fucking this, especially bad around 1.4.

Warlocks and Rogues for most of Vanilla were literally unstoppable killing machines. Undead Warlocks were basically unkillable. As soon as you saw one you were just locked in fear.

BC: /console pitchlimit -40
wrath: pally taunt (that was wrath right?)
cata: uhhhhh transmog I guess???
MoP: AoE looting

I didnt play anything after so I dont know

at 60 vanilla is terrible, why would you want to rush there?

BWL gear, generally.

Also those servers all have bugs and glitches that developers intentional leave in to allow hybrid classes be viable. They can't announce changes or the vanillafags will go nuts ont hem, so they do this instead. How do I know this? I used to be on the dev team for a private WoW server.


In Nostalrius, there was a bug regarding Seal of the Crusader. For those who do not know, in real Blizzard vanilla, Seal of the Crusader increased your attack speed by 40%, and your attack power 474, but it reduced the damage you dealt with each swing. It also had a judgement to increase holy damage taken by the target, but given vanillas limited debuff slots it was almost never used outside some REALLY gimmicky builds involving 6 paladins casting 6 different ranks and using smite priests, consecrate, and seal of command to do stupid DPS. But I digress.

In Nost version, the skill was bugged to give the attack speed increase, the attack power increase, but it did not reduce damage done on each hit. This single-handedly let Ret be viable (albeit you did nothing but autoattack and consecrate). With a good two handed weapon like Bonereavers Edge off Ragnaros, you could rogue and fury warrior levels of DPS in BWL. I could never test it in Naxx since Naxx didn't come out before Nost died.

The thing is, the Nost devs intentionally left the bug in to let Ret be viable.

Vanilla was great for its time, but it aged like milk.
Nothing would make me want to go back.

> before 60 is to get closer to 60 is the reason you fuckers dislike lvling.

Like hell. It's because it was lacking in amount of quests to actually carry you to the next zone (not to mention traveling to the next zone could be hell) and most classes having barely anything to do while leveling (as in, skills to use)

> not because it gives you more exp but because it makes it more enjoyable.
No it doesn't. Rat's ass quests didn't have drops for everyone and instead you shared the same drops so it took longer to finish

It would.

People would go ballistic though. People bitched endlessly about Kronos having 5 gold respec cap so you could switch between being PVP and PVE viable easier when it's literally one of the best changes to Vanilla i've ever seen.

I'd go dagger/shield on my enhancement shaman and run them oom all the time, because they had to heal far more often.

I'm just REALLY fucking salty about how Ret and Prot were shat on and ignored for 4 fucking years. I'll never forgive Blizzard for that bullshit.

And yes I did whine a LOT during the vanilla and BC days on their forums.

In particular, BE having Seal of Blood and Alliance having no equivalent was tremendous horse shit, and showed even more blatant horde bias.

What are cata RBGs? Also, I'd replace either mists and WoD with better itemization

The fact that anything other than local chat existed.

Would have made the world and people more connected had you been forced to actually move your sorry ass to meeting stones and taverns to group up rather than just yelling.

>Many specs were unviable and some only required one per raid (Prime example in terms of tanks only Warrior was viable)
you definitely needed more than one tank in most raids
>Debuff limits on enemies
that's just a game mechanic, I dont particularly see it as a bad thing with vanilla's later 16 slots (8 was def fucked up tho)
>Gearing up was a nightmare
not really
>Leveling was dull as shit and many classes had at best one button to press while leveling, some had none for the most part of it (Enhancement shaman)
enh is the first thing you think of for "one button while leveling"?
>Some parts of leveling was pure grind because not enough quests
you can literally never have to grind if you quest right
>Having to buy arrows all the damn time, having to farm soul shards
no shit about arrows, and shards were used for fairly baller things
>Respec cost 50g after a few times
so dont respec a whole lot, retard
>40 man raids were a mistake overall because it made country specific raiding guilds hard to form and keep up
why would you even want a country specific raiding guild, as long as everyone speaks the language who the fuck cares

>I'm just REALLY fucking salty about how Ret and Prot were shat on and ignored for 4 fucking years. I'll never forgive Blizzard for that bullshit.
Prot was popular in TBC though. Even Ret wasn't that bad.

I don't see any paladins in our raids with that. I was thinking Naxx gear due to all the spell crit/illumination combo.

To be honest, we should clarify whether we're talking about the original game back then, when people where clueless, or contemporary private servers, where people abuse the fuck out of consumables. I don't see healers going oom ever unless there's been some massive mistake and half the raid dies.

That's an issue with Ret (which I personally welcome, I would love to see more hybrids do dps). However we're talking about druids right now and I haven't heard of any bug that made them unreasonably good at either tanking/dpsing/healing.

Also that bug was very well known, you're gonna have to try harder than that before I believe you were indeed a dev for a private server. You better not be shitting me with the "Kronos has undervalued armour" meme, the one that absolutely NOBODY ever provided proof for.

>you can literally never have to grind if you quest right
And do dungeons