Have you bought her new game yet?
Have you bought her new game yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
what game retard
CCC when?
My dick is telling me I probably should.
She almost remidns me of Audrey
So yeah
this is now a Mordred thread
I love anime tiddies
not smug enough for me
how about tomboys in armor?
how about you take you gay ass back to tumblr
still love them
nah, I'm good
thanks for looking out for me though
tell me what game is this so i can buy it
do i have to play anything before so i dont get all confused with the story?
>generic anime girl
I think so
it's the third game in this particular Fate series after Extra and CCC, as far as I can tell, so I think you have to play those games to know what's going on in that particular universe
Every anime girl is generic to you fuck off
Nasu shills pls go.
Of course I bought Tamamo's new game.
Only the Vita version, though. No sense wasting money on one that I can't play.
If it doesn't have a PC port I won't even bother looking it up so don't mention it.
Well, I'm buying Red Man and Spear Man's game.
No brown Mordred, no buy
>caring about worst saber
Why is her name Nero when she's not black.
You are thinking Kuro, the japanese word for black.
No, because I don't like having someone shit on my forehead.
best girl
>Why is her name Nero when she's not black.
Nero is Italian for black you dips.
Is Fate/Extella a fun beat'em up game ?
People barely talk about this game here.
>Japanese game
>Roman character
>"Why isn't it italian?"
>buying a porn game
It literally has a thread up every time I come here
Well a fate thread in any case
Illya best girl.
Saber a shit.
You wouldn't a Kuro
>Nero is Italian for black
Luigi go back to bed.
>implying I wouldn't
How else is she going to get her mana?
>How else is she going to get her mana?
From herself, of course
Is Kuro in Fate Extella? Are there loli characters?
But then where is Illya getting HER mana from?
Clearly you haven't thought this one out fully.
But don't worry about it. I'm willing to make the sacrifice.
No and no
>But then where is Illya getting HER mana from?
She a battery
>triggered permavirgins
Idk I'm poor pc can't run
>I'd salt her battery.
If you know what I mean.
I did, preordered even
And now I regret it
Altera's route was the only thing that wasn't completely shit
CCC >>>>>>> Extra > Extella
I would a kuro
Googled some gameplay
Looks like a boring as fuck musou with fanservice for fate lovers huh.
No you wouldn't
I would
>Looks like a boring as fuck musou with fanservice for fate lovers
Dude fuck you. I don't go into your threads and shit on the games you like. Why do you do it to me?
I would too. Hard.
Even if I didn't, she would.
If that's what it takes, sure.
I'm waiting for translated version. Fuck going through moon runes in dialog heavy games, my kanji knowledge isn't good enough yet.
It's exactly what it is though, I say that as someone who bought and played the game
Naaah, you wouldn't
>implying now knowing what weebshit you're talking about means he's a newfag
I would. I so would. I double would.
Only if it is anal.
I still have standards, after all.
Why wouldn't you fuck her right in the pussy? Plus her mouth is still good, right?
>Why wouldn't you fuck her right in the pussy?
My life is too busy to take responsibility.
>Plus her mouth is still good, right?
But I kiss her there!
Probably at least Fate/Extra. It's for PSP so you can just emulate it. The combat is dull but it will give you a good idea if this setting is something you will enjoy.
Who said anything about taking responsibility?
>There will never be a Fate/Extella Empires
you mean i´d pay real money to fap to 2d girls when i can just go online for that anytime for free?
Extella is worst musou compared to any other modern musou and even 2003 musou. It's shitty Vita port. Amd story is litteraly what the fuck is this shit?
>you unloking costumes
>you buying DLC for costumes
Bad thing: it's sells liek hot cakes in japan.
Good thing: peopel call it kusoge
That's just my personality.
I've heard that as far as playable characters goes, the gameplay is good. Is that true
Shit tier fanservice game
Fate/Stay night was the only thing in this series worth a damn
She is clearly for pumping and dumping.
>Hollow Ataraxia
>Zero though it's overrated by retarded secondaries
>Extra was decent, CCC was good
>Strange Fake
>GO is entertaining if you're not a filthy whale
I've gotten my time's worth out of the franchise. Only legitimate shit was Apocrypha and Fragments
I would in every possible way
No because she is a whore.
>Implying you can get a servant preggers
Literally a succubus
Nero is pretty much the best girl. I mean, what's not to like?
Her ability to be an effective emperor is great. She's cute too. Everyone agrees, she has great ability. So there's no problem with her ability and cuteness, believe me. Did I mention she's cute? It's fantastic, unreal. She has so much cute you wouldn't believe! So much cute! People tell me her cuteness is better than anything they've ever seen, anything!
And that's not just me saying this, many, many people are saying this, they're saying this cute girl - wow, cute - there's so much cute, there's going to be so much cute that they'll get tired of THE CUTENESS OF THE GOD EMPEROR HERSELF, they'll say, this cute she has, there's too much we can't stand it! She's a blessing to the entire fucking Empire!
Video related
>Generic anime tit slut #2523
I don't touch that kind of waste.
All characters play same for 60% of game. Did you even seen modern musou? They have 30+ characters compared to Extella
>GO is entertaining if you're not a filthy whale
GO ruined everything. Nasuverse turns into 200% clownery
I'm going to try my absolute hardest in the name of science.
That Valkyrie armor is pretty rad looking desu.
Delete your post.
It's not, people who think the gameplay is good probably never played a Musou
It has worse gameplay than early 2000's ps2 Musou to give you an idea.
And the 3D models look worse than CCC which was a PSP game
>GO ruined everything. Nasuverse turns into 200% clownery
Have you not read the Oceanus order? Or London, America, or Camelot?
>Implying you can get a servant preggers
Well then, I guess that would be my grail wish assuming I'm with a servant who's personality is any good.
No. I don't even interested in GO story anymore. Premese is worse than "fighting game" story when you just write some mambo jambo just to add more playable characters from different titles. You know, they will add Tsukihime characters after Tsuki Remake in F/GO for sure
So you're complaining about things you haven't read?
isn't this supposed to be an all-ages show
Yuri is the purest form of love, it's fine
No. I only support the purest not Saber and we all know who that is.
They're just transferring mana !
It's not lewd !
yuri is just so pure.
Perhaps, but it's still something other games are not: a new Fate series game with Fate waifus.
Of course I'm going to buy it and of course I'm going to enjoy it, more so than other 9/10 and 10/10 games with settings and characters I don't care about.
>Tsukihime remake
>implying FGO will be around in 2091