This is Primarina-chan. Say something nice to her

This is Primarina-chan. Say something nice to her.

I wanna diaper him

how do you know its a her? this gay ass game actually says it could be a male.

Mine's a her

This 'Say something nice to her' shit needs to go asap, this is new e-celebs.

Worst starter Pokémon design.

>Tfw stoke his cock every night

The cat is worse

I wanna fuck her.

>"do i fit in yet, vee?"

I want to suck her cock.

The fucks the point of sparkling Aria? It does to much damage to warrant using as a burn counter.


What went so horribly wrong with humanity?

I want one of these so I can give it tender loving care every day.

You were born.

fuck you

it's the shittiest of the signature moves, itshould have gotten rid of any ailment period and did double damage when removing them, then Prima wouldn't be NU bait


Ironically the starters have better special the shitter they are. Owls by far the worst of the starters but his signature is pretty good.

thats only if you're straight and not into bara fags who like wrestling.

Spirit Shackle is complete garbage, it's too slow to actually trap anything without having to gamble on prediction