EDF thread? Anyone still play? What platforms?

EDF thread? Anyone still play? What platforms?

Currently playing through coop with wing diver and raider on hardest with about 3k armour each. Some of these missions man. Sometimes you can cruise through inferno and some missions on hardest are a nightmare. Monster party has so many dragons swooping at once I cannot see the screen for 10+ seconds at a time.

pretty hype for 5 even though it will probably be the exact same game with a few reskins. Is anyone still



to save our mother earth from any alien threat

aaa i messed it up
but i like edf op
i play on pc sometimes, though im poor so i pirated it and used steam emulator to play online

Bought it about a week ago on PS4. It's fun as hell. Doing hard with ranger at 1.5k armor and done some hard on wingdiver at about 350 armor.

Also, is air raider viable in single player at any point?

ya blew it. I haven't even played online yet since it is apparently a whole separate progression system.

yea. there isnt a limit on gear in single player and the progress from sp doesnt carry over i dont think

Definitely. AR just has awful low level kit. He has a really good range of things to use. Awesome crowd control with auto turrets, insanely powerful airstrike and satellite death beams and support items. the limpet and splendor guns are not even necessary really. it's just like playing with a gimped version of a ranger.

I wouldn't mind trying to complete it all on inferno, I just hate having to grind for armour. You need at least 8k armour on each class, at the very least. Probably 15k would be safer. Farming up each class means that's 50K+ crates of armour. Ridiculous, you can only get about 800 an hour using the best farming method. \

Yeah and the multiplier on enemy health. Trying to take down argo, of the bees nest on inferno with 3x as much health as normal. must be brutal.

wing diver is pretty easy solo

Not really, the only thing that doesn't carry over between sp and milti is the missions you have unlocked.

If you're just fucking around / building armor there's no reason not to play multiplayer.

what, taking down the nest?

I did it with AR, put down turrets, using the satellite to blow the nest to pieces then jumped in the multi lockon rocket launcher tank to fend of the giant insects.

just in general
i didnt get that far into the game

oh k , wing diver has really good burst damage but is pretty fragile and if you don't manage her properly is a sitting duck.

Is Insect Armageddon worth a play if I've already played 2055 & the Ps2 game? Do people still play it online on PS3?

No insect armageddon is fucking trash

Buy 4.1 on steam

actually, i mostly used guns that have their own big energy pool, like the lightning gun
so when you have two of them, you can fly around safer, then when the ammo gets low, you just switch without reloading so it doesnt drain your energy pool

I haven't played it, but I'm pretty sure the online is completely dead, if not shutdown. it's short compared to the others and dirt cheap so you can't really go wring though. local coop would still work.

No, 4.1 is the same exact game as 2055.

people still played online even on a pirated service couple of months ago

yeah either way it's not a "real" edf apparently, it was made by different people and they took different design choices. no reason not to get 4.1 new hotness.

eh? weren't you talking about 4.1?

>Sir? Why is there a soldier wearing a cleavage exposed corset armor? Shouldn't we get her something more protective, especially the legs considering the jetpack?
>Do you want to be reprimanded for sexism? Women can choose to wear what she wants

I mean no reason to play the old shitty IA rather than 4.1 which is still pretty new and with an active online playerbase.

terrible webm incoming


post the spider one, you know what it is

>didn't even kill the shieldbot

>ass pats
>go git 'im

5 actually looks decent, it has a few new things at least. teleportation anchors, giant pepes, giant ayylmaos. I feel like they made the enemies meme related on purpose.


>play air raider
>get grabbed by red ant
>empty entire limpet gun clip into it
>I die from the limpet damage
>the ant does not

limpet guns suck. it's fun using really high level ones on normal/hard though.