Why did they change Sora's look to a /lgbt/ tranny faggot?
To reflect the players.
>implying anything changed
Because seeing KH3 is going to try and appeal to the Frozen and Big Hero 6 kiddies, tweens, and teenagers, might as well make Sora look like a generic scene kid.
Despite the plot and themes being WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too complex for the kiddies to understand.
>MFW I actually want KH3's plot do be even more of a convoluted clusterfuck and focus on the OC material just to fuck with the kiddies and morons who only played 1 and 2.
Am I doing this right, senpai?
Haha its that Sup Forums frog! xDD
his new outfit is better
you need to lose more weight
It looks way better in motion when you're actually playing the game but it's fucking goofy during close ups and cutscenes.
Either way we're most likely getting a new render in January to meme about.
looks the same all throughout to me
And you liked the old one better? They both pretty much the same, tho now you are tainted by dumb Sup Forums memes and you can't have your own opinion like the retard you are.
It's bad to be a retard, but being a hyprocrite retard is just too much.
It's supposed to be the final game in the Xehanort saga so that might actually happen.
you (you)
Everything about Sora's design in 3 is worse compared to 2. Even if there is maybe one good change, it still doesn't make up for the fact the rest is shit.
i like the increase of polygons in hs new outfit
This outfit looks fucking ridiculous, and I know that, but fuck if the autistic ten year old in me doesn't love it. I remember being so excited when he was finally allowed to ditch the Mickey jumpsuit in KH2.
The KH2 outfit's so iconic to me at this point that it feels sacrilegious to change it. I can't picture Gordan Freeman outside of the HEV suit, I can't picture Eizo Auditore outside of his outfit either. Sora falls into the same category for me at this point.
I think he looks qt de-su~
>"Yes hello I am here to milk your cock"
Apparently Nomura himself was contemplating on if he should change it or not. He liked the design a lot and knew fans did too. But in the end he said he did change it because it is a "new chapter of Sora's story", or something like that.
I could maybe grow to like the new KH3 costume. But Sora's face and hair are fucked up. They somehow made him look younger.
it's mainly just his face, that makes him look like a fag/dyke
the head looks wrong
There we go. Much better.
Nope the clothes are degenerate faggy too
>v neckline like a woman
>wide hips
>lumberjack shirt
>faggy long gloves
>greasy hair
>holds the keyblade
How the fuck could they fuck up this bad
>still looks like a tranny sjw in clothes that bough his mom for him
They fucked up the hair more than anything. They gave him a Wolverine haircut and have missed out some longer strands on top. It looks shit and triggers my autism after 11 years of Sora having pretty much the same hairstyle.