Patch 20.17 arriving in a little more than a month. I know details havent been released yet...

Patch 20.17 arriving in a little more than a month. I know details havent been released yet, but what do you think/hope will be happening?

current patch is a bit wild, so many happening during it.

Liberalism strategy might go out of the meta if there aren't any buffs, quite a bit of people are trying other kinds of strats.

It is still uncertain about the American and Russian factions teaming up, Europe faction should beware.

Don't really care. The developers forgot about the Latin American races a long time ago. Everything will be the same as always.

Swear to god if they leave that bug that keeps increasing the global temperature a bit every year untouched for ANOTHER patch I'm gonna flip a fucking tit.

Not a glitch bro. People asked for more player control over the environment so they patched out caves in the beta.

They tried to reverse the warming effect with the Gengis Khan event but it was pretty minor and the event was really unpopular with everyone outside the Mongol faction.

Can't wait for the MAGA expansion in America. Going to be great. The Liberals are already crying on the forums.

They should bring back the gradual growth of the wisdom stat as an individual unit matures. Removing it has led to a vast explosion of literal adult retards in the world's population

>tfw you just want to go tall nationalist and have a comfy game, but tryhard liberals always ruin it for you
will 20.17 change anything lads?

No. If you are stupid enough to use -1 wis and -1 int food and training, you deserve to be that dumb. I don't want to casualize intellect. What the fuck you think this is

>inb4 no mandatory gfs

I really feel like doing a playthrough in the American faction right now, sadly I can't transfer my Mexican account there anymore

At least you guys get a new territory to play with: The Wall. Hear it's going to have new mobs for you.

Hello fellow redditors!

Please go to reddit /outside to further indulge yourselves in this funny "real life is a game" joke that reddit invented!

See you guys there! xDD

I swear that economy fix will never happen. Instead we'll get more cancer

user i can be your girlfriend (male) if you want.

Change the trading and money system, it's a randomized piece of shit.
The AI is broken, give us new a map to play in, fucking waiting for the moon dlc for decades and now there's a rumored mars dlc in the works?

Eric, simply eric

Still no hotfix for deer glitching into roads

lebin, libly lebin

literally this

EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger!!! xDDDD

Fiat currency patch was a mistake.

I hope they retcon the SocJus expansion.

I get a lot of people really like the PvP but all the systems it introduced are bullshit and make every single log-in frustrating.

At least the new President event will go live in America, that might make things interesting.

I really hate that Syria faction gotten the refugee class.

Nerfs to that piece of shit baby mode class when?

>everything I don't like is reddit

where did he say this exactly, user?

First sentence

heres your (you)

This! Source: Am Redditor. Anyhow, I hope GIANT METEOR becomes president instead of Drumpf. Am I right?


Wow! Thanks for the gold kind stranger.


Wow guys! So many upvotes. Keep em coming!

Let's hope we finally get a world event with fights
Tired of maxing strength and shit just to sit around doing nothing. When are we going to fight sand niggers or Russians?

EM drive "glitch" will be confirmed to be a feature.
Fags who put skill points into physics will delete their characters.