Mirror Thread

Who would win in a fight?

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Harr rraH has two wands and an entire forehead

ez win

Are you kidding me?

rettoP Potter is fucking built as shit. He could shape mountains with those fists.

Get fucked

rettoP v Potter is way stronger and has a shell on his back, it's no contest

retto v Potter also can fly, apparently, and has a shield, no magic can penetrate a shield

glad someone here has some common sense...


i think he's just standing on his ginormous dick. rettop wins no doubt about it.

Harr rraH got two wands but looks like a fuckboi
rettoP Potter has no wands but is built like a brick shithouse and has a dick as long as his body with two heads

You tell me who the winner is here

L.A.M.A.L is a scrawny little shrimp.
ERIOlOIRE is fucking jacked, could probably soak up a few bullets before going down, too.


But who wins here?

HarrxllGH has two wands, but lettoq Potter has the deathly hallows. It's a tough call.

DOUBLE ELBUOD got hella hoes. EZ win


and apparently, the homie got some weird man pussy. seriously, look at that shit.

bonus points for lgbt representation



this one is way too close to call.

Whoever gets the first shot.

Divine Cyhyc has two submachineguns, and two more eye slits for more visibility, clearly the winner

Left E.Y.E has the power of the church on his side, ez win

L.A.M.A.L Has TWO guns. Nigga probably nible as fuck as well, no contest.

Warraw vs Dae-head

Who wins?

Right one.
Respect for knowledge.

Who has the upper hand?

Warraw has a tiny head, must be dumb as a basket of rocks
Daehhead has two guns AND a HUGE head, there's no way he could be beaten by that mongoloid Warraw


depends on what's in those briefcases.

As crazy as it sounds I think Namman has this
Nigga can fly

HITTIH no question
Two guns
normal legs
aplha as fuck jawline

Namman has the upper-hand advantage with the dual suitcase combo, easily could block bullets and bust Hittih's huge chin. AND his suit is in much better shape. Look at his legs, he's ready to pounce!

TIT or EIE ?

They're equally built but namman needs time to unpack.

Nam man is a war vet, so obviously he has it won.
That being said, Hit Tih has two guns, and two ties, that makes it kind of even.

Lamal has two guns and two bitches. He has nothing to fear.

TIT has fighters and EIE has bombers
Fighters beat bombers

tit has fighters, eie has bombers.
tit would win in a dogfight without a doubt

>buff mcnanohuge
>tfw too smart for video games

I'll give it to Warraw.

those suitcases are actually machineguns.

AND he can fly.

Obviously tit, there's no contest


HARRRAH only has two wands.

TOPPOT Is a reverse centaur and about to deck a nigga.


>siamese marios
>floating golfclubs
Tough fight.

those bitches are sad as fuck though. they're in fear, obviously expressing how Lamal can't protect them.

Now let's examine Erioloire:
>cops in the back look scared as fuck and confused
>car is fucking destroyed, building is on fire
>literally two dead niggas right there
>he's staring up, a quality emblematic of success and confidence

Come on guys, we all know who the real winner is.

I fucking love these threads.
By any chance, what would this be categorized under?

ИAMMAN 10 times out of 10.

Left is tanky but is a bad matchup for Right's revolvers. However, Left also has SMGs and enhanced vision to compensate for Right's speedy build.

mirror mode

Said it once and ill say it again

erioioire is fucking jacked and has already proven his strength by killing 2 men

L.A.M.A.L. is a kiting master, his wiry frame and dual pistols will allow him to strafe the brick house ERIOIOIRE with no issue.

Not to mention he's got a pair of smoking hot angel babes at his back while ERIOIOIRE just has some shlub cops slacking off on the job.


>flared jacket increases drag


>sensible, aerodynamic design

OK so who wins?

please see

Which is the superior model Sup Forums?

Napoopan VS Noel Leon.

What tactic will triumph, Totallatot or Raw War?


honestly, they both take the L.

xn6 anx is a fucking wizard, he's got this.

DOUBLE ELBUOD has a really hairy vagina, so he is pretty much fucked.



Raw War sounds badass

I'm fucking rolling, this is the funniest one by far.

Napoopan for sure

Napoopan looks like the rugged veteran, Noel's eyes are weak and inexperienced

dhaw looks like a harmless, mentally challenged hobo while xanax is a fucking demon incarnate. This is no contest.

subsisbus is a psychic mastermind so its no contest of who wins


Who wins?

Of course the mirror thread returns when I don't have any of my big players. Yexey Agnonga and Moooom will see glory someday

Harry Rrah has 2 wands, but Rettop Potter is actually mounted on a rabbit.
superior speed and heavy punches? easy win for Rettop


Neolleon has more medals on his hat so he probably has more experience

>Normal legs
You mean inferior legs, namman can fucking fly

Holy shit the best one



phawshq is a wizened old man with much to stum about on his drumjo pads, but xnsanx is a mighty metal wizard, clearly trained in many dark arts. phawshq will be made into a skeletal servitor by night's end

Who wins this fight

xn6anx wins with no doubt.

Drumjo magic cant save phaw6nq.

BATTLEETTAB is just an experienced soldier dual wielding while DLEIFFIELD is a goddamn vet with demon powers from hell

>not MOOM

>one is a regular soldier with two rifles and weak O-legs
>the other is a levitating fire bender

dleiffield got this.

>INT vs. WIS

dleiffield looks like a flying pyromancer. I don't think there is much competition here.

Dleif field look bad ass like he's flying and ready to fire the hell up of you

METAL GEAG has a migraine, so no

im gonna go with dioroid

Right one, cause he's going to be full super saiyan

>The delegates, hand then over

The evidence, Cole...

DIORROID literally has two canon dicks.

Do I really need to say it?

doubled dicked noizzi nission for sure


dioroid has two headed cannon cock
its the superior

>bonus points

no, fuck you, that's minus points.


i can be your angle or yuor devil

Double cannon dick easily beats drill dick even with the rocket tits.