So is Kickstarter essentially "please ruin my game" the website?

So is Kickstarter essentially "please ruin my game" the website?

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It's basically "try to learn consumer responsibility again" the website.


ive never actually read this but i would bet $100 that i know what his character is like

I've only given money to 1 kickstarter.

It's more ''I'm an ideas guy.'' the website.

well, at least he has rules for commissioning people and they are sensible.

How's that working out for you champ?

Just don't promise people things that have a visible effect on your game I suppose.

Not necessarily bad rules but he sounds incredibly self-absorbed and he's a faggot for that.
Also garbage OC.

It's alright. I'm playing the waiting game while it goes through cert for console plebs.

i take it these where somebody's OC that got put in the game? holy shit these look awful.

Which is worse for developing games? Kickstarter or Patreon?

I want to fuck that monkey

Honestly it seems Shovel Knight was somewhat true to that while making him work in the game proper. But I hear he was unsatisfied with his character in Shovel Knight. Oh well.

>Still waiting
I know the pain.

Monkae is not for sexual.

I'm gonna go with Patreon, because with Patreon the developers can benefit from drawing out development if they play their cards right.

I guess it ruins it only if the dev is undisciplined and knows little about the development process. Which is most devs using kickstarter. A stronger artistic vision + veto power + reasonable backer awards probably mitigates most of the problems of OC donut steels etc.

I don't get it. What happen to this game?

Aipom but with different face?

Furry mafia

What happens to any half-baked furry porn game.

The guy is too much of an actual sperg to make it.

Backer content always stick outs like a sore thumb.
I played Chroma Squad recently and I liked it (After season 1 anyway) but parts where backers appeared were always shit and backer characters were always alien to the setting.

Patreon, definitely. As we've seen from more than a few Kickstarter failures, even if the money isn't refunded the fanbase will usually try and hold the developers accountable. At the very least a mishandled or outright scam Kickstarter will ruin their reputation (like MN9).

Patreon con artists, however, can string along their gullible chumps almost indefinitely. They're under no obligation to meet deadlines, and can hold updates or extra content hostage with some kind of, "I'll only add this if I make ____ per month" goals. Not to mention Patreon will shelter literal porn creators as long as they're part of the San Fran clique, while banning anyone who doesn't adhere to their double standards. Pretty sure it's been proven that Patreon is a huge platform for money laundering as well.

I'll be fair here.

Reize as a fight its pretty fun.

Can you explain exactly who?

I know plenty of furry game projects have been tanked by other shit. I remember when resident FA rapist Zaush got called to work on that one Furry Fighting Game but then it fell apart for like the 5th time.

He's okay. I prefer Baz and Mr. Hat.

The most based director for a day backer was the guy behind this
>Didn't insert shitty OC
>Enemy fits in pretty well and has an awesome design, ultimately more memorable and feels less tacked on

>San Fran clique
I dunno. There's a lot of porn artists on Patreon from all over the place. Unless you mean someone specific.


The green giant kangaroo is a popfur from FurAffinity I think.

What would be a better reform for Kickstarter games in the long term?
>Proof of concept, one level with some of the characters and most of the gameplay implemented before they can ask for funding
>A total ban on "add your favorite character" rewards

>"professional commissioners" on deviantart who's profiles are just other people's drawing of their shitty OCs that they paid retarded amounts of money for
It takes true talent to stand out as the biggest variety of scum in a place like deviant fuckin art



Baz is goat, for a joke reject char. Really comes into his own in the plague knight dlc tho.

Your game only gets ruined by retarded backers if you allow it to be ruined.

Maybe Colossal Kaiju Combat needed to happen to set the example.

i use kick starter to get cheap as fuck miniatures.

gonna probably back kingdom dead when it does another kickstarter on black friday.

so far i got stuff from mantic, their first ever kickstarter.
my brother backed the ds boardgame.

i also got me a new frog team for bloodbowl.

The first one. The second one can be largely mitigated by not having rewards to encourage that shit.

What does that even mean?

Reize was a cool boss fight tho.

>Implying anyone knows him outside the furry mafia and girlfriend shit
t. pixiv/twitter user

Kaiju Combat sucked from the start though, all they had was some cool cncept art.

I only know about this character because of Sup Forums, I didn't even remember him from the game and I loved it

Didn't the character's creator see that once and had a panic attack?

Dev didn't like the fact that so many were paying for monsters that were basically appealling to fetish stuff. If memeory serves there was some fat dino that was really out of place with the monsters the dev was putting in.

He was going to remove them but the furfags went apeshit and were going to remove their backing, so he took the money and put on Early Access on Steam and left the game for dead.

I wouldnt be surprised.

It's probably because he can't stand the idea of his character losing to anyone.

I have no problem with people who make OCs, but what is the fucking point if you don't draw them yourself?

I've been banned twice for posting it so probably. At this point it's transparent one of the mods is triggered by it too. I keep cropping it further and further so it makes it more obvious someone is triggered.

The character was shit and he stood out in a bad way but they turned it into something fun.

Baz Knight was great though.

He should've thought about that before funding him to be a fucking boss then.

I like most of the characters but some are pretty awful.

I don't know if the potato kaiju is awesome or stupid.

Who knows what goes through his head, he was probably expecting one of those unbeatable boss battles

>Reizes owner is a niggo
That's a surprise

I would never have guessed

>14 years old storyteller

Those stories must be "real fukken epik", alright.

I don't know why the hell they never create rules for "put your character in the game" backing tiers

like "no pre-existing characters" or "no fetish OCs"

It seems like a complete no-brainer.

>promise to implement any and all OC's done 100% by some dudes with lots of money to throw away
>not just as some hidden secret or background reference, no, as a full character who'll be featured prominently in the game
>the shit fails, as expected
>this is somehow kickstarters fault and that every dev on that site is as dumb as this


>not posting twitter

I am filled with regrets, yes.

Let us just hope that Megaman doesn't become a pachinko franchise as well.

It could've worked but the wrong crowd was attracted and idiots didn't know how to keep thing similar. Big fucking snail vs. literally my mom's giant green kangaroo

that big fucking snail looks pretty fucking cool tbqh

Is anyone writing a song based off of fucking Duncan already for Sup Forums the musical?

Why are furries still a thing?

Because of autistics

>tfw macrofags get a bad rap because of Duncan and the autism squad
W-we aren't all like that, I swear

I'm pretty sure that counts as NSFW user, you are breaking the rules, you are a bad boy.

>Completely abandon all your integrity for an extra 500 dollars out of thousands or millions
indiedevs why?

>another settlement is under attack

Don't you have Falco/Fox images to commission?

I funded a dragon dating sim, ask me anything.

Is this a OC DONUT STEAL thread?

This isn't about being a macrofag as much as being a furfag in general.


And it's nuclear. Even if you kill it its corpse's radiation will ruin the land. I like it.

I have a lot of questions. But mostly just why?

Yes, rap, the colloquialism allows for rap or rep you autist

Can you kill yourself right now?


What happened in your life that made you go down such a dark road? Were you born with mental disabilities? Was it a damaged childhood?

Is that done or is it still being kikestarted?

Decent business rules for dealing with flaky artists, I'd go further and withhold at least half the payment until satisfaction.

OC isn't my cup of tea but at least it's consistent and well thought out.

Compared to the likes of this, it's professional quality.

I'm not easily triggerable person, but this needs to be removed from universe. How do they do it? There are no explicit stuff, pretty much only two animals doing cuddly-cutie things, but why does it look that repulsive?

Suikoden has some of the cutest furries. I loved the Kobolds and Lizard clan.

I had an ERP buddy that was so into macro I just didn't get it. I humored him a lot because he was so cute about it. But one of the weird things is just the sheer amount of text a macro-fag will use to describe not just their size but everything. Literally bigger everything is better with them, especially bigger paragraphs.

Not Kickstarter, but something else that's going be ruined because it resorted to crowd funding

That's clearly a wyvern though.

Theres a post made by the guy who created the "So Sorry" boss in Undertale, it seems Toby actually offered to refund him the money because he didn't want to put it on the game but the guy refused. In the other hand it was pretty easy for Toby to refuse a thousand because he got 10 times what he asked for but I though it was worth mentioning.

The ridiculous theme song

No, I'm trying to get a Modest Popplio.

Releases in Janurary.

When's the suicide?

It was always going to be a cheap and fucking shitty unity game, it was ruined long before that

Some kind of a playable demo. Any faggot can hire an artist to draw pretty concept art, and any retard can pitch the moon and the stars to gullible backers. But if you can't make some form of a working product without crowdfunding, then it's almost guaranteed to be shit.

When are your helium tank and CPAP mask arriving?

That's because having the difference of everything impressed upon you is the good part

Furries amaze me. They have some of the worst taste in the world, have convoluted, compound fetishes, and yet they have more cash to burn than any other kind of fetishist out there.

>tfw I actually like the concept art of duncan, and could see myself playing a game with a character like him
>then I see the fetish art he's based on, and the sheer levels of furfaggotry associated with him

No kickstarter. There's literally not been a good kickstarter game so far that wasn't cheap enough to just be made normally.

I would do literally anything to get this out of something I made.

I didn't know there was a kobold clan. What game was that?

Its SoSorry all over again, but more subtle

Because why not

Yeah, I got it. I just felt bad because maybe what I'd reply with was half of his or less, but still a good amount nonetheless. He made for a nice cozy experience.

Now he draws crazy shit like taurs with 60 dicks and giant hot air balloon breasts. Still chill as hell and can shoot the shit about vidya all day but boy do I wonder what type of shit swims about in his brain all day.

this looks interesting, how many females are in the game?