Okay, OKAY

Okay, OKAY

Shitposting aside, let's sort this out from what we know about this game. I am trying to decide whether to keep my preorder or not.

>The final boss is QTE
That's fucked up, this is for sure. I only saw few webms but I am really hoping that this is only the last part of the battle, that's more of an interactive cutscene and before that we actually get a nice, proper final boss fight. PLEASE

>There is no development to combat, it feels the same regardless of level
Now to be honest, I don't remember that much of variety in older games either. I mean, you get some new summons, more powerful spells but that's about it. The only games that stand out are the ones with job system (and I honestly miss those). XV can't be THAT different from the previous titles in this department. Right?

>The game is linear, the open world is barren piece of shit
This I don't really get. Previous FF games weren't really a good example of non-linear storytelling/progression. So I am okay with linearity to some extent. I am okay with latter chunk of the game being more on rails.

As for open world, I've said this before -- it's the same shit as older games' overworld. Only more lively, honestly. It doesn't take forever to get from one location to another, judging from JD demo at least. Actually, it felt like moving trough classic FF overworld only seamless this time. Same distances, same amount of time, even same random encounters. Honestly, I don't see any problem here.

>Only 4 usable summons that are not really usable
This is also fucked up. There weren't that many FF games where summons were really useful and from my memory I can say that I only used them a lot in V, VII VIII and Type-0. In every other game they were pretty useless. Still, it's really sad to know that summons fall into missed oportunity category.

What else is there?

Other urls found in this thread:



Start watching, stop making tldr threads.

I'm not gonna read all that. In case you just came here yesterday, I'll help you out; unless the game is some obscure broken garbage, Sup Forums is hoping it turns out nothing less than a complete failure. No one here actually likes video games. This board should be removed.

don't preorder

>The final boss is QTE
>That's fucked up, this is for sure. I only saw few webms but I am really hoping that this is only the last part of the battle

Yes, the fight has 3 phases, the last one is QTE.

user, like any new game being released ever, Sup Forums is going to find every reason to shit on it, the FFXV threads were 90% shitposting and the release of the game isn't going to be any different.

Did someone say damage control?

Probably the best FF since FF9.

The QTE makes the fight just worse.
First phase is literally just a laughing fedora guy that just takes hist and barely attacks, second phase is dbz and bumping into each other for a few minutes and then a QTE that isn't even good it doesn't look good and lacks any sort of impact. They're just basic attack animations slowed down

Are you joking or are you serious, user?

D-don't do this to me. I really want it to be decent.

The first two parts of the fight are also pretty lame.

He's joking.

>spoiling the game in the OP without using spoiler tags

Kill yourself.

I am just kidding but it has the potential to be better than everything after FFX. I would have to immerse myself in the world first, but i am quite optimistic about it being enjoyable. Looking at the spoilers it could have a strong impact on you, if you can relate to the characters and dont rush the story .

Majority of final bosses on Final Fantasy were press X to win anyways.

So I don't know why Sup Forums gives a shit.

Literally FF 1-13 Bosses were "Spam X" if you're good enough. Stare at a sprite that occasionally moves a little.

It's MGS4 tier level of end fight anf not Shadow of Mordor tier. I guess I'm ok with it, wish it was a hard as fuck fight tho

>2 possible ways to overcome fights.
>Fight with tactical decisions
>If you are retarded just grind your stats and spam attack
>FF15 doesn't even have the option
>FF15 BTFOd by 30+ year old game mechanics.

ok this game is shit...

first time i say this, i believed until now that it could work.

next FF when?

There are no proper boss fights. The best you'll get are minibosses like in the demo. The combat just sucks, enemy AI is always the same so you can parry everything or just teleport spam them to death. No challenge.

Not reading the rest because you seem to not realize how terrible this game really is.


>I am trying to decide whether to keep my preorder or not.

If you preorder any game you are fucking brain-dead retarded. This shouldn't even be up for debate.

We have had 3 fucking demos by now and I don't even fucking know why the hell are people even considering giving this garbage game the benefit of the doubt.

The combat of this game is the most braindead shit I have ever seen in my fucking life due to how automated everything is. They butchered the fuck out of spells (seriously, fucking 3 spells that all do the same shit and hit your friends until you get other 2 with the ring?), it's filled to the brim with shitty QTEs, there are almost no summons and it suffers from the age old syndrome of empty open world garbage. Like, how many more signs do people need?


>There is no development to combat, it feels the same regardless of level
Yeah if you rush through the game you will hardly unlock any interesting weapons or spells that make combat remotely interesting. That's like speedrunning the game and only having access too a few commands and abilities
>Only 4 usable summons that are not really usable
lmao, you think someone who rushed through the games story ACTUALLY unlocked all the summons? this is final fantasy. I'm pretty sure the majority of 12 espers were optional.

Don't believe the peruvians lies. they've barely scraped the surface with the game

You're in the denial stage.

>make the combat remotely interesting

Yeah man, weapon #11 makes the feeling of keeping O pressed down while you stare at the screen so satisfying. What about weapon #8 where you keep O pressed while you stare at the screen and Noctis fights in automode with the occasional square QTE to parry? And man, what's to say about weapon #10 that allows you to stare at the screen with O pressed down as you watch Noctis fight automatically? Shit gives me goosebumps yo.

this leviathan music sounds uncannily like the main melody of the elder scrolls theme

There's no way they would let any player miss any of the summons in this game, have you seen them?

Kingdom Hearts 2 is button mashing but people praise it as the best action combat game? the abilities and drives make it so much better.

that literally looks like spiderman 2 google earth looks 100 times better for fuck sake

Well more than that whole fight looked like a huge mess and the gfx during it like a clusterfuck.
I wanna go "yay epic fight" and can't even muster a "meh"



How did they fuck up a final boss so badly? Even XIII realized that a final boss needs to have some kind of grandeur to it, not fighting some guy (and then some guy, but in the air).

>but people praise it as the best action combat game

Yeah, in your fucking ass maybe. And at least it makes you mash the buttons rather than falling asleep on top of your controller and letting the game play itself.

>Shitposting aside

you're in the wrong place

Right, because sprites were used until FF13.

thumb up

"Never get excited for a video game."

-user, 2008

Live by these words folks

Well those people are fucking retarded aswell arent they?

If you could actually defeat Leviathan without those special powers, just hours and hours of teleporting around until you killed it, it would be really nice. I'm disappointed that it just became a DBZ fight....

>The exploration feels bad
Noctis is bad to control and is very stiff. He cant grab ledges, or teleport to new locations out of combat. The world feels pretty empty and on rails because of this, meaning you can't just jump up to an area, you've got to find the designated token ramped area leading to the area you want to explore. No ramped area? You can't explore it.

Who is we?