I don't know about you guys but these girls seem like pretty shit ninjas.
I don't know about you guys but these girls seem like pretty shit ninjas
Even in Japan, ninja nowadays just means "cool warrior with magic powers"
Do you think Ryu Hayabusa is a shit ninja?
Isn't that the point for a ninja to appear vulnerable, unassuming and not dangerous in the slightest?
They're terrible ninjas. They try to be other things, but they're not good at being those either.
Like, look at this. Who would believe in a male nun?
Are they good at sexual?
You tell me.
That's a girl
Mostly, except for the old hags like Rin.
yea but they're thick tho
Clearly these girls just weren't made to work.
I just hacked my 3ds and have never played these games are the 3ds games good to start?
Burst is the first game, so yeah.
since when?
Would hugging Kat make her uncomfortable?
>ninja nowadays just means "cool warrior with magic powers"
Anyone have that webm from Naruto with the other "Ninja" cutting the moon in half?
>TWO (2) SK threads up right now
>neither are even at 20 posts yet
Check the fucking catalog, you worthless permavirgins.
She's not outright against men, there's just been no good ones in her eyes that she's seen.
How do you make this comparable?
You know what Ninja DOESN'T mean? Cockslut.
Ryu actually gets shit done, even the girls are only part time cocksluts
this is an evil shinobi
None of them are actually evil.
They're the perfect ninjas though because you don't expect them to be one. Masterful deception.