Why doesn't South Korea make any AAA games...

Why doesn't South Korea make any AAA games? They have an army of animators and programmers that are used for other games. All they produce are shitty MMORPGs (that also have incredibly high production value)

Have you seen what kind of a hellhole SK is though

Imagine a country like Japan, but without any values, enduring culture, or principled approach to life. Just pure Mammon, as far as the eye can see.

That's South Korea.

jjokbari shit not allowed on Sup Forums

They are too busy investigating male baby murders and uncovering a secret organization made up by rich women that is controlling the country from the shadows.

South Korean here.

An oppressive culture that values high standardized test scores and the appearance of wealth over personal fulfillment or creative artistry means that we now have an entire nation of drones who can only imitate. We have trouble creating anything fresh or new (except for in animation, and even then very rarely).

I understand that it's very fashionable for Westerners to insult and degrade artists or those who go to art school, but the opposite extreme is what we have in South Korea. Be thankful that at least a handful of games from the West are at least a little bit interesting or unique.

pretty much this.
in South Korea if you're not a doctor/professor/lawyer you're trash.

now imagine what kind of society that builds.

Can you give us any insight in what's going on with the investigation of your president?

nobody gives a shit about gooks

>I understand that it's very fashionable for Westerners to insult and degrade artists or those who go to art school

Not really. Creativity is highly valued in Europe, and although it maybe doesn't give you the insta status that becoming a doctor does, an accomplished artist is easily on par with every other "respectable" profession.

Anyway, people don't really care about status over here nowadays. That's a goal for the lower classes and the pathologically ignorant, who grind their years away in soul-consuming jobs trying to appear richer than they are while nobody else gives a shit any more.

why bother inventing a concept and pour money into risky investment when you can make cash crab MMO about half naked girls and get pedo whales paying you regularly for outfits

Our President came from an extremely difficult life of assassination attempts and political scandal. Honestly, I would have been more surprised if some sort of vizier or Wormtongue character didn't try to take advantage of her. Real life imitates these old stories sometimes.

When Park was wounded in an assassination attempt on one of her parents, the conspirator was the only one who was allowed to see her. Park felt safe around her and trusted her. I can understand why she would feel so alone and paranoid that she'd only trust a handful of people. South Korea was nearly a Third World country even in the 80s, with stories such as the Gwanju Massacre.

To me and my family, it's simply bad luck that the person our President chose to trust was someone who only wanted power. Other people are more harsh. I don't blame them for being angrier.

>Why doesn't South Korea make any AAA games?
Because their prime minister was hypnotized by a secret society of illuminati feminazis and had to publicly apologize

Wait what
The Korean president is a qt grill?

yeah, 8 of them

One that is technically prosperous (e.g. relatively low crime rates and poverty and relatively high amounts of wealth and scientific progress) but in the long run will stagnate and deteriorate because imitation is considered superior to creation.

> but in the long run will stagnate and deteriorate because imitation is considered superior to creation.

It's funny. This is how Kenneth Clark described the fate of Ancient Egypt in the Civilisation documentary series.

talkins about events which happened before printing press is completely pointless

Kill yourselves, Sup Forumscucks.

It's okay, it's to bizarre to believe anyway

This shit is more /x/ than Sup Forums, newfag

??? what lol

Current affairs aren't politically incorrect you cretin

It's Sup Forumsshit and I can tell you spend time there.

>being so new that you literally don't know what /x/ is
Jesus dude, the boards are right there at the top. You have no excuse

Kill yourself, Sup Forumscuck.

??? it's not Sup Forums shit, I've literally never gone there I just have a friend that lives there. Millions of people are talking about that shit, why are you so triggered?

a friend that lives in SK*

Confirmed for stormweenie Sup Forums browser.

I'm not but my god I love how butthurt and unhinged you are about something nobody even brought up lmao

>Trust me I don't go to Sup Forums I just reference its material, memes, and vernacular!!
Not fooling me

triggered has been a commonly used word on all of Sup Forums for like 4 years now please stop proving how triggered you are

shit happened because of the gamergate stuff

Stop giving him replies, it's some pretty fucking obvious baiting

eh, people like him are literally insane so it's 100% possible he's actually extremely butthurt right now. i'm enjoying antagonizing him

Shit taste, That's why.

They do user.

They make games on mobile. Which make more money by now.

History repeats itself, you retard. Have you never taken a history class and heard that expression before?

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme

That's a much more accurate statement, and gets used more outside of high school

South Korea was the chosen one. Free of the weebness that Japan harbors, without animu lolis and shitty storytelling. But also without the SJWs and generic realism of the west.

Why did they betray us and go for mobas and mmos instead

SK is like a more civilized China. They're a bit further from niggers but still not a very evolved people. They have absolutely no originality and they eat up what the mass media/general opinion tells them without question. This is why the mass produced throwaway MMOs they make work over there and in China. All it needs is some media coverage telling it's "good" and they're on that shit like a maggot on a rotting carcass.

>tfw you've fallen in love with Seoul and want to live there but there's absolutely no job offerings in the creative/artistic field

Because the consumers that buy their games don't want depth or quality AAA games

Just more Starcraft and grinding MMOs

The devs only make what they see a demand for

Seoul is an ugly smelly city, even Beijing is better because at least you don't have to deal with Koreans.

I'd love to live there as well but I doubt I could handle the working culture. I'm intrigued by the thought of doing something I can do home and just living there.

On a positive note, you can get a residency visa at Jejudo by purchasing a 500k$ property on the island and living there. 5 years of that and you get a permanent residency. That is if you can afford that shit.

>tfw youve only ever seen mobile trash or autismal as fuck "who can jew their numbers more efficiently" SC2 maps from south koreans
no idea, but its startling how easy south korean shovelware is to spot.

Fuck yeah, feels good being a former art student.

Worst korea is run by SJW

Nope. The SJW culture hasn't really even arrived over there yet.

shit happens, South Korea is still the worst east asian country and south koreans the worst east asian people, the Japs even beat them at surgery.

b-but what about all the korean pro gamers

He's telling the truth... as fucked as it is

>He doesn't fucking know

anyways, South Korea is a fun hating nanny state run by(other than companies run by shamanic cult leaders) ubermoralcunts and overly enthusiastic mothers that enslave their kids with shitty hardcore education

>History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme
Literally the same thing, you're just trying to look smart.

>He also doesn't know


Wrong, any Sup Forumsfags have that picture of that gook user explaining in detail the depressing situation of his country?

I dislike the culture of your country and east-asia in general. I hate to sound like some bigoted american who thinks "america is so great", but quite honestly, to live in a society like yours where I couldn't be openly expressive, couldn't be artistic, couldn't have a casual conversation with anyone I want due to rigid social structures.. I would just rather kill myself. I think too many americans take for granted the society we have; despite its many flaws. We're not just free in terms of our actions, but also our expression and behavior.

East asian societies, while intelligent, snuff out any uniqueness, anything casual, anything creative, anything beyond the strict "norms" that society dictates at the given time. It's sickening to me, absolutely fucking sickening. That mindset is one of the many plagues on the planet.

Another Korean here, why do I think I want to get out of this shithole

there is a meme called HellJoseon over here(Joseon is last Kingdom dynasty, etc). We're living in a different kind of hell and we know it.

Its true. Its on the news like everyday.

you mean those selfish failures at life who don't do anything except play childish games instead of getting a job and starting a family?

Thats pretty much the mentality.
Most pro gamers have to play behind their parents backs.

they do that as a hobby, all standard rules apply.

There's a Dota 2 documentary on YouTube and it has a pro gamer desperate to win so his parents will accept his life choice. They're interviewed and go on about how he's wasting his life and should quit to become a doctor. Pretty sad.

Western society is the same desu. It's just a matter of degree.

too busy making shitty fapbait mmos

Wherever you go people will not respect you if you don't have a job. In East Asian societies the pressure is even higher. But fuck normal fags. I'll be NEET for a while.

>without sjws
Man where have you been?

Basically this


holy shit
worst korea really is worst korea

>says cuck
that shit is straight out of Sup Forums you hypocritical retard

I lived in Taiwan for 2 months. It's nice. People are racist as fuck and they will call your girlfriend a whore.

Girl I was dating lost her wallet at the cafe and 2 day later the cops brought it back to her place and no money was missing.

Cool people.

Stupid Sup Forumsermin thinks he's hot shit because he calls out muh Sup Forums boogeyman.

Madam president, eh?

Eat shit.

>But also without the SJWs
fucking lol

they usually get a "high status" education and use that as a safety net in case their gaming career fails.

>this is Britain in 5 years

Enjoy your 24 hour vacation user.

I've been to South Korea -- he's not lying. Its people are cutthroat and aggressively capitalist to a greater degree than any other nation I've been to, even China, and the dominant popular culture is like an alpha girls' clique in a high school, filled with vanity and passive aggression and pleasant-sounding insincerity.

Explains why Black Desert is such a scam


Pretty sure the eight goddesses aren't all Korean, and it goes much fuether than just one country. Pretty sure Clinton and Merkel are one of them -- more Merkel. The woman who directly controls the president escaped to Germany as soon as the news got out; returned few days later

>independence after WWII
>kims saw western globalist influences pouring in
>kims wage war to rid of western globalist ideals
>more western aid
>country gets split into two
Kims might have been right all along and wanted no part of globalism. There is a rumor that SK was just an experiment conducted by the west

Just to mention because it wasn't mentioned:
Sewol Ferry Boat sinking was a human sacrifice. The president was nowhere to be seen for seven hours and she was attending a memorial service to her dead, shaman leader who took her in when her parents got assassinated. It was also on the exact same day he died, twenty years later. Over 200 high school students died because they were just on theor school trip. The younger the sacrifice, the more pleased the devil gets (abortion being the ultimate, ideal sacrifice)

Korean parents seem ignorant to the fact that not everyone can be a doctor or a lawyer.

South Korean here.
Due to some fucked a ratings laws, it is illegal to distribute games unless you get rated by Korea's equivalent of the ESRB and getting rated can cost from 400 to 50~60$ depending on your target machine. Same applies to fucking flash games which is why Korea doesn't have anything close to newgrounds. Furthermore, if you patch your game, by definition the content of your game has changed so you need to get re-rated and again, pay up to 400$.
Lest you manage to make a game perfect from the get-go, this is already a heavy strain on smaller companies.

There is nothing like Gamestop, GAME etc. IE game retail stores in South Korea, everything either happens online or you have to hope there is a vidya corner in the local mall or a very small game seller tucked somewhere in the streets. Nor is there any concept of video game publishing company at all except for Korean branches of foreifn companies, like EA, for eg but none are(as far as I am aware)interested in getting games made other than the typical mobile stuff.
So getting your game visible to the public is even harder unless you happen to be a big company like Nexon who can afford ads on tv/subways etc.

Koreans do use Steam/PSN or whatever digital service, but that means having to pay 400$ to get your game rated/rerated since your target machine is now console/PC, and there is little guarantee that your game could find success on steam/etc. in the first place.
Kickstarter/Indiegogo etc. crowdfunding legality is still gray in SK and public knowledge or interest of it is very minimal.

Big companies, like Nexon, have zero desire to pursue anything close to "western" or "japanese" AAA gaming because the market keeps eating the f2p mmo pie creating a closed loop.

Nothing in South Korea facilitates video game development other than f2p mmos or mobile games. Neither the market, business front even facilitate smaller companies start up on their own other than mobile games.

Oh, and the president's "advisor" is also cooking up some crazy neo-feminist ideals. Supposedly, girls are being taught to hate Korean men, and some of them supposedly post pictures of their aborted male fetuses on the Megalia website. They are named "Daughters of Megalia"

Because that's not what the market is like in SK. Games are mainly played at PCBangs, so the industry is heavily geared towards multiplayer games with PCBang incentives.

Infiltration recently said he really wants to move to the US, more specifically LA, imagine how shit SK must be for him to even consider doing that.

>mfw I broke a fuckton of Korean law when I was studying over there and I didn't even know

>Sewol Ferry Boat
I was in Korea when this happened and it was somehow absurd. I can't quite explain it but something was off.

Before this happened we were planning to take a ferry trip but somehow we didn't feel like going.

This? They are very lax with foreigner.

Also he forgot to mention that S.Korea banned porn in 2008 and the rate of sexual assault have doubled since then.

they're too busy electing kooky pagan shadow governments and buying plastic surgery

>Nor is there any concept of video game publishing company at all except for Korean branches of foreifn companies
What about Nexon or NCsoft?

they "publish" mobile and f2p mmos.