>tfw you loved and played videogames your entire life and realised you'll never experience it ever again because it is time to die
posting from my death bed, love you anons
Tfw you loved and played videogames your entire life and realised you'll never experience it ever again because it is...
Other urls found in this thread:
Good night sweet prince
GG, no re
Rest in pieces.
I'll miss you TB.
>You can't play video games in heaven.
Heroes Never Die
Tell kek thanks for the help, President Trump is doing great.
GG WP, I hope you get a better spawn point next time brother.
RIP user
>Sup Forums
>playing videogames
If you see God, pass on the list of feature requests/bug fixes. Prayer is an obvious black hole for reports.
Also ban this guy
or maybe ban this CTR shill waste of space.
So you're logging out of this game.
Don't worry, the game was not that good anyway.
Wherever you may go after you log out, I hope that you find great new games to play.
We will be joining you sooner or later.
aw shit
I love you too user
>President Trump is doing great.
>Going to get rid of Obamacare but has no replacement or plan.
Here we go
See you space cowboy
I-I'll try to enjoy video games for your sake, user-kun!
rest well user
Don't you dare die on me user, it's not the time yet
spotted the redditors
wahh I can't get other people to pay for my overpriced healthcare wahh
see ya Sup Forumsro
Goodbye user.
Maybe there's video games in heaven.
rip in piss user. I love you
Love you too user
sent from my iphone
post proof or troll
Insert (2) coins to continue..
Think about from this side: you will be soon a gigantic space baby.
Yeah, it's been fun.
At least you will know that games stagnated and started to degrade instead of innovating and still having something to look forward to. Basically you've already experienced the golden age of vidya a long time ago and casual trash is what the medium became.
That's from 2001 and I doubt you're dying.
Fucking kill yourself you worthless piece of shit, you turned your life playing games and being a lazy, useless social inept. You were a disgrace to your family that did their best to give you some start in life and you wasted this by playing games. Die, no one will cry after you, because no one loves you. Faggot
>says the faggot posting in Sup Forums
Fuck off I know you are OP and are trying to backtalk, why the fuck are you still alive you absolute waste of oxygen?
Wait that means OP has been dead for 25 years
r u mad faggit?
Just die already. The world will be a better place without you
No One Lives Forever
That math is wrong and 2001 was released in 68 so what are you doing?
ill fight u irl faggit lol
I'm waiting
did u die yet
why couldn't it be