Video Games You've Fapped to

ITT: Video Games You've Fapped to.

No rule-34 or hentai shit

Fucking prostitutes in gta 3 and vc

Two weeks ago

Same here famamalama. Also the titty bars


Most Illusion games

Probably the root of my armpit fetish too.

>Illusion games

That's hentai retard

That's not hentai. They are legitimate video games.

>tfw I'm not even a furfag

sometimes i would let myself get grabbed and let the zombies eat your MC

to this day it's almost uncanny how horny i get seeing something getting eaten alive

>getting Pole Position asset
>enter dance room
>whack off
>leave with asset acquired

>Get on 30+ Horde character
>Aggro a Banshee in West Tirisfal
>Enter first-person
>Just let it swing at you
>Fap to that undead cleavage + ghostly wails

I can't be alone in this

I'm pretty sure you are

Or at the very most there are like 6 of you

which game?


Ariel's tits in the original Kingdom Hearts

I think it's impossible to play this game without fapping unless you lack a dick

>those fucked up leg proportions
>faces look like aborted fetuses

Jesus fucking christ

No pantsu?

My 13yo mind was blown by something like this in a video game. Still kinda is.

BG:DA was excellent, good taste.

I've fapped to succubus's, Sylvanas, and Alexstraza in wow before.

Resident Evil

Smash Bros Melee
Smash Bros Brawl
Jedi Outcast
Saint's Row 2
Saint's Row 3
Probably a few more


That one char was such a good fap bait as a teenager.
I give Blizzard that, they make something fucking frightening pretty damn hot.

In Agent Under Fire there's a part of the game where you enter a window to find a woman in the shower who turns out to be Q in a disguise.

However if you get a scoped weapon you can zoom in on her and watch her shower for as long as you need.


stealth fap while my friend was the one playing

To 7 of 9, specifically


I'm a footfag and a ghostfag and when this was released... Oh man. I couldn't wait till my crew got tired and left. I couldn't resist. First time I fapped to a game in years. For some reason, the soles are so well modeled.

The last time before that was the alien level in duke nukem forever, with all the dying alien pregnant women and wall tits. Watching their stomachs distend and glow and them moan in pain/pleasure and beg for death. Wowee.

Man, don't try looking up any recent pics of her. Pretty depressing how white women age like milk.

Soul Calibur II art gallery.

it's impossible to karate with pants

DOA2 cg gallery
>tfw hearing deadly silence beach gives you a boner


>model viewer
Its pretty much guaranteed all the guys who play are gonna fap.