Final Fantasy XV

Will Final Fantasy XV join these three?

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no, FFXV is gr8t m8

FFVIII is my favorite one.

Come at me autists :)

Final Fantasy VIII is better than 90% of games and FFXIII is better than 90% of JRPGs

FFII is a run-of-the-mill JRPG, not amazing, but also not shit.

>Final Fantasy VIII is better than 90% of games

fuck off you mouth breathing kissless waste of space


>FFXIII is better than 90% of JRPGs
I don't get this. Did we play the same game? I tried to get into it but it's just painfully straightforward and half of the game is in fact a corridor.

The character's designs wasn't that bad except the fact that all those people playing the "rebels of the poor class'' have top notch clothing and 10k $ haircuts.

Something about the game sure is charming, but all the flaws make the charm wear off rather quickly.

Jesus Christ, I totally missed the "Trinity of Shit" at the top, and thought to myself, "what the fuck is this? The Trinity of shitty FF games?" I'm either fucking blind or so inured to the shit-talking at this board that it doesn't even register to my conscious mind anymore. Either way, I need to take a break from this fucking board.

Good OST and top tier lesbian waifus were definitely the highlights.

pfhhahahahah nice try here's your participation stamp

I guess not being a waifu autist explains why I can't get into it.

Wrong on everything. 8 has the easily breakable system, 13 got rid of towns and is fucking horrible, and 2 is grinding so that you can grind, a new form of tedious.


You don't have to grind at all in 2.

Not true at all. If you don't grind healing, you won't gain any better healing, same for all stats.

Normal JRPG: Just fight monsters naturally, attack, maybe magic, only heal when needed.
What this causes in 2: You gain attack from fighting the monsters, as healing lags behind, and magic also lags behind.

You have to grind if you want to have balanced characters. Its level up system is fucking trash.

Yes it will replace XIII simply because XIIIs final boss was good and not a QTE.

>What this causes in 2: You gain attack from fighting the monsters, as healing lags behind, and magic also lags behind.
The idea is that you have to actually specialize in something.

Just be glad you didn't play the NES version of FF2 which actually decreases stats. Like say you focused on magic your str would go down because you're not bashing enemies in left and right.

>decreases stats
Wait are you serious?

>spam poison
Pathetically easy. At this point, I'm wondering whether the spectacle of a QTE final boss is better or not.

Just buy items to heal. You get more than enough money just by selling all the useless spellbooks that the random encounters keep dropping.

I am. Which is why I said at least it's not the NES version of FF2. They got rid of it in every other version of it.

8 is great deal with it cunt

>Using Sentinel versus Orphan
Yes using Poison does make him easier but it's still a fun fight. XV's is objectively bad though.

13 is shit and always will be it is a travesty of an rpg

Except XIII had you buy stuff from a robot, and it had no people or towns really. So that's still a imrprovement over XV.

12 is worse than 8, but 15 will be much worse than 12

Nobody will think of VIII as bad after XV

>hear XV's final boss is a QTE
>Really? What the fuck there's no way they're actually doing that right
>QTE part is just the 'finisher' after you've actually fought the final boss like usual

gettin real sick of your shit Sup Forums

XV will be great. Sup Forums is going to be BTFO next Monday after reviews come out.

>good OST
>easily the worst in the series
I mean it wouldnt really be fair to compare it to the others if it didnt have final fantasy in its title, but the OST isnt even that great in general. Bravely Default is a much more worthy successor.

Now you can replace VIII with XV.

It's exactly like the rest of the fights past gran pulse. Debuff and damage. Turtle up and heal. Damage until stagger. 100% damage. Rinse, repeat.

This is bait.

The worst is XII's or X-2's.

Thankfully the other Final Fantasy's had an insane amount of depth to the combat right? They weren't just using the same ability over and over and then healing right? They couldn't be insanely broken right?


VIII was fine.
Not perfect, not the best, but fine.

Blinded by Light is a really nice battle theme.

That guy is baiting, everyone know's Hamauzu on X and XIII was based as fuck.

Xs music is good. I don't know how XIII got fucked up so bad and it seems they've only gotten worse since then from the handful of tracks I've heard from later games.

Uhh his work on X sounds just like his work on XIII.

I think you're confusing XII and XIII, because XIII's OST was fine while XII was boring ass fucking garbage.

Fuck off Shill. How much are they paying you?

Did you honestly expect more from Sup Forums? It's basically FF7's ending but with a QTE.

Yeah, anyone who says they like X's OST and not XIII's is objectively retarded or just trolling.

XII's was fucking garbage, I cant recall a single track.

XII had some throwback tracks so those couldn't really be fucked up. honestly can't remember any original tracks from it, but I also didn't play much of 12 either.

I feel like I only know 13s because it seemed like they just swapped between 3 songs and that battle music got really grating after awhile

>XIII's OST was fine
>XII was boring ass fucking garbage
Don't you talk about based Sakimoto that way. Keep your shit taste to yourself.

People defend built in cheats in the ff7 ps4 version

but FFVIII had legitimate ways to get no encounter and to become super powerful early on if you knew how

The story (aside from 1-2 weird twist choices) is still the best of this serie (wich have shit stories all around) and it has the best card game, OST, summons, and my personnal favorite villain.

eat shit VI/IX purists

We have reached peaked delusion, also XV's OST is just strings and piano too. FF cucks on suicide watch.

they don't have to pay me at all to get annoyed at Sup Forums for spreading an outright fabrication as the basis of shitposting.

>I can't recall a single track
Sucks to be you then, I guess. I found the XII OST to be atmospheric as fuck, as well as having some of the comfiest town themes in the franchise.

This and 12 at least used the fucking theme song. Nothing in any of the games after 12 sound as good as this:

>doesn't link the only acceptable song from the otherwise shit soundtrack

Just leave completely.

Being honest, X's was hit or miss at times for me. A chunk wasn't very memorable, but what was really fucking hits the right spots.
And yeah, XII was entirely unmemorable outside of remixes.

XIII had a fair few good tracks, definitely more than three were heard often.
The regular boss theme and battle theme are common and you're likely thinking of that between chapter theme. The areas had a lot of good themes and XIII had a fair few unique enemy themes too.

Are great instruments right up there with the sax, your point?

>Don't you talk about based Sakimoto that way. Keep your shit taste to yourself.
Yeah, nah, fuck you. The most disappointing thing about the XII ost is finding out that the same person behind it was also behind the utterly amazing Tactics ost.

>Every single song linked is either boring and forgettable or otherwise linked with an absolutely garbage area

Shitpost all you want, Sakimoto never composed shite like this.

>no FFIX

>your point?
Don't get me wrong, they're great instruments, but when your OST is 70% piano and violin solos and 30% orchestra holding long notes, you gotta sit down and do a little thinking.

That was Uematsu who was horrible on X.

Hamauzu was the best on X by a mile:

>I hate all of those songs because they're bad and from a game I don't like!
You need to chill, user. I made an opinion, not a statement.

And your parents should've though about having a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome, get ready to get BTFO: - rock - ambient - chant - boss nova - jazz fusion - fucking trumpet solos

I could go on but its pretty apparent you have a mental disability.

wtf is wrong with 2? fuck you op

>use your highest DPS and use your best healing spells because debuffs and status effects are fucking worthless this is the power of early FFs...

I only like one song from the FFX OST, and only because I'm a sucker for sombre, melancholic accordion.

VIII and XIII are both better experiences than IV.

That would be based Junya Nakano.

You missed the part where it says 'Debuff'. XIII is so pushy with how it pretty much points out when to go on offensives and defensives.

The final boss theme of XII "Battle for Freedom" is a masterpiece. Totally fitting the moment, everytime i think about it, it starts playing in my head.

Any Squaresoft Final Fantasy entry is better than any Square-Enix Final Fantasy entry. That's the separating line between people with some taste and people who like to be "gamers".

They're making these games easier to play, easier to understand, with worse characters, worse mechanics, and a hollow, completely guided experience so SE can make sure you really "get it". There's people who liked 7, who also defend 13, who are also going to defend 15, because they want to believe they like the taste of shit in their mouth rather than just rinse it out and move on.

I don't need to see my favorite games from the 90s remade. I don't want to see what they do to 7, if they ever release it. I don't need to. The Final Fantasy I enjoyed is dead, and while I still like to discuss the older titles, I won't and haven't supported SE. In whatever way Squaresoft could get teams to develop and publish content relatively on-time, in a way that felt like players received a mostly complete game was completely gone after the merger.

They've gone full blown Japanese Corporate Retard, if the Lighting/Waifu games weren't enough of a hint, but at least you can say, "well, that's the industry for you!". With these people defending such awful titles, it's really sad to see them being taken advantage of.

The worst thing Squaresoft did, ended the company.

The worst thing SE does becomes the bar for the next title to jump over because nostalgia fags don't want to admit it's over.

It's been over for a decade.

13 and 8 are fine. Put X on there instead.

But the true trilogy is II, XII, and IX now being replaced by 15

>and FFXIII is better than 90% of JRPGs

It's the epitome of everything wrong with JRPGs.

Cry more 8fag

Kill yourself

>actually enjoying a game where leveling up is bad.

To me, Destiny was the hardest hitting track. You'd really have to play the game to feel it.

VIII maybe, XIII definitely not.

Can we stop pretending XII doesn't have the weakest OST of a mainline installment?

>full blown Japanese Corporate Retard

I can't fucking wait for Zodiac Age just for the remastered OST.

>eat shit VI/IX purists

No see, it's ok when IX has terribly slow and boring gameplay but not any other game.

Consider this your final (you).

The Cerobi Steppe and phon coast ost though. I think i'm not going to stop listning to Phon coast Ost in FFXV with the car.

No one has made a case for why they like it, every song is just orchestral fluff.

>They're making these games easier to play, easier to understand, with worse characters, worse mechanics, and a hollow, completely guided experience
but that doesn't explain XII, which is the absolute zenith of final fantasy

Zenith of shit, the game plays itself.

You speak rather brazenly for someone who has never actually played the game.

cry more 7fag

only FF to have a plot that literally doesn't make sense and keeps contradicting itself

>zenith of final fantasy


I loled

I put over 60 hours onto it, typical response for someone who can't defend how bad the combat is.

13 has the most complex combat in the series. You're talking about a fucking series where "use high damage skills and heal" is usually the optimal strategy.

You miss pressing X to attack?

Nah, IV's story is much simpler but manages to be just as retarded, if not worse than XIII's. And it's not like the game has anything else going for it, since its gameplay is the most simplistic and dumbed down in the series.

>13 has the most complex combat
I stopped reading right here. here's your (you)

>the game plays itself
I keep seeing that phrase, but never any explanation beyond 'because gambits'.
You don't honestly believe that you can get past even the Lhusu mines with no player input at all, do you?

He's not wrong, every other game is just spamming your most powerful attacks. Your nigger brain is lucky that XIII doesn't require the player to learn anything about the combat.

well done
yeah its damn old
well done
well done
well done, i like it
uhm, ok?
fuck square enix i'm out

>only FF to have a plot that literally doesn't make sense and keeps contradicting itself

Sure sounds like 8 alright.

If you played for 60 hours then you would realize that the game only really plays itself if you collect a large number of gambits and even then is rather limited compared to manually inputting commands.
If you really truly do despise even the slightest bit of automation, you can simply not use the system (only point not withstanding is extra boss that pretty much does require automation).

It's the truth. Actually it might be 13-3. It's one of the only games where buffs debuffs and status is actually useful. Furthermore chaining is pretty simple, but it's still more complex then "use the strong attack".