Why do weeaboos pretend that Dragon Quest is better than Final Fantasy?
Why do weeaboos pretend that Dragon Quest is better than Final Fantasy?
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Uhm...it's actually the other way around.
Not sure if this is bait because Dragon Quest is leaps and bounces better than Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest is better than FF now.
It wasn't always though.
old FF = old DQ
new DQ >> new FF
No. Final Fantasy is popular in America.
Dragon Quest is popular in Japan so weebs think it will make them more Japanese by liking it. What they don't know is that it is only successful in Japan because it is casual shit that they play on their mobile phones.
First post best post.
DQ games doesn't have a waifufag director nor have a bad game at the extend that XIII-X-XV are.
Just give 1 FF to Horii and you will see it.
Because Dragon Quest is more consistent.
If someone asked me to play through the entirety of Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, I would choose the later.
But if someone asked me to play the best of Final Fantasy over the best of Dragon Quest, you would choose the former.
As a massive Dragon Quest fag, I would actually say Final Fantasy VI is better than Dragon Quest VI. But any other comparison comes up with Dragon Quest winning.
>Dragon Quest is only popular because of mobile phone games!
And what about the first 28 years before it got a smartphone game? Also, the few smartphone games are not as popular as the other games, so your point is just fucking stupid.
Yeah DQ VI was a disappointment, especially after how inventive and structurally interesting IV and V were.
>Because Dragon Quest is more consistent.
This. I think Dragon Quest is the only series left that can claim it hasn't had a bad game. Also the only series I can think of where the original core team still works on the games. Even Mario and Zelda fell apart because the core team moved on.
Even the worst DQ is better than modern FF
Would you play DQII to completion over 8 hours of FFXIII?
VI only failed because they did stupid shit with the Job system that the later fixed in VII, thus why VII is one of DQs finest.
Not him. But I would. Dragon Quest II is not much different than playing a game like Earthbound mechanically. And the added challenge is enjoyable to some people.
FFXIII on the other hand is annoying even without comparing it to other games.
I like VI.
It's like a more mediocre Chrono Trigger.
Fuck yes. That is not even a question.
The only ones that I can consider "bad" for DQ were 2 and 6. On their own they are still great but for DQ they are low.
Ehh...the major problem with a job system was having to go into the other world and trek all the way to the Dharma Temple. And often you'd reach max level in the middle of a dungeon. DQVII not only had this same problem, but it was magnified. Often story events wouldn't let you go back to the Shrine. So you would waste 2-4 hours of job EXP. All of which could have been avoided if 1) You had a wagon or 2) Sage/Druid learned the ability to change classes like in DQIX.
>dragon quest
Hell yeah, Just let me use a guide near endgame and I'm set.
Dragon Quest III is a true open world game. Discuss.
>tfw want to talk about Dragon Quest Heroes but no one else is playing
Terry is broken
My opinion. Feel free to disagree.
FF1 > DQ1
FF2 = DQ2 Both equally awful
FF3 < DQ3
FF4 < DQ4
FF5 < DQ5
FF6 > DQ6
FF7 > DQ7
FF8 < DQ8
FF9 > DQ9
>tfw now there are tiers of weeb
>casual weeb likes ff
>advanced weeb likes dq
We're all on a slippery slope here...
Nah I am talking about the parts where VI legit locked you out of classes if you picked the wrong ones by accident.
Other than that its okay at best but not great.
>Sup Forums keeps throwing the term weebs without knowing the actual meaning
I hate this meme
Fuck off Phantasy Star. Your third game is awful.
I only have to suffer through 8 hours of FFXIII? Deal.
At least the fourth game made up for it.
FFI beats DQ I+II
FF2 sucks but had some neat ideas
After the NES though the two series diverge and it becomes a lot harder to make direct comparisons.
DQ is the pinnacle of Japanese あうてぃすも
You do the same shit in the same world with the same looking characters killing the same monster and defeating pretty much the same bosses with the same moves since the fucking 80s. It's made for people who live like robots. They consider it as some sort of national identity (le release on holiday to let le yamato peepol purei le game) but it's fucking pitiful. It's an expression of devotion to something that is so stale you could use it instead of bricks to build houses.
And there's people who want to put up with 100h of DQVIII.
That should be katakana user not hiragana.
>he hates DQII
But why? Its not awful at all. Its challenging but in a good way. Cannock is kind of a clown but once he get better spells he's good to go.
Granted I play the SNES version
>try to play DQVII
>have to play hours before you even obtain the job system.
Ehhhhhhh, no thanks.
Feels a bit closer to me.
>try to play Final Fantasy IV
>keep losing a character every 2 hours
ehhh, no thanks.
I really like when RPGs are constantly mixing up your party against your wishes. Made Shadow Hearts and FFIX more enjoyable
And some people like the long pace of Dragon Quest VII. Though I personally prefer Dragon Quest VIII because the skill system allowed you to improve characters without the flaws of the class system. And didn't break the flow of the game.
Is what I meant for the last char, my bad
Kirby hasn't had a bad game
There haven't been a new mainline DQ in ages, just ports and remakes.
>DQXI news in December
Final Fantasy has gotten so shitty, I don't know how anyone can even like it any more.
Why is this a problem, though? Every part of the game is balanced around the party you're forced to control at specific moments.
We don't have to pretend, we're too busy playing the games.
DQX was good japan only and DQXI is coming out next year in japan.
>all the games will be remake with this engine someday
Final Fantasy never seemed fun to me. It's a very bland series. "FF is to JRPGS what Call of Duty is to shooters" is maybe the best I can describe it. There is nothing blatantly bad about it and the production values are there but there's nothing that stands out either. Modern FF especially just seems like some Japanese fashion series.
I can't claim to be an expert on DQ but the ones I've played now (8, 9 and just recently 7) seem more lively and fun than FF with better characters and dialogue.
I never wanted to play a game so badly
You're exactly right on this. FF does specifically work in the same way that CoD does. They differ in their philosophies, but at the end of the day, both series are just trying to bring in the lowest common denominator. You're either a CoD westaboo, or an FF weeaboo.
DQ sits in that comfortable middle zone where it hasn't been completely corrupted by Western (Hollywood) influences. It might just be the last vestige against that.
Whats so fun about DQX? I heard the ally you hire is just AI controlled? Or its possible to get real people as well
Ehh.. I'd say a few Kirby games were lackluster. But that's gonna be based on opinion. Not general consensus.
I could never get into Dreamland 3 for example.
Don't think any version of FFIV is balanced. The western SNES version was made super easy. The Japanese versions on the other hand are some of the few FF games that require grinding.
early gameplay focused FF > DQ
DQ > other FF
>I haven't got to play DQX
>I'm an americlap so I probably never will
You can group up with others like other MMOs. AI are just there for those who want to play solo.
Final Fantasy is more like Modern Zelda. Linear, cutscene driven and holds your hand. Some people obviously like that. But its not for everyone.
Dragon Quest is more like Mario. Always keeps the core things, then adds to it with each sequel. And rewards players for finding your own way to play the game.
Been waiting for 3 years. And will probably have to wait 1-2 more to actually get the game (if at all).
Recent Final Fantasy (that is doing its best to not be a real RPG anymore) is objectively worse than most Dragon Quest games.
Isn't the fourth one where you follow around a hot Jew who bilks everyone she runs into out of money?
Because that one is hot.
Dragon Quest X is Dragon Quest IX with dedicated online instead of WiFi, full multiplayer support, a world bigger and more detailed than Dragon Quest VIII to explore, Parcheesi added and full nostalgia themed dungeons instead of pathetic grottoes. People in Japan also report it has a much better single player story.
Maybe. She dies though.
>MFW learning Japanese to play DQ
>DQIII SNES version opens with the game asking you questions
>answer them
>"You're willing to help people but you're pretty selfish about it"
Dang, one of the most spot on personality quizzes I've ever taken.
I got lost the very first time I played it, and ended up with like level 40 Hero before I got the Final Key.
>tfw I'm actually doing that
Japanese is fucking bullshit, man.
>learning japanese just to play games 1 year earlier
Who liked the best Waifu in here?
Your face should look more like pic related.
>implying that's the specific reason for it
I wanna play those great remakes we never got without emulators
>Not wanting to play as a female ogre in DQX and pretend to be a girl to seduce naive japanese boys to give you free stuff.
You can hate DQ and call it Japanese COD all you like but you can't deny DQV has one of the best stories in all RPGs.
>not in Heroes II
>mfw Maribel is voiced by Aoi Yuuki now
>hyper western influenced series
>weeb game
I thought weebs hated dragon quest?
>tfw the Silly personality describes me perfectly
literally ultima for kids
Dragon Quest is more consistent and timeless, the only problems in some of the games is that sometimes they drag on but otherwise they're good
Final Fantasy like to change what they are all the time. Meaning the games are less timeless and show age, because they're more experimental
They're examples of some of the worst cliches in JRPGs. endless grinding, 2 dimensional side characters with, "emo" main characters.
but really most RPGs took after Final Fantasy so its more like they built off of FF, not that FF is a relic of the past which puts their place in jrpg history above other jrpgs
but way i see it
FF mainline < DQ mainline
FF spin offs > DQ spin offs
I'm slowly playing through all the DQ games. Just beat 2. Man, the last like 3-4 hours was just pure suffering.
At least you can say you beat Rhone user.
Fuck Rhone.
>"emo" main characters.
This wasn't really a problem aside from Squall, at least not until they flanderized Cloud in Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children.
I haven't played DQ in a while. Good thing winter is coming up.
Is Dragon Quest 3 (remake) the easiest game in the series? Agility and Vitality are insanely broken.
Isn't Heroes not an RPG?
we talking about the gbc version? I still have my copy from 2001. I never beat it. hrmm..
I'm doing the same, but I'm on the SFC version of DQ2.
I barely know moonrunes and I don't wanna look shit up.
To be fair, DQ8 looks pretty good
>FF spin offs > DQ spin offs
I disagree. The monster games are fucking amazing.
Its a musou with rpg element
I is too musou with tons of loading
II actually plays more like an rpg since its free roaming
Kingdom Hearts fucked Cloud in every sense.
The easiest game is VII
Just UltraHit my shit up senpai
Well see agility is defense and vitality affects HP growth. It makes classes like Warrior and Fighter WAY too powerful due to the fact enemies can't do shit for damage mid-way through.
Easy? I dunno about that, I thought it was decently challenging.
Feels good. Reposting cuz it came out sideways the first time
I played 1 and 2 on the SFC.
VII was released for Nintendo DS?
Fuck I forgot about it while getting IV-VI
>I think Dragon Quest is the only series left that can claim it hasn't had a bad game.
The developers themselves think II is awful, and most of the fanbase think VI is awful.
>learning japanese just to play games 1 year earlier
And the 25 or so Dragon Quest games that have never been brought to the west.