Name a game with better worldbuilding.
You can't.
Name a game with better worldbuilding.
You can't.
That's not FF10.
Nah, FFXIII 1-3, for what it's worth, did have an interesting setting.
It's everything else that was shit.
>build cool pretty world
>can't explore
But FF13 is decent. Okay story, mostly good characters, good battle system, familiar gameplay.
You're talking about a game that put half of it's story in journal entries
The 12+ games before it.
Any Souls game
I'm not even going to waste time trying, because that certainly aint it.
Yeah, but the game does have that extra long first 20 hours before it actually picks up.
It's also a visually interesting game, lots of oohs and ahhs to go around, like that super long tower with those bad ass Samurai looking guardians, but those first hours are so tedious I can't blame people for not sticking with it.
>world building
game has two worlds
game has two "worlds"
>any game
>having better worldbuilding than morrowind
The lore is interesting but worldbuilding needs more than just that to be good.
Having all the interesting parts of the world hidden inside in game wikipedia entries isn't good worldbuilding.
Go Play Legend of Heroes
minecraft you retard
>Two worlds
Game has one world
Yeah and .Hack has great lore because it has a News feed that takes like a fucking hour to read through.
I mean it's technically there but none of it besides the Salvadore shit was really needed.
>Killing Floor
You don't actually kill the floor
>not getting fully immersed in The World and reading every little bit
Is that what you call it when they put anything even slightly interesting in a fucking text-entry in the game menu?
>woah they made up stupid words
>woah there's a hedonistic dystopia and an untamed wilderness
>woah the protectors of humanity are just farming sheeple
>woah everything is explained almost as soon as its introduced
>woah hope you like datalogs
>woah all this shit is tropey as fuck
>woah it doesn't even fit together
>woah none of it is fleshed out in meaningful ways
>woah none of it matters in the next games
such rich world building
>FFXIII world becomes so fucked up they just up and move to another dimension
Just like Drakengard but more shit