User Needs Open World Games

I have been out of the gaming scene for like 6 years or so and I need some new games.

I have played a few here and there (beat fallout 4, didn't like it. Enjoyed far cry 4, Terraria, Bioshock Infinite for the story, Hotlne Miami 1) I liked Red Faction Gorilla and Borderlands was ok too I guess.

What games should I get and what should I skip? I'm looking at DOOM, MGSV even though i've never played a metal gear game, and GTA V. I like open world shooters and shit. I like indie games like World of Goo too, I tried out Binding of Isaac and that other Tumblr tier game with the hearts but I hated that one. Oh yeah, i didn't like XCOM2 either.

I already have civ 6 but havent played it yet

TL:DR I need some games preferable open world shit like Saints Row GTA, Just Cause and Far Cry


Please respond

You can try an Elder Scrolls game.

Play the stalker games. some of the best, most immersive open world games

I already played Skyrim (Mage with 100% mana cost reduction, Archer with cheese stealth, and powerlevel smithing warrior)

thanks though I kinda left them out. I enjoyed Oblivion more anyways especially the assassin's and mage guild and quests in general

>Those feet
>Perfect girlfriend


Get Gunpoint. It's a pretty simple, but pretty fun. Worth the money and has some minor replay value, either trying a run without killing or being brutal, or just getting all the achievements.

holy shit 1 whole hour?! geez what a gamer girl! i usually just play a match of cod with the boys for a half hour a week

People have jobs and shit you fucking faggot

Can't tell if its a really submissive boyfriend or an over lightly dominate/attention seeking girlfriend...or both.

Didn't you notice her triforce short shorts and her epik Zelda tattoo?

>Knee high socks

Would bang because she seems like an idiot

>tfw no gf

>wageslaves get 1 hour of free time a day
KEEEEK! anyway, time to sleep for 10 hours. gotta be at my best so that i can play piano down at the piano lounge (i'm somewhat of a local celebrity there) and then afterwards continue to study and learn new languages. wageslaves will never EVER have time to have fun!

She leaves him because he works too much and doesn't make time for her. She gives him all her Zelda shit. The end.

Looks dope i'll check them out

It looks pretty cool

Thief 2.

It's not open world but it often feels that way cuz the levels are xboxhueg.

Settle down. I work 9 hours a day and still have about 6 solid hours every day to play vidya, shitpost, stare at the wall and wonder why I live alone and don't have anyone to love. Plus, I get Friday off every other week and never do anything work related on Saturday or Sunday, when I stay at home and binge on vidya, Netflix, anime, porn, and alcohol.

>liking the legend of zelda

>you'll never have redpilled girlfriend obsessed with Zelda and good looking

>not liking it
Either underage and only knowing TP and SS or utter shittaste.

And even TP and SS were one if not the best action adventures of their generation, kek.

>that smartphone underage fag

it's like a child

>current year
>still falling for the open world meme

Give me more open world games u fags

>those feet

>current year

you need to disable the way that you think before you trip on this year of our lord, jesus christ, 20016

>live in S.Florida
>side-chick/side-dude culture is massive here
>every chick I go for is either a huge cunt, or has a few dudes already and expects me to be ok with 2 other dudes dicking her aside from me
>want me to take them out to bars / expensive clubs in Miami
>want to constantly play games with me, pissing me off
>only kind of girls I attract without effort are clingy creepy awkward chicks I have zero attraction towards
>every time I meet a super chill, super cool, fun chick, SURPRISE, she has a fucking boyfriend already
>getting tired of even bothering
>fuck everything

Dating culture is fucked in my town.

>mfw they break up

Thief 2, fag

kill everyone you can

>mfw it grinds



As a FUCKING LEAF who lives in Tampa now, I know your pain, friendo.



that's fucked up desu


does this end in her dying or something
who actually goes through the time to make these creepy ass pictures

Did you get lost on your way to /r9k/?

Poor thing.

>3 pizzas

How fucking fat are you?

>they're actually abnormal

really stimulates my prefrontal cortex


Best GTA ever excluding MAYBE San Andreas. They basically delivered everything people wanted from IV. Pick that one up immediately.


The Witcher 3

This poor guy. He's getting cucked hard while he's at work. This bitch is like a juggler supreme. While she's texting him, she's taking Jamal in the rear and Desquarius in the front. She doesn't misspell a single word. Yet each message is typed with immaculate grammar. It's almost as if he weren't cucked at all. Really makes you think.

Gross, even bad beer goes better with pizza than wine.

It was from a Sup Forums thread where we all thought it was going to turn into cuckold stuff but it really just turned into the guy not spending enough time with his gf and her leaving him.

I already played and beat IV. I want a modern game, sorry didn't specify in OP. New Far Cry Primal looks gay because I want guns in Far Cry

Is that it?

Are these white females?

I didn't want these feels user

>mfw I made that Sup Forums thread


Who the fuck just buys 3 pizzas on a whim like that and expects to share them between 2 people
Do they expect to eat nothing but pizza for the next two weeks?

We're talking about 5 though, not 4. 5 is fucking amazing and does everything better than 4. Get it.

>making an obsessive collage of an ex and how perfect she is

so where's the picture of her tied up in his trunk and him digging her future grave. "gotta make sure it's exactly six feet! she wouldn't want anything less!"

Nice blog you piece of shit.
Don't forget to fucking neck yourself.

>but it really just turned into the guy not spending enough time with his gf and her leaving him.

How the fuck are you suppose to have time for your gf when you are working like this?

Is like seriously fucking retarded to work your ass off to bring food to the table and then this happens


Sleeping Dogs was a good game open world as long as you don't want to travel by air


Feminism WikiHow: Breaking up with him softly

>3 pizzas
>two weeks
Are you a literal rabbit?

It seemed to end rather well which could be why he's lamenting so hard.

She's perfect if you're free to fuck or lick her feet.

I live in ft.lauderdale and have no idea what you're talking about. Don't be a faggot and you'll become the main man


If by feet, you mean bony, tendon-like husks which support weight, by golly we've got a merger.

Basically what I got going on with my mom.

You win at life.

Please give examples of how/when that became a thing

what the fuck?

She's probably not even worthy. You're probably just making shit up. I mean, why would anyone make shit up on an anonymous image board? I hope they're the worst mom-feet the universe has to offer, you liar.

>dating a girl who plays video games



The fuck is this sentimental crap

>enjoyed bioshock infinite
>for the story

I like making suggestions, but with that pedigree, I just don't know where to go from there.

I guess barbie's horse adventures, maybe? Is that open world? It's a step up at least. If you liked BI's story, seems like anything else is going to utterly blow your fucking mind.

Witcher 3 is fun. I haven't played any of the others and still had a great time

I get this vibe that he's slowly building up to the collage where she came back asking for money and shelter, and he denied her so hard that she became a prostitute and was found in a closet hanging from a belt in Queens.

Wow. That one really made me think.

As a Mexican drug dealer and rapist that image is really offensive.

I was honestly expecting a

"Dear white students, you are not loved, nor are you welcome in here."

As Bill Burr put it, there's two types of women:

a) women who understand that you need to make a lot of sacrifices to be successful
b) dumb cunts who'll leave you because you're too busy working so that you can give her a nicer life later on

Never fall for a b.

Silent hill is sorta open world

You sound jealous user. Do you want to fuck your mom too?


but user, if a) doesn't exist, then what is the point of this post?

Don't you know that wonmyn live in the moment? Eat Pray Love and all that?

Not mine. Maybe yours though?

That's because your a kissless virgin

I'm tired of normalfags. They like the NPCs of the world

>not "Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep"

If you can't go forward, go back.

Try stuff like XCom:Ufo Defense, Civ 2, Deus Ex, etc.

For open world, try Mad Max, Terraria, RimWorld, Dwarf Fortress, Mafia series, Don't Starve, Arma series, the Forest, My Summer Car.

Just look for open world tag on steam and check the reviews.

I wouldn't blame you my mom is hot as fuck

>be black
>mfw all this unwarranted """"affection"""" from SJW types
>cant wait till humanity is all racemixed to fuck so we can kill each other over something less stupid like planetary real estate

I know that feel. I think most first love's end because we didn't spend enough time with them and took it for granted. Then it kind of becomes a vicious cycle with us never spending enough time with future girls to protect us from falling in love again.

Fuck off kissless virgin.


The collage maker seems like the type of beta who would take her back.

I just wish I wasn't alone

Every attempt I've ever made at not being alone anymore has ended in just being yet another bad memory that I can recall vividly, yet I never have such detailed recollections of anything nice that ever happened to me

Don't even start that shit. Fuck right off with that right now.

So is Asians are left out, huh? Okay, I see how it is liberals.

Don't be bitter. You can do both. Make the weekends count. No one wants to be in a relationship where they feel unimportant.

>tfw didnt give a fuck about the rest of the story because them feet