Looks like my 8 hour tutorial is... Over

>Looks like my 8 hour tutorial is... Over.

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Playing as Roxas is the best part

It really isn't. You may enjoy his story, but there is nothing fun about doing a bunch of shitty jobs over and over until you have enough Munny and doing that Seven Wonders shit.

I mean, it was one of the best parts out of one of the greatest games of it's generation but okay.

Roxas is a better protagonist than Sora. Playing as him was fun in the beginning. He's a lot more normal.

He's best as a two-three hour prologue.

We actually did have an entire game centered around him, and his melodrama got old fast.

I remember it being more like 3 hours, 2 if you don't fuck around.

Sora is sort of like a retard. I guess he still has the mentality of a child in 2.

You only need to do one job.

1) The tournament was a lot of fun
2) the atmosphere is GOAT, never again have I seen a game recreate such a comfy atmosphere
3) The whole set up of this world that you think is real but is actually revealed to be 100% false fits perfectly into KH2. It's a brilliant introduction to the main theme of the game. I was legit a little sad that all of Roxas' happy interactions with his friends were fabricated nonsense in a simulation, it's made even more genius by the fact that that's literally what the player is doing in the game, getting attached to non-existent characters. It was some next level shit, thematically.

He spent an entire year sleeping. You can't mature when you're unconscious.

>We actually did have an entire game centered around him
This is what ruined the franchise, they didn't need 50 fucking spin off games just finish KH3 already. Its been over 10 years and they have less than 10 minutes of gameplay to show for it.

15 year olds are pretty retarded user.

The tournament was slow and lame. I could have done without the pointless balls. The battles themselves weren't all that interesting either.

>8 hour tutorial

that's 4x more time than it takes to complete it playing casually for the first time

All they needed to do was make it so that you only needed to complete each job once or something in order to get the 2 AP, and it would've been perfect.

Damn, I was getting depressed over how lackluster XV was turning out after a decade of hype, but looking at OP's gif reminded me that there's still hope in KH3 and maybe FF7R. I just wish we lived in the timeline where FFVersus could be the magnum opus that Nomura wanted to make. I was watching the Versus XIII trailers and the first XV trailer and it was absolutely brimming with personality

Man, it's Nomura. He tries to make every game his magnum opus.

But him being protagonist wasn't the reason Days was bad. Xion was more at fault for that.
They aren't spinoffs user

Eh. Sora's really the only one who actually appreciates the Disney worlds. Everyone else like Riku and Roxas have pretty drab reactions to everything.

FF7R being episodic kills any chance of it being good or finished. They say now, that it will recreate like every aspect of 7. But now that we see XV's open world map there is no fucking way they can do 7 correctly since its just fucking huge.

7 will have to be like X after Midgar. Linear but still letting you backtrack. 100%, Yuffie and Vincent will not be optional. Episode is 2018 at the earliest, so when the fuck would a episode 2 that covers the rest of disc 1 and maybe more even come out? Fucking 2022 when no interest is left if they fucked up the first one and they have to make it for the PS5/Xbox Two ?

If they just make 7R's open map like the original's and have random encounters in the world map, it could work. Sure, it wouldn't be like the open world in XV but everyone doesn't want it anyway. I'm still hopeful that they manage to pump out an episode once every year after episode 1 finally releases

days was bad because the gameplay was bad

Well, we already got at least one magnum opus in KH2FM so I suppose I have to settle for that for now.

People would like the old school way, but if S-E can't do an actual open map the transitions will kill some aspect of what they are going for. Like Midgar is likely entirely seamless and they are expanding it. The combat and everything

but with an old school world map, you transition into an instanced battle which might be weird and then you head back into an instanced city to explore and shit. Will be pretty fucking weird.

I'm sad that you won't get recognition for this amazing description other than, "lol ur a fag," because playing as Roxas was really the best part of the game made solely by his character development through his interactions with other characters. What feeled me the most was when the Ansem guy was calling Roxas, a character we've grown to be attached to, a thing and a throw away for the John Doe character of Sora.

Roxas had personality and trauma that made his character incredibly far more interesting than Sora (and I'm not talking about that Ventus deviantart shit I'm talking purely Roxas).

Looking back I would've liked a game that revolved around Roxas. I know they kind of did with 358 days, but something more on the scale of its own KH game. I think he's worth at least that much as a well developed character

Roxas' story is effectively over. They've already explored his situation and the effect it had on him. Going further than that would just result in unnecessary melodrama. You want him to have an existential crisis forever?

There should be a game set inside Sora. You play as Roxas and all the other people inside him and you fight heartless within Sora that are trying to retake his body.

So what, another Chain of Memories? I'll pass. The battle system was fun but I'm not interested in seeing more repeats of past worlds. A world inside Sora would be composed of his memories, so we wouldn't get to see anything new. And really, who wants to fight Jafar for the fourth goddamn time?

user, Sora said in DDD that he wants Roxas to be his own person. At the very least, Roxas is going to be a major character in 3.

You have shit taste if you prefer Roxas to Sora.

Everyone gets to be major, but that doesn't mean Roxas should be a main character again. Or what, should Namine and Xion get to be main characters too?

>Or what, should Namine and get to be main characters too?
user, I think you had a bit of a stroke there.

Whatever the case, Roxas is a bad fit for Kingdom Hearts. I mean, he has his role and story, but I'm not really interested in seeing him go to Disney worlds and interacting with them. He doesn't seem like he'd be very enthusiastic about it. Also, I can't see him killing Heartless while riding around in a giant teacup. He's too serious.

I could see him as the dude flying the Gummi ship or something, though. Like a "I'm doing this because it pays well and is a pretty enjoyable job, all things considered" type of guy.

Sora is Naruto, Roxas is...I donno, pick literally any well developed character beyond the John Doe, "I want to make friends with everyone and would rather make friends with this murderer than fight him," that is Sora/Naruto

Does anyone on the planet actually understand what's happening in these games

It's 2 hours tops.

>He thinks FF7R can possibly be good

If they replaced the milquetoast main cast with actually developed characters I wouldn't blink an eye in protest. Namine and Xion are far more interesting characters than the wet towel of Kairi who's only character is, or was previously, to create the love triangle between Sora-Riku-Kairi and now, even with a keyblade, to simply be Sora's wifu

Goddamn, man, they explain everything to you as if you were a toddler. There's no difficult terminology or abstract concepts. Everything's spelled out to you as clearly as a kindergarten class.

Having played through KH2 half a dozen times, I'd say it's more like 2 and a half, maybe even 3 if you're taking your time.

>Actually paying attention to Nomura's autism simulator of a story

It still doesn't stop it from being convoluted and silly

One giant identity crisis

I wish we got to use dual wielding Roxas more
That shit was fun

I liked 358/2

>I wish we got to use dual wielding Roxas more
It's literally just valor form.

>heartless are beings that let themselves fall to darkness, they could also be the manifestation of that person's dark heart. Their goal is to simply, instinctually, corrupt the world with darkness like a plague
>nobodies are the husks of the left behind bodies that turned into heartless. Their only goal is to find their heart, or heartless itself, so that they can be whole again. Thats their only goal but will not hold back killing any that get in their way. They're actually intelligent beings.

That's fine. But here's the bullshit:

>fake beings, be it actually falsely created beings (i.e. literal frankensteins or paradoxal existances as well as computer programs) are also are plagued with the heartless/nobody rules
>dreams for whatever reason
>the keyblade is a magically important and significant weapon that apparently any old Joe can have because because (case in point Axle/Lea)

That's all explained later on. In the past, there were thousands of Keyblade users. Most of them were wiped out in the Keyblade War, so now there are only a few left. There are only two main qualifications for become a Keyblade user. One is that you need to inherit one through the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, and the second is that you need a strong heart. We know Axel has a strong heart because his Nobody had a human form. Only those with the strongest hearts can create a Nobody like that, hence why there were only thirteen.

Rank the Organization XIII members in order of power level.

Well, basically when you die in a very specific way you become two "things" unless you were strong then you become two different people. When those two "things"/people are killed in a specific order your body comes back.

The big bad is using this fact to take over the world/acquire ultimate power or something like that in increasingly convoluted ways.

If there's a KH4 the "plan" will probably be something like:
>Assemble the princesses of light in a specific formation throughout the worlds.
>have the warriors of light kill/remove the hearts of numbers 1 & 5
>Have warriors of darkness kill/remove the hearts of numbers 3 & 8
>Find the secret "locks of the truth" scattered by this event and unlock them.
>Find Kingdom hearts (again), and instead of opening it place the "locks of the truth" created by lost hearts of the princesses of heart on top of it.
>also due to the time Kairi's heart spent in Sora's body there's half of the lock in each of them, which is represented as ANOTHER one of Kairi's alter egos
>Riku also has a lock inside of him, except it's a fake lock that he's using to lead the bad guys on a wild goose chase while Sora collects the actual locks.

Roxas and Xemnas were the strongest. Vexen was considered one of the weaker once since battle isn't exactly his strong suit. He was ranked high because of his genius. Axel, Marluxia, Xigbar and Saix are probably all fairly high up there.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is the end of the plotline we've seen up until now. Apparently, Nomura has plans for games after 3, but they're not gonna continue the same plot. It'll be a completely new adventure.

Sora will still be the protagonist, though.

Xemnas>Roxas>Marluxia>Saix>Xigbar>Xaldin>Axel>Demyx>the Rest>the emoest one


Be honest Sup Forums

You've come up with your own orginzation xiii style name in the past haven't you.

No. The idea never really came to me until you mentioned it.

no, but I used to watch youtube videos where each member was given a song and made my own playlist imitating this

No, but I drew this ironically when DA was full of Kh and Death Note back in early 2007

You drew that now

No, I always thought the organization XIII shit was stupid.

If it was recent I would have made it a KHxUndertale crossover

Couldn't Xemnas wield a keyblade himself, but he just didn't want to?

Who would win in a keyblade duel? My moneys on Xemnas.

Xemnas > Roxas > Lexeaus > Xigbar > Saix > Xaldin = Marluxia > Axel > Larxene > Luxord > Demyx > Zexion > Vexen

Well, a Keyblade duel is basically a sword duel, and it's not like Sora lost to Xemnas when they fought.

>Why doesn't it start with big muscleman robbing a bank?

This thread gave me autism.

I was talking about Roxas vs. Xemnas. And I thought Keyblade gave you strength / power and some transformation bullshit.

Is BBS worth going through, the gameplay is really hard to stomach

Shit hold on

>–Who are the strongest ranking Organization XIII?

>Nomura: Xemnas is the strongest, and Roxas is considerably strong you include his potential. Xaldin and Lexaeus are higher after that. However, when their strength is configured by preference, it’s different than how it appears in the story.

Xemnas > Roxas > Lexaeus = Xaldin > Xigbar = Saix > Marluxia > Axel > Larxene > Luxord > Demyx > Zexion > Vexen
Poor Marluxia wasn't even big three/four tier, Lexaeus could've have easily slapped his shit given the chance.

>>Not losing your absolute mind when the two keyblade meme was formed

Get out of her faggot.

wasn't Marluxia smarter though?

Marluxia received a considerable power upgrade from Castle Oblivion.

>You want him to have an existential crisis forever?
>Or what, should Namine and Xion get to be main characters too?
>So what, another Chain of Memories?
Dude, really?

>1) The tournament was a lot of fun
And not even 1/4th of the whole introduction
>2) the atmosphere is GOAT, never again have I seen a game recreate such a comfy atmosphere
That's nice and everything, but it still goes on for too long and most of it is dull
>3) The whole set up [...] It was some next level shit, thematically.
It's entry level stuff, and it had already been done before.

define power up

Sora was basically running at half-capacity in CoM since Roxas was existing at the time, and he still killed Marluxia and Larxene off.

>Not losing your absolute mind when the two keyblade
Holy shit this. The dual wielding keyblades what the absolute shit. When I first played the game I used nothing but Valor form until I got Master and Final form. Didn't use Wisdom at all. It wasn't until I played KH2: FM on my PS2 when I realized that Wisdom was just as good as the others. Limit form is still the best though.

He also defeated Ansem too, and he wasn't exactly weak.

And I'm talking about that giant white thing. That's not normally part of Marluxia's skillset.

>But him being protagonist wasn't the reason Days was bad.
Yeah it was the gameplay. I dropped Days because of the gameplay. Not Xion or the story. Re: Coded has the best gameplay imo. If they could combine that with the drive forms from KH2: FM then we would have the perfect KH game gameplay wise.

anti form was the best though

Personally, I found Drive forms hard to enjoy because they were just too strong. If they were a little weaker and lasted longer, it'd be better.



That game gave me a massive hard on for dual wielding in video games. I always dual wield in games when I can. For example in the MH series my fav weapon is the Dual Blades. Anyway, Anti Form was really cool my first run. I remember one time in the Tron world revisit before the boss, I was stuck into getting Anti Form every time I transformed during the fight. That's when I learned the the transformation isn't completely random. That was the fight where I learned that Anti Form can't heal, and then it became my most hated form.

>8 hours
>fastest speedrun of the game is about 3 to 4 hours
Git. Fucking. Gud.

I don't like overpowered things. I just with the Drive forms had better balance is all.

Anti form is shit.

It's cool the first few times you use it, but it's a shitty drive form in general

>No range
>Shitty chip damage
>Can't heal
>No finishers means you cant' beat bosses with it

Each form is the best at something, but anti form is a punishment form, only good for annoying people.

Then they just wouldn't be worth using at all.


As long as they have merits, I don't see how that would be the case.


Who /skipallcutscenes/ here? Fucking worthless tripe story in that game.

If they're weaker, but last longer you run into one of two situations

A:People never use them because they don't make much of a difference
B: People always use them because recharging the drive meter takes a minute

I much rather prefer the potent, but limited drive forms. If you're going to introduce a transformation mechanic, it should be worth using

That's a stupid argument. There are plenty of games with styles and changes that aren't complete gamebreakers.

this on my first critical run I got out of roxas's part in 45 minutes and Im not exactly great

>no gf to dress up as Aqua and not complain about feeling objectified because cosplay is fun


I wish I could be as cool as all of you.

It was two and a half hours at most. I agree it was not fun watching an emotionless object play act as if it had feelings.

>play jRPG
>ignore story
What the fuck are you playing for then

>he spent 8 hours in Roxas
That's literally nobody's fault but yours.

Anything longer than 3 hours and you're retarded.

>skipped all cutscenes
>Fucking worthless tripe story in that game.
How would you know?

Step aside, here comes the best world
> best story
> best movie character
> best atmosphere ( actually makes sense for this world to be "empty" in most regards)
> best asthetic
> challenging bosses
> KH3D even continued it
> most likely confirmed for KH3, no suprise here

Name a better world, I'll wait.

>hints at Tron growing a heart when he dances in the credits
I fucking love Tron, what a bro