4 years ago Theophany made a Majoras Mask tribute album that was the greatest tribute album to a videogame I have ever listened to. Disc 2 comes out in 20 minutes.

Additionally, the album will be released with Ember Labs majoras mask fan film.

Website here:
Trailer for

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off you stupid faggot, shill your shit on reddit.

song of healing track

Go fuck yourself


First album:

>making money off of someone else's intellectual property
>shilling this hard


boring trash. the original song of healing was simple and clean without the annoying slut screeching over it.


8 minutes left boys

5 minutes


l o l

timer is at 0, can't seem to access the movie though

is this a picture or art


go to bed then

This reminds me of that reaction image with the ayy lmao-like creature who looks completely clueless and speechless. You know the one. Somebody post it. Then, somebody put them side by side.

Mega where?

I paid 0 dollars with 0 cents last time I think(or I downloaded it if that option wasn't available), you can't guilt trip me jew.

>greatest tribute album to a videogame
eh, Calling all Dawns was better

film starts in 10 minutes

hasn't dropped yet, IIRC the last album was pay what you want

anyone able to see this shit?

Where is it, the time is up

thank you

That was exceptional

what the fuck? how does this look so fucking good?

I mean that was some really great CGI

Honestly if the fairies didn't look like shit it'd be 10/10, literally everything else is on point.

Majora's Mask only works as a videogame, nothing it does is unique or special in any other medium and is exceptional because of how it takes advantage of ludonarrative.

In the end, you just have a mediocre film and a mediocre album.

Was it worth the shill?

Wow, I'm impressed. Short and sweet, insanely detailed, and some nice sound design. Unsure about the voice of the Happy mask salesman tho

It's not a film it's a short and it worked as a short fantastically

This is fucking awful.

Well Happy Mask Salesman is canonically Miyamoto himself

>mediocre album

oh so you listened to the entire album in the span of the 5 minutes its been out?


This is great but I don't like it because it's majoras mask I like it because it's well designed.

Nice job trying to put your name out there by taking advantage of a popular cult intellectual property in order to gain popularity and get your name out there so you can get a job at an animation studio, though.

Majora's Mask OST is a classic, it's trap beats are fresh and it completely compliments the tone of the game. Any remix of it is going to feel inferior to anyone.

so you haven't listened to it


>>the greatest tribute album to a videogame I have ever listened to
lol op you poor thing, you've never listened to relics of the chozo, voices of the lifestream or balance and ruin? how about any of the minibosses' first three albums?
Nah it's cool, dont bother. I appreciate you getting hype about something in this admittedly small community, so I wont ridicule you, but I don't thing anyone involved with VG music, either production side composes or fan side tribute producers, would agree with this.

maya with renderman

>15 posters
>35 posts

Write an 800+ word analysis essay citing either musical theory or your own complex theory on why it's a good, valuable album and I will buy it right now.


This is a complete disaster

holy shit thats bad

fuck that's amazing
how can nintendo be this incompetent
why won't they let them make the full zelda movie

This is fucking awesome.

Really makes you think...
>no new IP
REALLY makes you think......

It's free

>Why would they abandon this medium that they've excelled at for a completely different medium they have no expertise or knowledge in.
gee user idk

i might need 800 words to explain why you're such an autistic retard, but not why you should buy the album. It's fucking free.

now go download it for 0 dollars mr elitist babby.

>why won't nintedo let them make the zelda movie
you dumb fucking cuck

Its for the film itself you dingus. Imagine each portion in a telling, and its tone would unarguably be better complimented by this fucking album

Also not OP, haven't even seen all this shit yet
But stop putting down a free fucking project for inane reasons

Write an 800 word analysis on why it's good and not only will I devote my precious time to listen to it but I will also share it with 100 of my friends and present your essay as proof that it's worth their time.

Ahahahha what a fucking retard!!!

your time is clearly worth shit if you're still wasting it shitposting.

Official Nintendo movies when?

its europoor shitposters, the bane of any late night release.

>Stop putting down
I'm criticizing it, you moron. I'm asking why I should devote my time to your creation, despite deeply appreciating and enjoying majora's mask. Your marketing has failed and while I admit the short film was really good, it didn't convince me to listen to the album. Surely this is your last chance and it shouldn't be this difficult, should it?

Shitposting is more fun to me than spending my time listening to a 30-60 minute album.

This was great. If fucking nintendo funded this do you know what could happen?

They might realize they could straight regain their mid adult audience, literally everyone they pandered to early in their life.

They may wake up lmao

Nintendo has no idea what animation or film studio would be able to represent their intellectual property in a way that fits their standards as well as fits the standards of film. They won't let them make it because it'd be an extremely risky idea.

God, Back to the Beginning is such a fantastic track and Dawn of the First Day hits me right in the heart.

I got the biggest retarded grin on my face listening to this.

Majora's Mask was such a fantastic game, goddamn.

why would i care if people involved with VG music agree with my own opinion?

and no, i haven't listened to those, but i feel like for example if i was a metroid fan i'd think relics of chozo would be the best thing ever. as a majoras mask fan, theophany is the best thing ever.



Grow out of your autistic phase. Plz. I'm a btard through and through you nigger-ass sniffing faggot-boy fucker.

Seriously shut your stupid fucking rancid -notneeded- breathing fuckface.

get help

>4 years ago
Jesus Christ. You sure? Doesn't feel like it's been that long. Still remember the threads we had on it when it first dropped.

holy shit

Fucking absolute nigcunt fucking fucking stupid posting everyfuckingwhere like he knows shit jesusfuckingchrist.

relics of chozo wasn't better than Times End

I have and paid for both, but Times End is clearly better

it really has been that long

Doesn't even realize I just came into this thread, viewed his nonsensical fuckasshatery and just fucking raged; spittle in fucking all

Just holyshit shutthefuckup Like why are you fucking typing lol?

Holy fucking shit how fucking asinine can you BE? Shitty pendant cunt needs to be sewed shut

I've never made a shill this mad before, holy fuck.

Brother, I'm serious. Do you really think a fucking shill, someones whose literally paid to promote (lmao read nigga) would call you an anusfucker?

Not as exciting as disc 1 so far and that song of healing of god awful.

So when is the musical "Majora" gonna release

please stop shitting up the thread


When this dumbfuck grows a few fucking cells between his ears, rubs them together and learns to shove a rubber dick up his ass instead of fucking around in perfectly good threads, I will.

Exactly, stay woke nigga

Wasn't one of the tracks from this album played throughout Sup Forums as we approached the 2012 "end of the world" date? Or was that a track from the game's actual OST?

The animation is stunning, but if they do anything more to the story I'm sure they'll butcher it. The Happy Mask Salesman is one of Zelda's most interesting characters because of his mystery. In the trailer, they completely miss this, and make him some moody fuckboy. Plus, Skull Kid was not initially possessed by Majora. His own mischievousness and wickedness lead him to attack the Happy Mask Salesman.

If this does turn out to be a film, I really hope they keep characterization in mind and not just the aesthetics. The mood of Majora's Mask is what makes the game special to begin with.

It was the album.

That didn't happen at all you retard.

Holy. Shit.

yes it did newfag

Maybe it was just Sup Forums then. A Majora's Mask song definitely played as we approached the supposed end of the world

Hello! You must be new to this website!

Eh I'd disagree about the moody fuckboy thing.
Seemed to be portrayed fairly well directly after losing mask. You're just meming.

I'd also say that you have no idea what happened to the mask salsman, fairies only hint and say he went to far.

Alright, looking at the replies I guess it turns out you're the retard, retard.

Compare the portrayal of what little interaction you have with the Happy Mask Salesman in the game with the Salesman in the trailer.

In the game, you have no real understanding why he wants the mask back. He claims it's of great, destructive power, and he wants it back. His motivations are unclear why he wants it the entire game.

The trailer, however, shows him limply playing a piano with a sad look on his face. And the whole trailer is his horror to see a poor defenseless imp be possessed by a demon.

And use your brain, for Christ's sake. The game shows a scene with a knocked out Salesman and Skull Kid looting his bag. Put the pieces together.

The fuck it didn't. My shitpost was fucking legendary.

>why would i care if people involved with VG music agree with my own opinion?
because you're promoting it on Sup Forums?

You messed with the wrong frog today, fool.

and? it's my opinion. i never stated that times end is the greatest videogame tribute ever, i just said it was the greatest ive ever listened to.

>Shills ITT claim to be Majora's Mask fans.
>Don't realize that Majora's Mask is only a landmark title for it's use of ludonarrative consistency and creative gameplay mechanics allowing for emotions and ideas to be produced purely from gameplay, game design, game direction, and game mechanics.
>Think Majora's Mask would work as a film, even though the story itself is weak, has been done before and better, and not the point.

>Nice job trying to put your name out there by taking advantage of a popular cult intellectual property in order to gain popularity and get your name out there so you can get a job at an animation studio, though.

you realize they ARE an animation studio right, dumbfuck?

Too bad that it's a Zelda-game that does its Zelda job poorly and therefore a shit

Okay we get it, you learned the word ludonarrative

>No download links on the page

Is it just me or is this page broken?

Well in that case good job, leaders, employees, and hired marketers of this animation studio, making a short film with no intention of profit in order to get the attention of publishers and entrepreneurs who are willing to fund your future endeavors.

You pointed out a big word to explain a complex concept that can only be executed in vidya that applies to this context. Nice job, what are you going to do now? Tell me how funny it is that I use the word "the?"

>4 years ago Theophany made a Majoras Mask tribute album that was the greatest tribute album to a videogame I have ever listened to. Disc 2 comes out in 20 minutes.

Because the best fanmade zelda song has allready been made

Why do I even come here anymore

You guys are seriously shitting on Theophany now.

The rage when Nintendo takes this down. You know it will happen.