ITT: Casual filters
ITT: Casual filters
Nothing wrong with me
furbait filter?
Raining Blood on Expert did it for me. That fucking intro killed me and I never managed to beat the game on Expert.
never understood why so many people struggled with capra demon. If you kill the dogs and dong get pinned in a corner it's fucking cake.
Raining Blood was the only difficult one here, and even then it was easy when you got the pull-offs down. Ironically is probably the easiest song here to play on an actual guitar.
There is no casual filter in GH3, even if you pass TDWDTG you're still a casual
this was only hard for anyone who didn't pick rowlet
>metal is shitty RAWR GWAAAR for manchildren
>metal is the logical progression of classical
pick one
Just got past pic related on War difficulty and it took me quite a few tries.
I'm pretty big into metal, but I can't stand metal fans (to be fair I consider myself more of a punk person than metal person). I don't see as much of this as I did in the mid-late 2000s though.
Only one of those is.
>>metal is the logical progression of classical
t. dipshit metalheads with a vastly inflated opinion of themselves
>mid-game boss
>could just use hallelujah to prevent his toot toot from doing anything
Krishna was easy as shit once you remembered that Hal is a party member.
The ark boss and King Frost are more of a casual filter.
I don't know why Cliffs of Dover was that far down on the difficulty list.
So much fun to play, but pretty damn easy.
I've never played it in Guitar Hero (but on real guitar), but I would think that the intro would be the easy part. The insane fast part leading into the first verse and the solos however are crazy however.
>have 1 guitar at the time
>friends would have to use the controller
>one friend played controller so much he was near on par with the guitar
>weeks of us trying to progress our skill
>Raining Blood is our current issue
>im getting frustrated at the insane HOPO section
>he suddenly manages to hit the full fucking section with the controller
>he couldn't do the gallop notes though
>eventually he's too tired to keep on
>we take a break, start anew
>i 100% til the hopo section and pause, switch controllers so he can do this part
>completes it, switch back to guitar
>we continue to do this until we beat the song
did anyone else use the Radiant Eyes song as their way to learn Expert? it was the easiest song but i used to get used to the speed.
I can't find the images now, but when it was re-released there was a compilation of people that wanted to be spoon fed what to do next. It was pretty funny.
fug :--------DDDDDDDDD
I am super casual at DS, and I just got to blight town getting wrecked all the time.
That being said, casual as I am, Capra was easy enough with thise two tips. Beat him on my second try.
Depending on your built and loadout, entering the fog gate might get you killed almost instantly upwards of 50% of the time if you can't manage them as soon as you enter.
Yeah, it's straightforward if you know what to do. If you're playing a glass-cannon thief relying on a dagger, you're fucked the first time you come across it and probably the next few times as well.
>Le epin through the fire and the flames meme
Bet the guy that made this pic only knew two songs max from them.
I could never do this battle on Expert.
I celebrated when I finally beat his ass. After those other songs tripping me up a little bit (just took a little work, not too bad), THIS fucking battle was a pain in the ass, but I FINALLY found the best spot to slam him at.
And then TTFAF showed up, and that's when I and everyone else dropped GH.
Yeah this for me too
>tfw got the trophy
it was a bitch
Stuff like ELP and Yes is the logical progression of classical.
I have 110/113 achievements completed in this game.
>tfw I always failed through the fire and the flames at 85% or something
I thought Raining Blood and One were harder
Fuck, I miss playing guitar hero. There's PC versions right? How much does a guitar for the game cost?
bout tree fiddy
my nigga
The dogs can and will block your path depending on chance.
Not saying that it is insurmountable, but there is a part of luck.
anywhere from 50p to £100
GH3 is still the undisputed best game
ScoreHero has thousands of custom charts too, it's really easy to setup
>tfw loved Eric Johnson before he became a guitar hero meme
>Not Psychobilly freakout.
Before I forget and Knights of Cydonia are the casual filter.
Last setlist filter kids from men.
lowed those tremolos, probably my most played song
>metal is the logical profression of classical
it's a derivative, just like any other non-ochestra music.
I did my first run of dead space on hard and this part was the only hard part in the entire game.
if you have a 360 guitar it works on PC just like a regular 360 controller
What game is that?
What's harder: Through the Fire and Flames, or Devil Went Down to Georgia?
One or Raining blood.
One and Raining Blood weren't that bad, you could just star power through their hardest parts
This. Remove star power and One becomes a whole different story. Even with the single use of star power you can charge at the start, you still need to be able to play at least a bit of that hell intro of Raining Blood to pass it
>not playing guitar hero with a keyboard
casuals all of you
>mfw check out some gameplay videos games I might consider to buy
>The player doesn't know how to play even after a while
I think some games looses the fun factor for some. I'm not saying you need to be extremly skilled with it but some people played Just Cause 3 (And 2) without even using the parachute/grappling hook
Meanwhile you can easily have moment like this at any time
>this song looks piss eas....
Jesus christ.
Also its harder because Gh2 engine have way less timing window than later games.
An actual casual filter from a non casual rhythm game series
Metal is a meme
>tfw can consistently do this and only get hit twice on hardest difficulty after figuring out how to hit the rocks with one sweeping shot
>that fucking feel when you blast a rock that's offscreen and about to hit you
>Joe Satriani makes it to GH
when are GH games coming back?
Never actionvision jews over saturated the market and rockband still have a shitton of licences.
A lot of people don't realise(because the concept was poorly communicated) that Capra was supposed to teach players the importance of poise. Poise is what made him easy for some people on their first play-through.
>not just modding GH3
infinite songs for free
whats not to like
It is back user! Now you can play to the fresh hits of Skrillex in Guitar Hero(tm) Live~!
How fucking new are you?
kill me
I was a master of Cliffs Of Dover. Could 100% that song over and over without getting bored. The Number Of The Beast was just obnoxious and no fun (still 95%'ed it).
How old were you when you grew out of metal Sup Forums?
I managed to get a nearly mint World Tour controller for £11 a few weeks ago. In terms of the games you should try and get GH3 for the best sound track and the ability to easily add custom tracks and then GH:World Tour because there's a handy mod that adds all the tracks of every GH and rockband game other than GH1, 2 and 3.
I was 666 years old when I grew out of metal
I S M H every time I look back on those days
They did last year. I think the new controller(two columns of three buttons) is actually much better than the old 1 column of 5. It's a shame that the sound track is absolute dogshit though.
Raining blood is easy once you realising not playing notes has less of a penalty than trying to play them and fucking them up. On hard and expert, I basically ignored half the notes to get through the start section.
the safari wasn't that bad a wall for me
the 6/7 rolls at the end of gigadelic kill me though
any proper 'warrior' build will be fine withbsome caution and fast thinking but
>theif with bandit dagger
fucking impossible. the fact a balder side sword dropped for me as i grinded to get stronger was my only savior
>playing with that shitty ass GH3 engine.
Fuck no, get WoR, export and download everything you can and shove custom songs on RB2/3.
Trust me GH3 engine gives you terrible habits.
>a handy mod that adds all the tracks of every GH and rockband game other than GH1, 2 and 3.
link pls
Fucking Beldel. Is because of him that I was stuck in the same date for 2 weeks.
>The outros on Desert Rose and Lonely in the Night
I get erect
>GH3 engine gives you terrible habits
Like what? I noticed moving from GH3 to World Tour that you don't have to be precise at all with hammer on/pull off timings in GH3, but are there any others?
Fuck outta here you little shit you can't just hump my head and insta kill me
>tfw been doing data battles at level one for a few days
>only managed to kill lexaeus and saix, the objectively easiest data bosses
Playing on Expert I couldnt finish ONE. After that jerking solo my hand cant slow down then it freeze and I lose with 97% complete.
GH3 timing window is huge as fuck, WT fixes this a bit but not so much, timing window is a lot better in GH5 or WoR engines.
RB engine have way more tighter timing windows also dont have purple notes like ones from later gh games.
reign is blood is great though