Holy shit, Riot does it AGAIN. Fuck Blizzard's Trashverwatch designs, look at this sexy bitch:
Holy shit, Riot does it AGAIN. Fuck Blizzard's Trashverwatch designs, look at this sexy bitch:
Other urls found in this thread:
>people still play league
goddamn that is a sexy design
>based Riot still making attractive white female champs instead of flooding the game with darkies like Blizzard did with Overwatch
Kill yourself
>playing league
>quitting league to play Slowverwatch
Looks like a combination of Timbersaw with Distruptor and some weird ass combo that generates shield or whatever
she looks like a metal gear rising design
Looks like a Battleborn character
How? She doesn't look like shit.
>That fucked up tumblr-tire nose.
>League thread
>*goes back to playing overwatch*
>League of Lanephase
Nice try faggot.
It's Aigis but with 3D movement gear.
>he likes a game where you have to click to move
>rts where you control one character
>rts where you can blame 4 (FOUR) other people for your inability
>rts that's so slow most people play on a 360 controller, laptop trackpad, or a damn tablet/ipad
>rts that you can be banned from if you're teammates mute you
>rts that you can be banned from if you mute your teammates
I miss league with my friends, I stopped talking to everyone years ago. Why can't I just go back and have fun playing video games?
>Gazelle from Kingsman
>Combine with Movement Gear from Attack on Titan
Original character, excellent design, 10/10.
>making jarvan useless
Least you can actually carry in LoL based on your skill, have fun losing no matter how good you are at Trashverwatch, kiddo
I agree, she's a much more creative design than anything from Overwatch
I don't see why your bringing up Overwatch; Overwatch isn't a MOBA
Camille is a man's name
ASSFAGGOTS are that insecure about their little favorite game?
Who said anything about Overwatch?
this game is everything i hate about pc gaming. adhd autists, esport meme, riot employees typical redditors, kids, paywall
Exactly, unlike mobas, Overwatch sucks and takes no skill
>that mobility creeping
Well riot
LoL actually has mobility, unlike slow ass overwatch
shit is like running through quicksand
I agree LoL designs are trash
>AoT ripoff
>creative design
my sides, the entire game is just a dumbed down version of an already casual mod of an old rts game.
Overwatch has no creative designs, Blizzard takes the most generic shit and draws it pixar style. Characters like McCree, Genji, and Hanzo look lame as fuck and play boring as shit compared to characters like Jhin, Zed, and Yasuo.
Also the environment actually matters in League, in Overwatch the arena structure doesn't amount to shit or affect anything. Fucking playing some SHITHOUSE fucking bootleg TF2 with badly implemented LoL mechanics slapped on, how can you even look at yourself in the mirror?
Oh, its the old police milf from Korra.
why you talking about overwatch?
Because it's fucking garbage. It's a shithouse game.
just like lol.
LoL is a superior competitive game, Overwatch is fuckin shithouse
enough bait
LoL has a huge esports scene, the largest of any game on Earth. Overwatch is just trash made for people who sucked at LoL, Dota, and CoD and needed a new baby mode game made for their trash asses.
this is a 18+ site. we get it, youre 14. go back watching your favourite streamer and make sure to donate some nice jokes today
>18+ site
>defends Overshit
Looks like you should leave then, kid
you are the only one talking about overwatch sperglord
but seriously, go back to twitch-chat and spam some Kappa
>lolbabbs realize they can't even remotely compete with DotA so they start taking shots at the next most popular thing
we all know your shit game is dying, there's no need to be so insecure about it.
I dont quite like LoL
>Fuck you overwatch is shit!
But I dont like-
>Overwatch designs suck dick!!
I didnt even bough-
>hahaha so mad you game is fucking shit compares to LoL!!
LoL is as bad as over-
>keep crying faggot
>I dont want to be alone!!!
>People still playing League of Cucks.
Theres no hope in this world.
looks like clockwork
Even in a thread that should not be related to Overshill, it still manages to be about Overshill
Look at that fucking character design I posted. That shit is hot. LoL isn't dying, meanwhile dota 2 character designs are all boring ass generic fantasy shit and freak weirdo shit, like snake bitches and stuff.
What's with this derpy false dichotomy between LoL and OW?
I mean, I get that this thread is all about trolling, but can't you at least try a little harder?
I haven't played LoL in years, and given that acquiring all the heroes I'm now missing would either take hundreds of dollars or thousands of hours of grind, I'll never play it again.
But your dumbass will play overshit right? Fucking shithouse game
>shilling for ASSFAGGOTS
>Named after one of the most important feminists
>In her comic, she kills men and left right
>She ridicules traditional women and their love for men
>She speaks about "privilege"
Only retards, cucks and gurlgamurz will play this abomination. I won't play her, out of principal.
Get cancer OP, this champion is shit.
>still playing League
gotta bust out the OLD MEMES for this one
Here, you dropped this
Meanwhile you don't mind playing as some mexican sjw punk bitch with her head shaved going "boop"
eat my shit, you fucking shithouse game lover
Nope, telling facts.
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't play Sombra, she is garbage.
I main Reaper, Soldier 76, Genji, Torbjorn and Reinhardt. Sometimes I pick Winston, D.VA and Lucio.
Very original design riot, like always.
>people are actually biting
>telling facts
Facts require empirical proof
All that shit is true you blathering idiot.
This thread is a mess.
>>rts that's so slow most people play on a 360 controller, laptop trackpad, or a damn tablet/ipad
>>rts that you can be banned from if you're teammates mute you
>>rts that you can be banned from if you mute your teammates
why would you go and lie on the internet
>prove that 2 = 2.
Go away retard, all the information I presented is common knowledge and facts, the fact that you don't know them indicates your pathetic mental capability and knowledge.
See If it's common knowledge, you should be able to easily give proof
>playing league of babbies
why dont you play a real moba, like dota
>I play shitty generic edgelord, generic cod ripoff, Zed./Yasuo/Raiden ripoff, some shitty wow dwarf, Mordekaiser ripoff, two monkeys, and a gook
Because I want to play as actual cool looking characters, not snake women and sickdark mice
>playing assfaggots
subhumans are not allowed on Sup Forums
Oh you..
There you go.
I can't wait till we kill all low IQ lazy subhumans like you. Anyone with IQ below 110 should be killed. People with IQ between 110-130 should only be allowed to have 1-2 children. People with 130+ IQ should be forced to have 4+ children.
>People with 130+ IQ should be forced to have 4+ children
Wew lad, good thing i've got 137. Do i also get to choose a hot wife?
Because league is better and action oriented, 50% of abilities in dota2 are passive abilities, fuck off.
>Because league is better and action oriented, 50% of abilities in dota2 are passive abilities
And yet Dota has more kills per minute
Too bad genetics has less to do with IQ than you think, since my parents are fucking idiots and my own memory is garbage so all that IQ is worth jack shit
>another boring human woman
speaking as someone who played league up until about ten months ago, riot is creatively bankrupt
even the cyborg dude she kills in the comic has a more interesting design
everything riot pushes out is the same power creep mobility creep trash and it seems blatant that they only make champions for waifufags now
i hate dota's community and i would rather play that kusoge than this, at least dota 2 isn't intentionally garbage
>they only make champions for waifufags now
They haven't made a waifu in years, unless you have some peculiar taste in "women"
>Action oriented
>40 minute games
>single digit kills for both sides
Only a couple heroes have more than one passive and they're shit. A bunch of heroes don't even have any passives. About 1/5th of Dota abilities are passives.
>riot is creatively bankrupt
I dunno, I like Jhin. His quotes are cheesy as fuck and I love it and he's fun to play.
Jhin was the only good champion they made in the last years. Shame.
If you don't spam the chat about making people beautiful when you kill them, you're doing it wrong
>comparing league to Overwatch
R e t a r d e d
Aurelion(talking design not gameplay)
I get plenty of double digit kills in LoL, it's called play characters made for fuckin MEN, like Darius and Illaoi, instead of pussy shit like teemo
It's also called wood league
>implying I don't dunk people in Gold
I go motherfucking 40k khorne berserker marine on these faggots in top lane
>League of DotA