You CANNOT deny this

You CANNOT deny this.

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Honestly glad I sold my PC for a PS4 Pro. PC gaming just isn't ahead like it used to be.

Is the pro version running the 3k or whatever junk they used for upscaled 4k?


can't they get sued for that lie?

Just got a PS4 Pro myself.
My wife's son loves it.

Is native 4k only for indie games?

No because a small selection of titles do run at native 4K. Not a stable 30FPS but native 4K

It still is, don't believe the marketing they do to make you think they are superpowered PCs. Just look at gameplay footage of the PS4 pro if you want a wakeup call. Even at that, do you really want to go back to 60 fov?

Probably movies or some shit like that.

i performs worse even on 1080p. the reason is that it automatically renders at higher res, taking all the performance hits, and then downsamples for a miniscule AA benefit.

so, scenes with lots of extra effects layers suffer inordinately compared to the base model.

1800p, with "checker-pattern" rendering (tiny portions of the screen update less often + at lower res), WITH dynamic 3D rendering resolution (everything behind HUD is rendered at lower res if fps tanks too much).

So, the end result is roughly ~1200p, tops. Sometimes with laughably low X-resolution though.

That's the developers choosing to do that.

I can also make a potato run native 4k at unplayable fps.

What game has native 4k then? Because I've yet to hear about any.

>factually false information in advertising
Sonyggers will defend this

TLOU remaster.
And it results jumpy 30fps.

>miniscule AA benefit

I feel kinda bad for the console players that they get this impression of high res. 4k looks wonderful on my monitor when I play vidya, I don't want this to be another fad like 3D.

there is only one game (elder scrolls online) that runs at native 4k

and apart from resi evil 7 next year, there are no vr games on the horizon

the vita is less dead then the pro...

who gives a shit, it still has no games.

That sounds super retarded, do devs really love AA that much?

Listen here, retards.

Xbone is capable of 4K as well, but it runs at 5 fps there.

PSPro is capable of 4K 30fps in all games, if you lower the settings enough.

Just because developers are lazy, development budgets small and quality assurance nonexistent doesn't mean the hardware is not good enough.

It is good enough, but you've been sold on the idea that Rupert Goldstein needs a new Bugatti, so you gotta go and buy the newest GTXxx80 or else suddenly every games won't run at 1080p.

Stop buying shitty games, no matter if they run like shit on PS4, WiiU or PC (because who the fuck would want an xbone).

GTX1080 is 3 times as powerful as PSPro but it still sucked major dick when playing Dishonored 2.

>PSPro is capable of 4K 30fps in all games, if you lower the settings enough.
>see games with upscaleds 4K running under 20 FPS

>tfw I fell for this meme

T-Thanks S-Sonybros... T-This truly f-for the P-Playa... *cries*

>it's the Jews fault that the PSPro is a piece of shit unable to deliver on what was promised by Sony

What did people expect?
PS4 packs early 2010's-tier mobile components, and this new one merely "doubles" the specs, meaning it's DOA. That legendary "console optimization" has been a quickly dying practice for an entire generation now as well, with lazy-ass AAA devs just milking casual pennies with their assembly-line built yearly update games.

And some people seriously are fine paying half a thousand dollaroos for that shit + another for few overpriced ""gaems"", DLCs, online fees, etc. Hell, the system even lacks backwards compatibility, meaning it's no longer even a decent upgrade from PS3!

Eagle flight just came out, holoball is coming out, robinson sucks but it came out, farpoint is out soon.

You're a retard.

It's the developers fault, not hardware.

It's the jews fault that modern games struggle both on $2000 PCs and $400 consoles because jews spend all money on marketing on pajeet developers, instead of hiring competent ones, let alone giving them actual development time longer than a year

>It's the developers fault, not hardware

>It's the developers fault, not hardware.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Besides your blind Sony fanboyism, I mean

>multiple games run locked 4k60fps on PS4Pro
I can't and i wont.

How is there not a "1080p only" option for PS4Pro?
Is there seriously no way to turn off down sampling?

I don't even have a PS4.
I have a gaming PC.

Explain Dishonored 2, Deus Ex MD and other terribly optimized games struggling(barely 1080p60fps) on PCs 4 times as powerful as the PS Pro.

You call other people fanboys, but you're the fanboy.
Not a Sony, MS or Nintendo fanboy, but a defender of companies such as Ubisoft or EA.

Not that guy, but developers are fucking retarded these days. Have you not noticed the amount of absolute shit ports big name publishers puts out for PC lately?

>my wife's son

>and then downsamples for a miniscule AA benefit.
You are calling supersampling the worst AA solution when it's by FAR the best AA ever out there and NOTHING will EVER be better than that no matter what AA algorithm is invented.

Having extra data > merging or inventing data

This is the equivalent of you saying upscalling is better than rendering natively

cause PC is several version toggled into 1.

console is only 1 Version (2 at best)

yes devs a lazy shits, but PRO still a sub par machine,

after resi 7 in january, theres no more psvr games

vr is already dead

they predicted it would sell millions

it sold 100k in launch week

This is how I know you've never held any responsible job.

It's like saying oh my web application doesn't work on half of the browsers because well there's so many of them, but see here on this one it works quite nice.

Short development times, bribes for good reviews, preorders, shit outsourced developers from India, China and Ukraine, high pressure at work are the reasons why gaming is absolute shit today.

ALL because of publishing companies that OWN development studios and pump all the money they have into marketing, not into making an actual good game.

And there's NO reason to blame either Nvidia with their GTX1080 nor AMD with their APU in either of the consoles for it.

You dumb fucking goy.

I'm doubtful that indie devs have had access to the PSVR dev kit or whatever it's called, and we'll probably start seeing more indie titles then, because we're seeing nothing but a bunch of ports right now. Plus, if RE7 sells well, there's definitely reason to believe it could drive further sales. Wouldn't be the first time a game pushed hardware.

All these triggered pccucks. Have they made a feature on PC yet where the game doesnt crash every 45 minutes, and you can play a game void of hackers?

why would indy devs make games for a market of 100k users when you could make games for a market of 40 million...

and the 40 million would take less effort since your not wrestling with new technology, you just have to work with button presses

>they predicted it would sell millions
I don't know, I think they knew they were shitting out a gimmick peripheral to make a few quick bucks. It's the fanboys that were shouting "it will save VR!"

why do indie devs make walking simulators when they're almost universally panned? Why do they keep making "experiences" that don't sell to anyone?

Because they think they can acquire a niche market. Same reason any developer develops anything.

I'm not saying VR is a success, i'm saying don't count it out so quickly. It's not selling units, that doesn't mean that owners aren't purchasing software. Do you think people bought computers every 3-4 months in the 80s? fuck no they didn't.

Yeah it's called not being a moron, I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it.

>Why do they make walking sims
Because theyre easy and require less programming
Because they can focus on making it look nice which is usually what generates initial interest in games by unknown teams

>This is how I know you've never held any responsible job.
>sous chef
right kid

With the checkerboard render buffer it should really be described as 1800c. Otherwise it's pushing the same pixel count as 1272p native. Kudos for Cerny pushing that PR line and making people think 1800c is 1800p though because we don't have enough resolution bullshit from consolefags as it is.

Interesting that you posted BF1 because it breaks Sony's own Pro certification rules as it checkerboards between 1440c and 1676c. Which means that it drops as low as 1017p under load. Sony mandates every pro game must be 1080P at best but either devs are figuring ways around it or Sony can't police it like they claimed they could.

>pong in 4k

We did it bros.

they obviously can't police it and aren't doing QA checks, bf1 gave a HUGE benefit to pro owners in multiplayer by bumping them up to like 50+ FPS against the standard's 30 in multiplayer. They patched it out but still, some serious bullshit there, and sony should have absolutely seen that in advance.

Resolution doesn't mean much when there is no shading.

So no then.


In that video it's a literal toggle switch.

works on my machine ;)

wtf i love sony now.

Why would they kill their fanbase?




Anybody notice how most Playstation fans are black men?

It's weird

>Only niggers by PS4
>PS4 is capable of killing niggers
I don't get it. Are they suicidal?

Calm your tits, Tyrone, or your parole officer won't let you go to Gamestop to buy a pro