People watching and reading out of context ending

>People watching and reading out of context ending.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Final Fantasy is dead! Game is terrible!
>People who've actually played through the game.
Had a lot of fun. Pretty good/10

Other urls found in this thread:

>don't believe it's as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be and want to buy it
>still can't ignore the multitude of glitch webms and awful story leaks

KH3 is never coming out and I'm a fool to ever think this would properly scratch that itch.

Sup Forums knee-jerks to misinformation and act retarded about something?

Stop the fucking presses.

celebrities hated playing it, why should i bother playing either? obviously entertainment professionals know what is boring

a ledditor said some chapters are 15 minutes long
let that sink in... 15 fucking minutes


>So i got an early copy of the game and started playing and so far its been hella fun but there was one thing that ticked me off and thats how short the story mode is, the game has 15 chapters but I've already managed to reach chapter 9 in like 15-18 hours ( yes I've done side missions as well as hunts and not just the main ones ) the main reason for that is that sometimes there's an entire chapter just basically covering an entire mission e.g if you've seen the titan boss fight which was like 10-15 minutes long well that fight in its entirety was chapter 4 of the game, there's also another chapter with the same setup, one short mission = one chapter

This is fucking Sup Forums, what the fuck did you expect? Everything is the next TORtanic. Battleborn, No Man's Sky and Mafia 3 failing isn't enough to satisfy our apetite for destruction.

I let sink in the part that he is enjoying the game

He's enjoying the game.

Third worlders are easily impressed.

>guy streaming the game
>finishes leviathan fight
>"This story is so fucking bad."
>turns off game

>Had a lot of fun. Pretty good/10
that's also pretty damning considering the amount of fanboys expecting GOAT. suddenly, the best thing everyone is saying about it is "oh it's pretty good, y-you might like it if you can deal with....."

>ten years of hype, half a billion dollars developing and marketing
>"pretty good/10"

>playing games rather than watching them is more fun

woah you opened pandora's box

He's a redditor.

Also when he finishes it he'll look back and realize how shit it was.

>a ledditor said some chapters are 15 minutes long
>let that sink in... 15 fucking minutes

and? There was a chapter in Mother 3 that was 10 minutes wile every other chapter is at least an hour

>give western team 200 millions
>the game is MINDBLOWING

>give asian team 200 millions
>meh its sorta okay i was bored a lot though. why every male ITG looks homosexual

>He's a redditor.


What was the ending again?

The ending to every Tabata game

>>give western team 200 millions
>>the game is MINDBLOWING


>Pretty good/10

Oh we got psychologist right here

Who would win?

The status of the main crew reflects on your sex life

>people hate it
>that means it's good

The only people that hate it are pc fats and people who want every AAA to fail.

Basically Type-0 all over again. So in other words, Tabata trying to be "dramatic".

Everybody dies, and the three bros die off screen.

>there are graphical glitches and draw distance issues
>so its bad

Well that and shallow, awkward feeling combat that is the same shit wether you're fighting a goblin or the final boss, uninteresting main characters with cookie cutter personalities and supporting characters who get almost no screentime before they die, a plot that begins in a seperate movie, doesn't go anywhere for the first half and is then rushed as fuck in the second half with a retarded ending, a boring looking, empty open world that you traverse with a car you you can't really control and heavily scripted QTE filled boss fights.

t. I base all my opinions on Sup Forums from what I see in cherry picked webms and I've never played the game at all.

Type-0 ending was great, you colossal dingus.

I've played the demos, the combat is shit and you can see in the streams that no matter how far you get it's the same all the way through.

t. shill who defends all of Square's incompetent decisions

its confirmed terrible OP

>incompetent decisions

They don't exist, SE is the only good Nippon company left.

You know, I always did and still will give this game the benefit of doubt but if the stream yesterday is anything to go by and you really only get to explore a very small part of Altissia I will be genuinely angry.

If they have you explore miles upon miles of empty wilderness and then start to restrict you once you get to an actually interesting location there's just no justification other than lazyness.

I sure as hell hope they aren't that lazy.

I fucking hate Ardyn is the final villain


You could have seen this from a mile away you faggot.

I think XV-kun's mental breakdown is the one upside to this game being so shit

where is xv kun

>it's a good game, shut up, stop laughing

If you want to waste your money on this garbage that's your business OP, but the footage speaks for itself. The game is a national embarrassment for Japanese gaming.

>b-but you haven't played it
Judging by "epic" boss battles like Leviathan, the guy who owns the game wasn't "playing" it either. I've never seen a boss that looked more on rails.

>I sure as hell hope they aren't that lazy.

Totally a good game

that's exactly why I hate it, faggot

>People expected Square to put out a good Final Fantasy
>In a post XIII world


I've been saying it from day one, this game is ass and you niggers are gonna fall for Square's bullshit all over again.

You deserve this for being so delusional.

Sup Forums is the worst place to figure out if a game is good or not, you got fags that cherry pick glitches and shit moments in games with webm's and then fags that jerk the game off,

Does anybody has a video of when Luna dies?

You don't even see the moment she dies. She gets stabbed, but Noctis goes to sleep after the boss fight and then wakes up and is told Luna is dead.

Sorry, offscreen.

This has to be a lie, right?

I mean it would be the perfect tearing impactful moment to see her being killed in front of Noctis and you're telling me it's offscreened?

How stupid you have to be to offscreen the death scene of a major character

How does Noct even react to this? When the city was fallen he barely reacted.

You see her get stabbed, Noctis sees it but he's tired and barely reacts, she thens powers him up to fight Levi, then he passes out after it is over.
oh look at the little faggot who thinks he is part of the "gang"

You see the stab itself, but it doesn't even look like it hurt her and she stays alive for a while.

>How stupid you have to be to offscreen the death scene of a major character

Surprise, that's what happen to the rest of the boy band at the end of the game.

What's Ardyn's deal? Why is he evil?

He has red hair, all villains in FF games look like faggots.

His fedora is on too tight

>oh look at the little faggot who thinks he is part of the "gang"
Are you triggered by a name? I dont know any of the character names

He was shocked and horrified of course. But yeah, he really couldn't do anything because he's tired after being hit by Leviathan. That's why Ardyn taunts him in the final battle how he couldn't even save his beloved and he just lay there watching and looking powerless.

He should have used the Orb of Orbos.

>Autists who've actually played through the game
Fixed it for ya