Who wins?

Who wins?

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the one who lives forever

Todd still has a career


Todd, he lied more, so he has more expirience in this.

>those pathetic forearms

Todd forgot to wear his high boots.

Sean Murray blew it too early. He told too many lies in one go and it backfired and he probably only lost money. Todd is a professional, he never gets too ambitious with what he says, just enough to completely hook people in. Todd can also deliver a product mostly similar to what he says, unlike what Sean did.


user 95% of what Todd has said HAS been true, just not the way people thought.

Whoever wins, we lose.

I love Todd and I love Molineux, despite the fact that I don't trust them. Both of them made good to decent games.

Sean is grade A faggot though.

Todd can actually do things more than once, so obviously Nu-Male man since he's made enough money to retire.

Todd is somehow still loved by people and has a bright career ahead.
So I guess he won

One of them knows how to lie.

Todd is not this short.

>Who wins?

In a truth telling competition?

Can he and Sean working together sell a game better than Todd?

Their wives' bulls.

Toddler won because he got away with it.

>implying Todd isn't a alpha male


popeye pls go

How the heck does NMS have 50% more reviews than Fallout 4.

Doesn't matter who wins because in the end WE lose

The art of lying requires you to be subtle but my apprentice Sean messed up by lying to hard at once, also buy my new game Skyrim remastered.

t. Todd Howard

Hell yeah he is


One of them is still in business after SEVERAL games

Everyone who bought it felt obliged to review

t. 20% bf DYEL

He does.

well I don't know, brah, I remember he said that F3 will have over 200 endings and Skyrim would have infinite quests, and that F4 just works while it did not.

Todd could beat him if he gets enough no's and gets angry enough.

*Let's Get It On plays in the background*

You know, Todd, your generation-defining open-world video game breakthrough experiences are the main reason why I created NMS...

315 club bby

>caged, unlimited time, melee weapons scattered across the floor, fight to the dead, who wins?

Todd's games are at least enjoyable if you dont think about it to much


>I remember he said that F3 will have over 200 endings and Skyrim would have infinite quests

Both of those are technically true.
I haven't played F4 so I can't speak to that.

Go away Todd New vegas is still the best fallout

He said you could sabotage a town's economy by destroying their sawmill in Skyrim.

I'm not Todd you asshole.
And fuck you FO4 is the best Fallout, Only 3 comes close. I worked really hard on it.


The one who still has a job and a studio

F3 had 3 or 4 endings, don't remember and Skyrim sure did not have infinite quests. Fuck off Toddshill.

Is this a Fallout reference?

>I remember he said that F3 will have over 200 endings
It's probably something like 4 'real' endings with shitload of variations on who lived and who died in final credits because of your meddling.

Also I'm not defending it but technically he wasn't lying.
It's called marketing.

He's done it many times and he'll do it again. Nobody will buy one of Murrays games again.

>F3 had 3 or 4 endings, don't remember
It had quests with different endings and if you count each possible variation of them all, you'll probably even be in the thousands.
>and Skyrim sure did not have infinite quests
It does have infinite randomly generated fetch quests. No one said they were going to be good.

Hey guys can I join?

I would love to argue with you, but you're either retarded or a shill. So again, fuck off.

How are you going to argue against facts?
And again, no one is defending these practices, it's just a marketing tactic and everyone should see through it by now.


Molyneux is an idealist who actually made some great games in his time and invented a whole new genre.
Howard and Murray are not even trying to make good games.

The guy in charge of killing floor 2

But hes right

Nobodys saying its any good or not shitting on people who believed him, but TECHNICALLY F3 has 200+ endings, cause the titlecards you see change depending on what you do.

Yknow, like New vegas has TECHNICALLY more then 4 endings too, since the fates of the places you visited and your campanions change, so theres a shitton of combinations and stuff. Technically theres 2000 endings or some ridoncolous number of endings to NV

I think Todd exaggerates little bit. The stuff is there but it gets cut, like the sawmill/local economy. It's hard to make right.
Meanwhile Murray couldn't say no, exaggerated and made up tonnes of stuff that wasn't in game whilst showing a game that didn't exist. say what you will but at least TES games look like the trailer. One of the few.

Stop making indie garbage you fucking cunt and go make Fable 4 or B&W3.