How would this game even compete with Reaper plot from the original Mass Effect trilogy?
I can't imagine them making a more interesting villain than Reapers. Is it going to have the same generic plot like Dragon Age Inquisition?
How would this game even compete with Reaper plot from the original Mass Effect trilogy?
I can't imagine them making a more interesting villain than Reapers. Is it going to have the same generic plot like Dragon Age Inquisition?
I would really prefer if they just focused on exploration and inter-species conflict instead of some BIG SUPER BAD villain.
But knowing Bioware I doubt that will happen.
yea, there is already one in in a trailer
funny thing he looks just like DAI dude what's his name
>I can't imagine them making a more interesting villain than Reapers.
>"We must kill you otherwise you'll kill yourselves. It's inevitable." Reapers
Fucking hell.
Reapers were interesting compared to the trash villain in DA:I.
>playing the LGBT simulator by bio fucking ware
But the real villain of DA:I wasn't even Corypheus - he was just a red herring, the real enemies are the elven gods, the Titans, and maybe Solas (but he's more like an anti-hero at this point).
The Reapers were interesting in ME1, but then they started making zero sense and lost any credibility in ME3, thanks also that DLC set in the ocean.
This. But yeah not going to happen. Give up all hope on Mass Effect
>I can't imagine them making a more interesting villain than Reapers
But after the first game they were fucking dogshit.
Reapers were interesting before ME3 shat on them.
ME3 focused too heavily on Organic-Synthetic conflict, they didn't need to double down on that, Leviathan and the Quaria conflict were too much. And everything they covered was done better in 1.
Is DAI worth it, with all the DLC?
Harbinger was great, he just need some tweaking and a presence in 3.
>Focus on inter-species conflict instead of some BBEG
So you just want to see Asaris having a conflict with Turians, and Humans having a conflict with Humans, and political useless bullshit streamlined across the entire game.
The great thing about ME1 was reading up on the history of the Protheans on the codex, and mapping out the universe according to what you were given, only to realize that it was all of it was insignificant, and the BBEG that destroyed an empire as acclaimed as the Protheans still lurks within the universe and everything that you know of has existed, and been a trap, for eons causing mass extinctions.
Jesus fucking Christ, I can now why those people were in charge or being writers instead of fucktards like you guys. I hope you never get put in charge in a writing department.
Why do u cucks keep wanting a bigger badder villian? Am I the only fucker on here who is totally fine with smaller storylines?
Simple. Better writing.
Also and have the right idea.
The Reapers were interesting but they bungled the idea up so hard that I don't care anymore
I got a bet riding the game is gonna bomb hardcore, they have gone through so many developers, and its been stuck in development limbo, and worse yet, its been stuck in BIOWARE developer limbo. So you know its gonna be shit.
There is way to much controversy in the making of this game for it to be decent.
Because carrying on something as retarded as political inter-species conflict doesn't need to be streamlined into a whole game. Makes no sense.
Things like this is better left simple and not much more complicated than it needs to be. More of a hook to explain the setting and nothing more. Mass Effect had this when it came to explaining the First Contact Wars and the Krogan Rebellions. You understand it was there, you can see the conflicts within races, and the why. Making it into some retarded plot that needs to be carried on into the story makes it lackluster and in all honesty even more boring than what you already have with the shitty Reaper story. Focus on the now and bigger issues.
One of the best things about mass effect 1 was the way it introduced the world, that was basically the while point of the game - showing off a fun future concept where man reaches the stars.
Me2 and 3 three that shit into the trash and just became a normie shooter, although there were some great star-trek dilemma moments, the exploration side completely died.
Andromeda is the franchise restarting again - we're going to get a new ME1 that shows us this new galaxy with these new aliens and planets and whatnot.
Hopefully they'll just completely avoid the big baddie cliche' altogether
>Tfw Commander Shepard defeated the Reapers and the entire cast of Andromeda has wasted their lives travelling to a new Galaxy
Never mind the fact that they hire racists.
>feels good to never spent 1 cent in their shit games
>I can't imagine them making a more interesting villain than Reapers
how did racial indoctrination get to this point in america? what did white america do to his mystery meat race that's upset him so much? the only people we really owe anything to is blacks and indians
Hes Canadian
No qt Quarian gf, no buy
then what did canada, homesteaded and built by scottish immigrants, which accepted his family with open arms to live in a society far more prosperous than his own, do to make him so indignant?
>he was just a red herring
You don't end a game by beating a red herring.
He was a shit villain, stop making excuses.
Any sensible person would have given up all hope after that shitfest ending dlc nonsense. But we all know biotards are not sensible people. And they are legion
This game will be successful even if it deserves to bomb like no other game does
>its 20fucking16
>faggots are still posting about this franchise that went in the total opposite direction removing exploration and became a faggy waifu sim with no real choices
what the fuck is wrong with you Sup Forums
I remember when you talk to the reapers for the first time in Mass Effect 1. I don't know about after that.
>Mass Effect Games can never take place in The Milky Way again because of ME3's ending