Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a NEW VEGAS THREAD MOTHERFUCKERS

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a NEW VEGAS THREAD MOTHERFUCKERS





I've been playing STALKER to be honest.

Sequel when


>tfw New Vegas is 6 years old and no good open world games have released since, except for Dragon's Dogma on PC

>OP makes a thread
>it needs more memes

>turn on radio
>get cancer
>turn off radio
>never turn on radio again

i've been thinking about playing nv again, because i think i actually didn't finish lonesome road. i remember talking to the guy from the radio or something but don't remember ever killing him or talking my way out of combat.
how far am i from finishing it?




One day the spoiler is going to say nuclear winter and everyone is going to lose it

there was never a man like my johnny

it's hacking whacking smacking ffs

you need a functional memory in order to afford a life that people think is worth keeping around

You were pretty close dude

post your courier

console fags need not apply, no one wants to see your shitty vanilla armor.

I want to buy a Henry 45/70 and turn it into a IRL Medicine stick

then . . . do it . . . ?

there's no point in communicating this to anyone

you have wasted energy on a medicine stick

jerk off less


johnny guitar is amazing though
well, i have new vegas running now. going to finish it

whan an autstic way of typing


I'm austic and my girlfriend left me m8

something about traveling with veronica makes me not want to play. even though she is a walking workbench which is incredibly useful. her companion quest is triggered too easily and leaves much to be desired.

so this is the sex robot I was supposed to find for that quest? I might try it out before i hand it over..

Why would anyone ever play anything other than a melee/unarmed run? It's the most fun combat in the whole game

i like realistic weapon damages on hard and level up my gun skill to 75 at the begining. makes gun combat feel realistic. The headshots insta kill mod was fucking annoying.

>orange hud
Disgusting. Green master race

energy weapons and explosives is the most fun combination. fully modded laser rifle/fully modded missile launcher with laser commander and splash damage.

Conelrad or bust desu


>and no good open world games have released since
I played Enderal with a couple combat mods recently and thought it was enjoyable.

is there a way to abort the missile launch without sacrificing ed-e?

but she's so cute, i just wanna give her that dress so damn badly

>actually using green hud in new vegas
Orange fits the overall color scheme better, considering it's mostly made up of warmer colors anyway.

what would be the point besides some canon story you are RPing. you can not keep any of the companions from the DLCs.

>after all my companion quests I entered hardcore mode and most of my followers died horrific deaths. except for Sarah. she died in her sleep peacfully from the hand she thought would aid her in the mojave. annoying cunt.

i mean veronica.

you should try to keep them alive after doing their quests, you won't get the ending for them that you worked for if they die. i usually dismiss them shortly after finishing their quest unless they're a beast in combat like boone or lily.

Boomers > everyone else

Post your mod list

the ending i worked for? bruh this is 2016 if I really want to see their 10 second slide from completing that game THAT bad I would youtube it.
gaming in 2016 kinda sucks desu.
instead of asking someone if they beat the game and unlocked cool stuff we ask what level they are, and if the game has unlockables most cheese the wikia.

First time player here: Is it just me or does NMC textures looks worse than the vanilla game? What's the best graphics mod?

You really type like an underage person. Im not even trying to be mean but if you arent 18+ you should please leave.

If you ain't using Christine's COS silencer rifle, are you really even playing the game?

desu texture packs do not look that good unless you get the highest res, and even then your game will crash because NV does not use more then like 3 gbs of VRAM. Bueno's texture pack is better then NMC in my humble opinion.

well why are you playing a game like this if you don't care about immersion? there's lots of better choices if you only care about gameplay.

I haven't played this game much and I really want to. Help me out.
>Start game, going through intro stuff
>Get helped by friendly helper robot guy
>Walk out of town, see a bunch of those crazy ass hornet enemies from afar
>Start shooting at them, but not hitting them
>They don't notice me, but something has definitely aggro'd to me
>See friendly helper robot approaching me from the same direction I was just shooting
>He's pissed
>Apparently, he teleported to that area and was invisible in front of those hornets
>I was shooting his invisible body, which pissed him off
>Not knowing it was him that I was shooting, I wait for him to approach me to see what he wants
>He fucking destroys me

How was I supposed to know he was there? What are the essential mods to get this game up and running without these miserable bugs?

i am 20 just have my post ridden with ironic use of diction and syntax desu senpai.


Unless you do actual game hunting, buying something expensive as 45-70 seems like a waste of cash.

I'm currently replaying it.

Haven't done a full playthrough since the release on xbox 360.

It's better than I remember but I still there are some major problems coming from the fact that it is made using FO3 stuff.

Siding with House this time, I sided with NCR like a good goy the first time. I'm doing a pistol build using the blade runner pistol and a long range rifle for more dangerous enemies. I'm having fun.

I never played any of the DLC, can I go do one now or should I do them after I finished the main quest ?

plasma master race reporting in

Finishing the main quest ends the game fammo

Wait, it does ?

Man it's been a while.

finally finished the last DLC of new vegas, kinda sucks that i quit around 2minutes before the end thoug but no harm done

Yeah it does, but fortunately the game outlines a big textbox saying
so when you get there you can do a 360 and walk to the DLC.

>tfw no good end for Freeside
I will never not be mad, I have max rep with every Freeside faction and good karma, why does everything still fuck up?

New Vegas is boring and looks like ass even with a million mods.

Does the NCR make their own armor?

Go away Pagliarulo

I believe so, but some of it is also salvage as shown with NCR Rangers and the Heavy troopers, which have pre-war tech and BoS bits respectively.

I'm sorry you aren't engaged by story driven RPGs.

>playing new vegas without ncr and legion rearmament mod.

yeah some bad ass faction dons football gear and they are supposed to be feared in the wasteland? give me a break.

breddy cuul

Is this the mod that adds the RE4 shopkeeper for no reason?

both the NCR and Independent endings are good for Freeside if you took the diplomatic approach during G.I. Blues.

Mission Mojave is the unofficial NV patch. You can find it on the nexus.

Regarding that "bug" I've never had it in my 200 hours of playtime, but [[[MINOR SPOILER]]] he does follow you from a distance until you get to a certain location.

Gotcha. Thank you, buddy. I'll just pay attention to what I'm shooting at from now on.

>adds the RE4 shopekeeper for NO REASON

>Stranger...STRANGER, now THATS a weapon


are there any good mods that remove the snakeskin from A Light in Shining Darkness and the image of Maria from Maria?

lol PC mods all look like they were designed by gradeschoolers.

Playing and beating Fallout 4 and getting the Brotherhood Nuclear Option makes me wish for a Nuclear Winter.

I was having a bit of fun up until Maxson goes full Deus Vult about Paladin BestBoy Danse being a robit and there being 100% literally nothing you can do to convince him otherwise, despite everything you and him have done for the Brotherhood.

I got the peaceful option and still have him as a companion, though I fucking hate the outcome of everything afterwards.

Every quest afterwards with the Brotherhood had me just wanting to say "fuck you guys" to everything going on, but all my character can respond with are:
> "Isn't there another way?" answered by "no, shut up."
> [SARCASM] answered by "Haha no shut up."
> "DEUS VULT" answered by "DEUS VULT".

The reason I bring this up is because I always go back to saying "But in New Vegas it felt like I was doing something I liked" or "In New Vegas, I could at least heel turn anyone at almost any time", or "WHERE IS MY 'FUCK EVERYONE I'M DOING IT MY WAY' OPTION LIKE IN NEW VEGAS?"

Am I right to feel this way, Sup Forums?

Fallout 4egas when?

>im mad because i have to play at 15 fps whenever i shoot a weapon or an explosion happens, and I have to look at the fearsome legion army wearing football pads

the picture of maria is what makes the gun, though.

Orange makes more sense

football pads are canon, it's mentioned on the radio by mr new vegas. changing the game to look more "badass" at the expense of story is something that a child would do.

>ignoring lore because they want the nazis to look sexier
Why are you even playing New Vegas when there's a million Roman games out there that let you look as gay as you want?


Yes because the roleplaying is absolutely garbage.

I just want 4's power armor system, it's the only good part of the game despite how lore breaking it is.


>can never bring myself to do a legion run

Do you have to be made of pure edge or something?

This is ridiculous everyone knows OWB is the best dlc.

Yes man and House endings have the exact same slide for the followers.
>After the Courier ensured New Vegas remain free, the Followers found that independent Vegas was even more unstable and violent than before. Old Mormon Fort became excessively burdened by the influx of patients, struggling to provide even the most basic of services.
And as for the NCR, the worst thing you can do for the NCR is let them take the Mojave. NCR can't secure their own roads and trade routes, the last thing they need is more territory.
They are spread way too thin and they can't keep expanding at this rate, either revolutions are going to start popping up or the entire republic is going to collapse in on itself.

To be fair Bethesda grabbed Obsidian by the balls, so they only had 8 months development time. Lots of things were planned to show that the Legion was brutal, but ultimately most people were safe under them, which of course didn't show in the final product.
All the edge and none of the benefits.

You have to be a gay neo-nazi like that guy from Falling Down, think about it!

they're the logical choice for a survivalist, living off the land, nomadic type of character. to a person like that the rights of women and slaves wouldn't mean much, because he only depends on himself, and living in the harsh wilderness has desensitized him to social issues.



Peculiar way of spelling Dead Money, m8
OWB is a real fucking close second, were it not for the bullet sponges it would be no. 1


Are you a console cuck and thats why lore is so important to you? The fuck is it to you how I play my single player game. Seeing football pads is more immersion breaking for me then having a bad ass looking legion that contradicts a line or two of audio on the radio.

>seeing canon content is immersion breaking


i don't see what this has to do with consoles, there are plenty of lore-friendly mods for this game. i don't care how you play your game i'm just letting you know that your way is dumb.

>not mentioning several lines of dialogue from NPCs, companions, and Caesar himself
Just admit that you're immature and below the age of 20, dude.

The one legion playthrough I did, I rp'd as the kind of guy who would do a legion playthrough.

Edgy retard who would be screaming deus vault while dressed up in armor and robes.

Do you have this mod installed, per chance?

You know what? You're completely right.

I'll be honest though, I started getting into finding Shaun when I reached the Institute and admittedly did not expect the thing that was revealed there, having not payed attention to game discussion at all.

But for the majority of the game I felt like I was playing a generic AAA first person shooter protagonist who already had an agenda of their own that I could only skirt around it.
Being a pre-determined character with a fucking spouse and a kid and taking both away before I even have a chance to care, and then the game continuing on as if I did care is infuriating.

I guess thats why I play on PC and you do your thing. I do not give a fuck about canon lore, mods take the artists vision and is able to introduce so many different kinds of views on how the game should look/play. do not like the mod? fine go download ui improvements and combat mods. Think those suck? okay go play vanilla. Why the fuck do you care how other people play a single player game


>Obsidian made a better written game in less time then Bethesda did for Fallout 4