Next year Nintendo and Microsoft will release their new consoles but what about Sony?
Did they give up on gaming?
9th Generation | 2017
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>current year
>still thinking generations is a thing
scorpio isnt a new generation.
why not?
the hardware will be different
Because it's still an Xbox One
>new console
>nintendo's console is 2 generations behind sony's
Technically Switch is 9th gen but in practicality it's just a console dropping right in right in the middle of a generation, new engines won't be made because of it, graphics won't improve because of it, online won't change because of it. Nothing is changing industry-wide so it really isn't a new gen in the full sense of what that word implies outside of its literal meaning. If a generation starts whenever a random console releases then we'd be waaaaay above 8th gen by now. Just recently Nvidia Shield and OUYA released, that's 2 new "gens" right there, and Outside of Nintendo and Sega consoles there were many that released in-between and yet didn't count as new gens back then, so I don't see why the Switch would now.
Also Microsoft dropped gens altogether, so they stay out of the conversation. What will most probably happen is that Scorpio will play all the same games Xbone does and won't have any exclusive for years (it will share the same store, save files, controller, online servers, UI, etc - much like a pseudo PS4pro) until the PS5 comes out 3-5 years from now and only then, after developers and pusblishers start releasing games that don't work on PS4/Xbone, will the Scorpio start having exclusives, and shortly after PS5 comes out a new "Scorpio" model will also release.
In the end only Sony and Nintendo are doing generations, but nintendo started mid-gen to cover their massive WiiU failure, so the Switch won't affect anything outside their own 1st party development. PS5 will be the one that TRULY kickstarts 9th gen, alonside Scorpio getting games that don't run on Xbone at that time.
Nintendo will just be doing whatever the fuck they want, being irrelevant to the rest of the industry's development, technologies and distribution methods.
>but what about Sony?
>Did they give up on gaming?
Why? they are the only ones not panicking, they have 65% of the current gen marketshare and are continuing as usual. It's everyone else who's changing things up
Gens as we know them are gone.
>4 years in
>Right in the middle of a generation
Then I guess we can expect the next Xbox and Playstation to come out in 2020 while performing like a 2017 piece of hardware, just like this gen
>portable console
>somehow competing with none portable consoles
I know PCucks and Nintendokiddies are completely fucked in the head, out of the loop and live under a rock, so I will correct you and say that PS4 and Xbone are 3 years old, not 4.
In fact Xbone is EXACTLY 3 years old, today is its 3rd anniversary, as it released on the 22nd of Nov.
PS4 is EXACTLY 3 years and 1 week old in the USA and not even 3 years old in the EU, it'll still need a handful of says to reach that mark.
I don't see how you can extend a dozen of hours in Xbone's case and a week in PS4's USA release to a full year.
The Wii U is 4 years old.
>inb4 the wii u came out early
Consoles never came out all at the same time, or even close to eachother. See PS1/N64, PS2/GCN/XB, Genesis/Snes
By that logic this gen already ended since the WiiU is dead
>Xbox 1.5
>"9th generation"
Gens start when something new comes out, gens end when those things stop coming out. This gen will end with the PS4 and Xbone get replaced
Microsoft basically said the Scorpio won't be the start of a new generation. They said gens are done. The Scorpio will be a more powerful version of the Xbone.
The concept of generations is kind of gone at this point.
Sony and MS are literally doing half gens.
Nintendo is dropping a completely new platform at the same time as the half gen, but it's a new gen.
We'll likely see Nintendo's next console and Sony / MS's next consoles around the same time in 5 or so years too.
Aren't the next PS and Xbox systems coming out in 2018? That's just one year after Nintendo. That's definitely 9th gen.
My guess is that Sony and MS at this point are just going to keep releasing stronger versions of their last consoles, and new games will then play on the new consoles and the previous .5 iterations.
So once Scorpio 2 comes out or whatever, games will be playable on Scorpio / Scorpio 2, and same with PS4pro and its successor.
That way they can say "you can join whenever and not feel left behind". but in reality it just lets them pump out new hardware every 3-4 years instead of every 6-7 years.
This industry is so much more complex than it needs to be.
By that logic, the PS3 was not a next gen system since the 360 came out earlier and all new technology was made for the 360.
Modern hardware capabilities are killing games. Dev costs are out of control and it's part of the reason for the stagnation of the industry. As the gulf in capabilities between a small team and AAA studio grows larger, the hope for anything but boring and safe titles from the core industry dies.
No, by that logic the PS3 was part of the same gen as the 360 rather than starting another one.
>new console
kek. expect 2004 hardware. that's basically all they have been shitting out since 2006.
>Gens start when something new comes out,
No it doens't. That is objectively wrong.
OUYA didn't start a gen. Nvidia shield didn't start a gen. NeoGeo didn't start a gen, so on and so forth.
> gens end when those things stop coming out.
No they don't. For example PS3 outlived both Wii and WiiU and in 2017 is getting 2x more games than the WiiU (Persona5 and Tales of Berseria, between others I might not be aware of)
Or do you mean to say when console stop production? Because AFAIK PS3 is still getting new units - even if few
>This gen will end with the PS4 and Xbone get replaced
Once again what does "replaced" mean? Is it when no games come out whatsoever? Is it when it official stops being produced? Is it when online gets shut down?
Because in PS3's case none of those points apply.
No, why would they? Sony is outselling Xbone by 100% and WiiU by 350%, it shares the majority of the homeconsole marketshare by itself and just released a mid-gen system this past month (on their own terms they said "mid generation") Why would get release PS5 a year and a half from now?
Microsoft is releasing Scorpio at the end of 2017, why would they release ANOTHER one a year after? Makes no sense. Even though they are being outsold by Sony they aren't doing that bad. And as I've said before (and microsoft said too) they are out of "generations", they will release new systems whenever they feel like with both backwards and forwards compatibilities. Just like mobile phones, apps/games will slowly stop working on older systems but it's not a strict generational gap thing.
see which I agree with
unlike the 2006 hardware in the ps4 and xbone
the cpu is literally a daisy chain of netbook processors
Say what you will about Sony but their lifespan support of consoles is fucking phenomenal. I mean shit, the 360 was practically dead by about 2011 in terms of major first party support right as the PS3 was really picking up steam.
>Nintendo is dropping a completely new platform
Is just a Wii U you can unplug from the TV
nintendo is making a tablet
sony is making a console
microsoft doesnt know wtf it is doing
I hope the Switch helps developers worry less about cutting edge graphics and more about creating a good game.
That's what PC and mods have always been
Consoles have yet to even come close to 2004 PC hardware. ALL consoles are shit hardware.
Generations were never a tangible thing, faggots. They're just convenient dividers people came up with once they realized measuring consoles by "bits" wasn't working all that well. There are historically more consoles released in the middle of generation cycles than they were in the so-called beginning. It's all arbitrary.
>Microsoft basically said the Scorpio won't be the start of a new generation. They said gens are done.
Which is bullshit if the Scorpio is going to be powerful as it is said to be. Backwards/forward compatibility with older platforms is fine, but at some point the older hardware is just going to hold progress back.
But so much of the mustard race is obsessed with dickwaving about how they can play the same boring, watered down blockbuster games as console players but with a better framerate and better reflections. Having a popular console platform that's a little weaker will hopefully attract a little more creativity from the big publishers.
>Having a popular console platform that's a little weaker will hopefully attract a little more creativity from the big publishers.
Yeah, because we all know how that worked for the Wii and Wii U.
Wii already tried that and failed miserably. You'll only get shovelware from a console like that.
It would've worked for the Wii U if it didn't flop so goddamn hard.
The Wii actually got some super neat games, but then publishers realised that the normalfags that bought it for Wii Sports will buy literally anything as long as the cover is right and so it became the home of shovelware.
or the wii?
or the ds?
or the 3ds?
Nintendo was pretty much always in the camp of cheap and fun more than expensive and generic.
The Gameboy came out with a Monochrome screen even when they could do color. Because they knew devs could easily work with the technology.
>Nintendo was pretty much always in the camp of cheap and fun more than expensive and generic.
Underage detected
The only console that competed for graphical power was the Gamecube. And that failed.
The Gameboy was successful when you had "better" options with colored screens.
People always upped the quality of Nintendo. I cannot remember a single time that Nintendo had the best graphics of a generation, maybe the NES?
>I cannot remember a single time that Nintendo had the best graphics of a generation, maybe the NES?
The Super NES could display more colors than the Genesis and TurboGrafx-16. It's only problem was its limited RAM and slow CPU (hence why it never had a beat-'em-up where you fight more than three enemies at a time).
Hence why the SNES was underpowered compared to the Genesis.
Nintendo is the market of games, not in the market of power. For that, build a PC.
The Wii U is easily the best console this gen, the two others are just weak PC's
>The only console that competed for graphical power was the Gamecube
And the SNES, and the N64. You clearly were't around when those consoles came out.
Microsoft and Sony have no reason to replace their home consoles. Sony might be tempted to replace the Vita since it's barely outselling the Wii U, but they've stated they're not interested in releasing a new handheld. This generation should last a while.
It also had a better sound chip than the Genesis.
and the snes was the only success
and thats not because it was the right choice
but because they had a lot of goodwill behind them from just saving the industry with the nes
The Vita is still getting good support out of Japan. It's basically a small source of free money for them at this point.
>The Wii U is easily the best console this gen, the two others are just weak PC's
I disagree. I had more fun with my PS4 than my Wii U despite owning a decent build (recently upgraded my 750ti to a RX 470) due to the third party support.
Calling a console a weak PC applies just as much to the Wii U or to your microwave or heat controller running a basic linux distro.
I was born in 89, so yeah I was.
The N64 was probably the worst development of a console ever, with two fake out. The N64 had power, but was not graphically impressive like the PS1.
Like Myamoto and Sakurai said, they dont care about competing for power, because it's a losing battle against Sony and Microsoft.
it was literally marketed as a powerful console
No. The PS4 and Xbox One does nothing different at all.
It's a slightly better Ps3 and Xbox One. That's it.
Consoles, if they are to stay, should provide original and interesting opportunities you cant easily replicate with a standard PC.
The Wii U does that, the Ps4 does not.
Every single Ps4 and Xbox One games could be on PC without any change.
>free money
i dont think you understand business son
It was, yes. That was to compete against Sega marketing campaign.
The NES didnt even market themselves as a console due to the game crash.
I mean that its basically sustaining itself without any need for Sony to throw money at it. It could be doing better but it's happily chugging along on its own.
Get money, get paid.
Just because the Wii U did something different doesn't mean it did it well. To this day I'm still can't comprehend why they decided on a touch screen gimmick and then made it optional for most of the games that came out for the console. It was a poorly thought out design choice.
For starters, you're wrong. Games like Until Dawn, Tearaway, Gravity Rush 1/2, use the standard controller in ways that wouldn't work without it.
Plus, the overwhelming majority of the most popular console games in the past (Resident Evil 4, New Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Pokémon, Halo, Street Fighter, etc) could have been easily playable on PC hardware without any change. Many of them were ported later on. The only thing that changed is your perception.
Nah, it's great. Multiple ways to see the same game. Two screens with two cameras or just inventory management. Made Wind Waker SO much better.
You know you can just plug a controller on a PC right?
And consoles in the past were often more powerful than PC's. But now that PC's are so cheap and powerful, they cant compete.
Do you know that before ID Software found a way, there was no way to even play Super Mario Bros 3 on a PC?
Dude stop. Wii U didn't sell for a reason, it's a failure experiment.
Sure, consoles were superior for gaming back during the era of the bit wars... but that's a long time ago. Starting from n64 and ps1, arcade and top of the line PCs overtook consoles. Daytona didn't have a good console port until the x360 and ps3 versions.
Yes, but PC was still not popular in the late 90's. It only started to get mainstream traction in the late 00's.
Consoles are a good alternative to people who want casual gaming for a low price, but consoles are also a great way to do innovations. The Wii U was great, the Wii was pretty great too at providing new experiences.
I hope Nintendo keep doing this. I want more Dual screen stuff, shame the Switch wont allow that.
It's not like if anybody cared about anything before the NES anyway.
>PS5 will be the one that TRULY kickstarts 9th gen
Not really. PS4 was made to cover the failure of PS3 and their huge losses. Generations isn't a thing anymore.
a lot of people did
but they gradually lost interest as everything became a movie tie in or a sequel
just like whats happening now
>but was not graphically impressive like the PS1
>It's not like if anybody on the internet cares about anything before the NES anyway.
Atarifags exists, but most of them are really old farts who don't spent their free time on the interwebz.
But the PS3 came from behind after the soft relaunch with the slim and ended up winning the generation.
i still people talk about elite from time to time
>this delusional
The Wii won, both in exclusives and sales.
I'm a Nintendo kid. But everybody know the N64 was worst looking than the N64 in a lot of games. But the N64 had no loading time.
The Wii was competing with the PS2 though. :^)
the ps3 only picked up speed because xbox 360 shit the bed with kinnect
Ah, I remember the glorious sixth generation console wars, where people argued over the Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, and, of course, the Nintendo Entertainment System.
I think the NES was stopped being serviced by Nintendo during the 6th gen too.