Nep 4GO

Now look at this Nep

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off weeb.


Come on lad.

That was promotional material drawn by hisasi, yes, that hentai artist

Post more lewd quick!

>allowing people to download pre-order bonuses when you can trick them into buying them

>New nep games early next year
>ADF on PC next year
Next year will be weeb paradise, can't wait until 4GO trailer

That's a cute nep.
When did you find it?

God I hate being able to recognize these names

nothing bad about that

what is the lore of neptunia ?

I want to fuck those 2D images.


4 goddesses ruling over 4 nations were once at war with each other(Console war), shit happened and now they live in peace and friendship
Also in a different dimension there's a fairy that gives out evil powers to pretty much anyone because she's bored and that ends up fucking the world up a few times


It's very deep and intricate. Then this slut Nepgear shows up and murders everyone.

>Noire's midriff

I wanna lick that Nep pit.


It's not her fault that she had to kill everyone (including children).


>Not shiny enough
I'm not convinced


OP's pic is from Hisai. The one with the 4 Goddesses is from Tsunako.



Every time I do it makes me fap.

>You will never put your head between Neptune's legs and lick away until she pees in your mouth.

I see a nipple. How is this allowed?

Everytime I see shit like this I hope that you are being gross just for the sake of weirding people out.

You poor, poor fool.

That is a shadow.

On Noire, right above the strap.

That's not that weird. I don't care for pee but hell I'd take some if I got to eat an anime girl's pussy

Are you new to the internet?

Have some standards or you'll sound desperate.

Not him but urine is sterile. Pee does absolutely nothing for me but that doesn't sound like a bad deal.

>Noire's butt being gently squished by her panties

>urine is sterile
Was recently proven false.

But you can drink pee if its boiled.

Now that's just a red spot, you can see similar ones on her shoulder and her butt.

Yeah, I'm sure the process of boiling takes place straight between one's peehole into another's mouth.

Did they upgrade their cups?

>urine is sterile
>it is if you remove everything from it that isn't water

When the fuck was urine ever considered sterile?

Well shit. It's still probably less bacteria infested than saliva. Would you not kiss your favorite nep?