Reminder that Dishonored 2 finally got a performance patch & doesn't run like complete garbage anymore

Reminder that Dishonored 2 finally got a performance patch & doesn't run like complete garbage anymore.

Wait, for PC?????

who cares
its an sjw game

I do.
It's still a good game, no matter how many women there are in it.



length, gore, story, graphics, content , music/atmosphere all in order

>muh sjw

Level design is fucking amazing.

So when does get the patch which removes Denuvo?
Because I'm not going to waste money before that happens.

It still has retarded amounts of mouse acceleration making the game unplayable

>sjw story
>bethesda quality
>25fps on a gtx 1080

shittiest game of this year

How long did it take you?

At pic related date.

does it still have that chaos shit

Like 10 minutes with a pen and paper

Ending is pure trash

>18 minutes for a level

yeah because I solved the riddle


That's supposed to be addressed in the next patch. I seriously don't know why Bethesda published/developed games insist on forcing mouse acceleration on the play without so much as an option to turn it off. It's annoying as fuck. You'd think they'd get the hint that people hate that shit by now but I guess not.

yeah, mission 04 blew my mind with all those transforming rooms...iam at mission 05 now, pretty comfy. its cool that a game gets better there more you are in.

The characters look so awesome in those arts but look like shit in game.

>skipping all the rest
>b-but I solved the riddle!
So did everyone else.

You understand that I don't pay in advance for a "game as a service" from a publisher that might go bankrupt next year.

yeah they all look like caricature tbqh

what are you crying about, user?

>Game lets you pick between male or female

Did they make Emily anymore lewd?

I understand you don't pay for games period.
It's only fair you don't get to play them then.

7 is even better

>what are you crying about, user?
I get triggered when people skip content.

no they didn't waste time sexualizing her

>It's okay when Hitman does it (AND has additional always-online DRM)

I """skipped""" the content on my 3rd run tho

>making an empress lewd
come one user

got fucking damn it

okay now where's the deus ex performance patch that makes it not run like complete garbage

>added millions of reduce quality settings
>oh yes now I can play with upscaled 1600x1200 on 3440x1440 with medium settings with dips to 30 fps on gtx 980


what did you want user? being able to suck the guards' dick?

>I understand you don't pay for games period.
I happily pay for physical games, Senpai.


Look at this newfag.

>pandering to stronk womyn it's the current year audience

Definitely SJW, how is it not.


>Definitely SJW, how is it not
Nobody's this unaware so I'm just gonna assume you're baiting

You might have a point if you could only play as Emily, but since you can choose between her and Corvo, you're full of shit. Having multiple characters with different abilities makes for better replayability.

Nope still runs like shit

Not being a safe space for your views doesn't make it SJW, you autistic moron.

Is it just me or did they up the difficulty on this game? First Dishonored was much easier.

Just started A Crack In The Slab, man this game is amazing so far. God-tier level design and the gameplay is so much fun. I like that they added more non-lethal options this time around.

A bikini outfit or at least some legs would be nice I'm a closet Yurifag so no dicks allowed

>mustards are literally paying 60 bucks to play an open beta

I don't even have a image for this one. Holy fuck pc gaming is DEAD.

she's an empress on the run, why would she wear a fucking slut outfit

Runs like shit on PS4 too, that's why digital foundry won't even make a performance report on it. PC users are complaining about bad performance because they are dipping into the 40 fps range. Meanwhile you're stuck at 30

>no optional model viewer with unlockable outfits
That would be optimal. I just want more cute Emily

I didn't notice it. You wannak know why? because I just start up games and PLAY them. I don't need to tweak files, update drivers, wait for BETA patches and fps counters to tell me if I'm currently enjoying the game or not.

>I didn't notice it. You wannak know why?
Because you're so used to eating shit, you can't taste it anymore?

>Lives in a dirty shit filled house
>dude what the fuck your house smells like shit
>Well I didn't notice it, you wannak kow why? because I just set up shop and live here. I don't need to clean
You're used to it faggot

>fps counters to tell me if I'm currently enjoying the game or not.
But fps counter is the only legit objective metric of enjoyment. The content itself doesn't matter at all.
I mean you're not a kid who actually plays games, right? You just launch them to enjoy your powerful rig.

>eats garbage consistently
>"hey man you're eating garbage"
>Oh I didn't notice

>Doublenigger falsflagging this hard
Get a hobby sonyggers


>download patch
>literally zero difference
>still getting sub 30fps on medium settings

Thank god for refunds

Honestly, A Crack in the Slab is one of the coolest fucking experiences I've ever had in vidya, ever. That mission + Clockwork Mansion alone destroy every other ENTIRE game that released in 2016.

Go play Senran or Neptunia or some other fanservice dogshit, then. This is a thread for actually good games.

>returning the GOTY because forced PCuck meme

>food analogy


I don't want anime graphics and I don't want Emily acting kawaii uguu~, I just want more skin

>tfw no emily gf

>bodies detected : 8

I just love how every fucking dishonored thread is ruined by assblasted pc retards.

Then go look at porn. Jesus Christ, kid.

>that frametime on the ps4
>you should've brought a sony console, cuck

Don't make me laugh.

>Talk about garbage
>Thinks it's food
Yeah sounds about right for you

There's ZERO good porn of Emily up you nigger

Memorize them. You never know when you'll be tested.

yeah don´t forget that the game is written by a feminist and boy does it show considering all the misandry in it

dude what the fuck are you talking about? what misandry?

>responding to blatant retarded bait

You're ruining the thread just as much as they are.

>It's actually true
It is written by a feminist

most of the cast is female
all women are portrayed as superior towards men like fore example that all the elite units are only female

glad that I didn´t buy it

Who the hell cares

everything you just listed is factually false

Prove it.

Dishonored fags are quickly becoming the worst people on Sup Forums

>being mentally deficient

if you want to lie to shill your sjw game sure go a head

>Get a hobby
That's what a hobby is about. You don't use your hotrod to drive to work, because that's a huge waste.
And you don't use PC rig to actually play video games, because that's a huge waste too, you use it only for benchmarking fps.

Nepfags exist tho

>Dunwall Overseers have the same voice as the Karnaca Overseers

A little disappointed back they didn't get the old VA back.

>most of the cast is female

Hero 1 - Emily (Female)
Hero 2 - Corvo (Male)

First Target - Captain Ramsey (Male)
Second Target - Hypatia (Female)
Third Target - Jindosh (Male)
Fourth Target - Ashworth (Female)
Fifth Target - Paolo (Male) or Byrne (Male), mission target - Stilton (Male)
Sixth Target - Luca Abele (Male)
Seventh Target - Delilah (Female)

Companion - Meagen (Female)
Companion - Sokolov (Male)

That's more males then females, retards.

I care because I'm not a literal fucking faggot like you

Not the same person retard. Comparing playing video games with eating is something only autists do, you've made that perfectly clear.

the abbey of the everyman did nothing wrong

>Bodies discovered: 8

Plebasaurus Rex

>Make an opinion
>Multiple places stating the patch didn't fix anything, even made it worse in places

Fuck right off

I found the trannie. It's Mindy.

>The Heart says she was once someone else
>gruff voice for a "female"
>flatter than a 2x4

also didn´t the feminist writers also call for all Trump supporters and white men in general to be killed or something like that?

Why should I support people like that with my money?


I guess I won´t buy it int that case


you guys are worse than the """sjw"" you're crying about lmao

>no change in performance since the patch
Still 60-30 fps in open areas on lowest settings.

Not sure how i feel since i could run most games on medium-high settings fine.

Also made a "perfect" run of the 2nd level. Did get hit by a no damage kick once and hit myself once but i feel its ging to be the best video out there. Took me like 100 tries to get it right sibce its 10 minutes long. Going to pick some nice music and edit the video tonight.

Any ideas?

where is this performance patch?

do i have to opt in for the beta