Roadhog's hook can go through D.Va's defense matrix

>Roadhog's hook can go through D.Va's defense matrix
>can NOT go throgh deflect
>melee damage goes through D.Va's matrix and Reinhardt's shield
>does NOT go through deflect
>deflect is also over twice as big genji himself meaning your shots can be deflected even if you arent aiming at genji but he is the general vicinity

Nerf this fucking faggot Blizzard holy shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>high skill ceiling character
>forgiveable hitboxes that are twice the size of him (dash, sword, reflect)


>high skill

You just mash that space button while shooting your stars and if you see someone with a teeny tiny bit of red you dash in, reflect, then turn 360 degrees and dash out

Shut up faggot, Im not aiming at genji at the bullets keep coming back. Thats bullshit

Why are you so angry? The deflect doesn't last forever.

>shoot at someone else as bastion
>my bullets reflect
>genji is nowhere on my screen
>look at killcam
>he was standing behind me but his reflect hitbox is so big my bullets got reflected into me.

The only real bullshit thing is the size of his reflect hitbox. It makes sense that melee damage wouldnt work on delfect, at least for smaller characters. If genji is fast and precise enough to deflect bullets, why is it a stretch for him to divert melee attacks using the skill.

What about the hook though? It should easily wrap around his dagger due to physics

Why is D.Va able to stand behind me, use defense matrix, and absorb my fire in the opposite direction?

yes goy buff the character that already instakills most people

Don't think it is op but really annoying, I think his deflect should only affect projectiles and shots that should have hit him in the front, not around him.

can someone explain to me why this faggot has 200 health instead of 150

he has just as much if not way fucking more mobility and damage mitigation than tracer, but he gets the same health as all the other DPS

> quickplay
> open with bastion because apparently he's shit and nobody expects him
> genji runs up to my face with reflect
> wait until he's done, mow him down in a second

you'd think they would have wisened up by now

wait so this game literally has no difference between the console and PC version in terms of balance, and you retarded faggots actually take it seriously one bit?

you dont realize that means the devs dont give a flying fuck about balance for the PC community since they're like 5% of their total sales?

Well then fix the hook hit box as well buit Overwatch is really inconsistent

>D.Va can survive her mech exploding
>76, Pharah, and Junkrat are harmed by their own weapons

The hook could go either way. The chain could wrap around, but the actual hook itself could still be redirected.

They patched that dva is Not killed anymore by her own bomb.

There is some slight difference like Torb being a bit weaker on console though

>“We Don’t Want to Do Anything That Would Harm Consoles Because of PC Tuning,” Says Game Director

oh wait i was wrong, they do balance them seperately, but they apparently still dont give a flying fuck about the PC community


what'd i say

That's what I just said

>hitboxes are large and make no sense
No fucking shit, Meis icicle that can hit the air and kill you, Hanzos arrows in general, Hook, Reins ultimate and many other bullshit means they need to rework almost everything

They actually fixed the hitboxes late summer but in the patch before this recent one they returned them to what they were before, on top of giving hanzo 30% faster arrows.

So many times now I see the arrow fly past my head then a split second later I die

>a 6 ton rocket propelled hammer swung by a 3 meter tall german wearing power armor gets deflected by a flimsy piece of tin foil being waved around like a autist at an anime convention trying to perform naruto moves

The game with every fucker from diffrent countries getting along, space monkeys, people being raised from the dead, gamer girl mech pilots, and people killing themselves and many other unrealistic shit but the short sword blocking a hammer is where you draw the line if it makes you feel better you can't be killed by the ultimate since he's weak against tanks and dsfense

Guys why can i still play overwatch after the free weekend without buying?
I obviously don't mind but i'm curious

it goes until 12 EST today I think, so you have an hour or two extra

>moba game has bad balance

really makes you think.

alright thanks

ITT: Tankfag elitists mad that they're playing the playing the most OP heroes who are hardest to kill, have insta-kills abilities, and the best ults in the game and Offensive/Defensive heroes aren't bending over and giving them free wins easily enough than they already get.

>shurikens being propelled at supersonic speeds don't blast right through regular humans
really fires up those neural engines in the enigma called the brain

This. Genji is somewhat well balanced if not for this thing. It's a paladins tier hitbox

Who are the worst people in Overwatch and why is it Genji mains? Even Roadhog mains will admit that the hook can be bullshit.

>Even Roadhog mains will admit that the hook can be bullshit.

I have never encountered this. All Roadhog players I've ever seen act like it's pure skill.

>wait for deflect to end
>use hook that stuns and pulls from the other side of the planet
>obliterate with shotgun
>heal any damage done to increase ult charge by 20%
if you have any trouble with genji as roadhog then you are shit

>People call for nerfs for characters not widely use in high level play
>Ignore all the counter strategies and counter picks pros use

Why do people keep calling for devs to balance the game from the bottom up as opposed to the top down?

>reading comprehension


a good genji doesnt fight without his cooldowns.. and not like genji is going to 1v1 a roadhog

>his deflect ends
>he zips away with dash

Do you think genji has a 1ft blade

or you can just Buff D.Va's defense matrix to deal with the hook, since it's effectively a projectile.

>people are still complaining about genji

Stay mad.

t. Genji main

Dumb chitose poster

It extends out about 10m or so, I use it too protect people who get hooked or following around ulting soldiers/roadhogs

>balancing based on esports and cheating faggots is somehow better

The only issue I have with Genji is the fact that he has the only ability in the game that doesn't adhere to perfect information. If you see a Zarya bubble herself, you know that you have eight seconds to punish her. If Genji does Swift Strike, he could have it up again at almost any time simply because he got a 12 fire assist on someone.
Swift Strike should only refresh close to the killing blow, to at least prevent Winstons or D.Vas from accidentally taking the refresh away.

Yeah. Cuz dva really needs that third set of buffs in a row. How about this, as soon as someone locks dva, they win the match! Finally, dva balance achieved.

Dash should be removed entirely.

I don't even want that out of defense matrix, I just want it to actually block the followup shot when a teammate gets hooked.
It's so bullshit that you see the shots get deleted but your teammate is dead anyway.

>nerf this character that has already gotten nothing but nerfs and with the last patch is now considered garbage by anyone who is good
Fuck off retard.

>a flimsy piece of tin foil not only stopping but also reflecting back at the same speed all the bullets from a minigun
him deflecting reins hammer is way more realistic than that shit.

I feel that either the reset should be removed if it's gonna continue causing damage or have it be used only as a mobility option with no damage but resets on kill

While in ult, it will do damage and reset on kill still

this meme is almost as bad as HURR 20 TICK

When the game launched player hurtboxes extended far out from their models and projectile hitboxes did the same.

In an early patch they slimmed down both hurtboxes and projectile hitboxes considerably

In a more recent patch they widened projectile hitboxes while leaving hurtboxes the same.

My only problem with Genji is that Swift Strike shouldn't have a vertical component it to. Genji already has double jumping and wall-climbing. Swift Strike is always used as a "mega jump".

Some Bastions are still braindead as fuck.
>Playing in solo qp last night
>Enemy Genji always deflects our Bastion and they just keep shooting as though they'll break it like a shield
>Literally every time the Genji deflects Bastion never ever takes the hint that maybe not holding Left Click would save him

I can understand if it was made so it only resets if genji himself gets a killing blow, but completely removing the reset would make his ult pretty much fucking useless.


You're either dumb or you're putting on quite a facade.

I played Overwatch since beta and have to say we got cucked really hard. Blizzard basically pulled the exact opposite of my expectations.

For a little background. I've religiously played TF2 for years, since 2008. Going into Overwatch, I wanted it to be "TF2 2.0."

I saw shit like McCree's E Rightclick combo and thought "the stun is the problem part of it." That McCree is supposed to deal heavy damage upclose and that you're supposed to die if he right-clicks you at that range. I wanted McCree's stun to become an ability silence and I've said this since beta well before Sombra even became an idea with that mechanic.

I "KNEW" that tanks were overpowered since beta and that they shouldn't be able to kill anybody. Again, this comes from a TF2 background and I do acknowledge that I'm biased. I've basically wanted tanks to be useless just as the TF2 Heavy is largely a situational pick who gets shit on a lot of the time if he doesn't have a Medic humping him.

I thought pre-nerf Genji was ~fun~ and largely what Blizzard did to him is make him "not fun." Not being able to double-jump again after wall climbing makes him CLUNKY and not being able to combo shurikens-melee-dash just ruins his assassination potential. Genji is just not a fun character to play anymore.

Overwatch is not a fun game. TF2 is a fun game where the fast damage dealers kill people. I have a huge smile on my face when I run around as Scout two-shotting people. Blizzard would never allow that in Overwatch. The Overwatch community hates my ideas of fun and game balance.

Look up what suspension of disbelief is

Last time i checked tossing a hook at things in a straight line just results in the hook hitting the thing instead of grabbing onto them

But that's what I'm saying, the ult should still leave his dash as it is now, but outside of ult dash should only be used for escape with the reset per kill, but dealing 0 damage, or not reset on kill and still dealing 50 damage

shut up fag


is this advanced bait?

>not caring about PC
You retarded my man?

>people are making the characters I like not op
>blizzard taking away fun
I'm not going to say that blizzard is good at balancing, but him being a fun character because he gets easy kills makes everyone else who's not playing him miserable, especially the healers.

>Tanks should not be able to do dmg
that's just stupid. Hell, most of the "tanks" are actually just dps disguised as tanks. Roadhog is basically a pure dps that's just tankier, winston is like a weird flanker, d'va is also like a weird flanker, though her matrix makes her tankier.

get lost, reddit.


Regardless of how much each hero's fan base complains about their respective characters, I will always place my vote for being the worst to the people who plays snipers.

>nerfing Genji again
How about no especially when he gets hard countered by tanks and defense(which have broken shit like Mei and Roadhog) and they all continue to be buffed while dps aren't allowed to do the thing they where intended to do which is why Pharah and 76 are gonna get an immediate nerf

>Genji mains bitching about Mei

lol every time

>hard countered by anyone
You suck.

You guys are good enough to understand this patch gives you very little reason to pick genji right? You dont honestly think hes good, just that hes not a fun addition for the game, right?

The only one that can even remotely deal with Genji is Winston.

>Up for nerf
It's harder to land direct rockets now.

Meanwhile tanks get easy kills and "I'm" miserable

>so why don't you just play tanks?

I have. Tanks are boring.

I've played plenty of those games where I'm a solo-mission D.Va flying around killing people 1v1 and getting gold elims doing it. I've played those Reinhardt games where I stick to the cart the entire time and never get shaken off of it. I've played those games where you're Roadhog reaping in those free hook-kills. I've played those games where you're Zarya who never dies and solos Offensive heroes with maximum charge.

I'm not nine years old, I don't get any satisfaction out of free-wins that require zero mechanical skill. I have never cracked a smile while playing a tank, I just know it's complete bullshit.

>this entire post

its not really that unbalanced, its pretty good except Genji and Mei need major nerfs

Reflect is the only thing I'd like to see changed about Genji. That hitbox is goddamn huge. I'm not talking about the Bastions that just keep shooting, I'm talking about taking shots at someone else who has a Genji standing a foot away facing 90 degrees out and watching bullets go everywhere, or hitting rockets/flashbangs intentionally wide to splash him and still getting reflected.

My only real problem with Genji is my own retardation. I fall for 'reflect until dash is off cooldown DASH DEAD' all day, and I eat midair dashes on Pharah like he was a hard counter. Fixing the hitbox wouldn't help that, but it'd be a step up.

his mobility is like triple anyone elses
he needs a bigger nerf than just the hit box

they should cut his damage

so you don't like playing tanks when playing against shit teams?
Dealing with tanks is not fucking hard unless you're fucking terrible.
I honestly hope you're just trolling.

>I'm not a nine-years old
Not after posting that m8

I have had the hook connect and not hook someone more times than it doesnt connect and it still hooks them.

genji can counter his counters

Did anyone order fried japanese food?


Of course not. You think Sup Forums is good at video games?

>use hook that stuns and pulls from the other side of the planet


ok, there's ONE counter Genji doesn't stand at equal footing too

>the miracle of science

Genji is countered by not being an idiot and good tracking skills.

That's because you're a fucking faggot that can't fucking aim.

and he's one of the best heros in the game
if you have trouble with genji you or your team is shit

Winston is not a hard counter to Genji any more than Zarya. That's not what a hard counter is.

He is a soft counter in that he can attack through deflect but Genji can easily beat a Winston in 1 on 1 or escape from a Winston backed up by his team.

A hard counter is something where the hero's existence on the field means you need to switch. McCree is a hard counter to Pharah, for example.

>Genji can easily beat a Winston in 1 on 1 or escape from a Winston backed up by his team.
Any hero should beat another hero if they have backup
The only thing genji can do against winston is run away or die, both making him useless. Therefore he is a hard counter

>it make no sense that jamming your arm into a whirlwind of blades doesn't do damage to him
If anything it should do damage to you

Genji is awesome, keep crying faggot.

>>deflect is also over twice as big genji himself meaning your shots can be deflected even if you arent aiming at genji but he is the general vicinity

This right here is pure faggotry, either make the visual effect bigger or make the area of deflection smaller.

Genji can snipe

im just gunna leave that here

>that compressed image

See guys? Genji can be used easily by anyone, even if you can't computer