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There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who never beat Through the Fire and Flames on expert

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who never beat Through the Fire and Flames on expert

How does it feel to never be able to pleasure a woman?

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>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who never touched an actual instrument
How does it feel to never be able to pleasure a woman?

I play real guitar but still haven't touched a woman.

>There are people right now on Sup Forums who aren't trained in the art of the blade

Heh, too easy.

If you want pussy pick up a classic guitar.
If you wanna play cool shit and have fun pick up electric guitar.
If you want to man up pick up a bass guitar.

>If you want to become gay pick up a bass guitar

Guitarist pls go
There are a million of you and no one cares

Probably because you own a price of plywood

I mean a Schecter

You tell me.

Last week at the flea market some dude was selling DJ hero with the turntable for $5. I bought t for the heck of it. Ended up having a really good time with it. Bought part 2 for $3. So far im dissapointed in part 2. While part 1 is more focused on club music, part 2 unfortuntely is more focused on modern hip hop. I've only heard 1 or two good songs out of 20 or 30 ive played so far.