He didn't always choose Germany in any WWII games

>he didn't always choose Germany in any WWII games

What's your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:


low tier

Allies usually had better weaponry

This was unilaterally true in Day of Defeat/DoD:S, Thompson/M1/pineapples were infinitely better than the MP44/K93/sticknades.

I like to play on the winning side.

None, I always did play Germans every chance I got. Japan too.

I don't like playing the baddies

i'm not an edgy stormfag

But the axis rifle was a 1-shot kill wasn't it? At least in souce.

but I do

>Playing as the losers.

You have a good taste.

I enjoy playing the good guys. Fuck pol fuck stormfront.

I definitely always choose Germany.

>Playing as the fucking losers

I want to play as the villains.

and yet they were the winners in the long run

>Who do you want to play as, user?

So you've never played as Germany?

Because war games are for giant faggots so I never played them obviously.

The Germans were the good guys.

>wow i am so edgy gas the jew XDXD

>le edgy alt-right meme


>get wiped out by combined Ruskie/Bong/Clapfags
>forced to repay the world for being the losing side
>get grouped in with hick faggots who honestly believe they're the chosen ones

You've got a weird idea of what winning means.

nice 3 vs. ~25, fags

>versing an army many times larger than your own with eternal Anglo and goy states of America staring down your back

>committing a really fucking stupid strategic error while trying to conquer the world
>not realizing that quality>quantity
>killing 6 million able body soldiers

really makes me think

Because the games I play that have them are Russian-made

Maybe hitler shouldn't have declared war on Russia then lol

>Germany now has the fourth best economy in the world, first in Europe
>Communist Russia has since collapsed, and is still a shithole

I don't like mirror match ups.

I always play England when it's an option. If a WWII game doesn't have England in it then I don't buy it.

But i always play german?

Maybe Germany should have communicated with Japan on whether or not to attack america.


Literally groß meme tier army

>Country defends its people
>"lol hey let's destroy that country lol"
>Germans were the bad guys

What are you? one of those communists?

I would rather play as soviets

>trying to conquer the world
>killing six million

Neither are true

because they are shit in Coh2
>pick ostheer
>okay do I osttruppen early and get eraly map control but face losing lots of infantry quicky against elites?
>do I rush triple grens and lose support equipment?
>do I double MG and get lock down but have limited territory?

>Pick Russia
>2-3 penals, sniper, scout car if they counter snipe, otherwise rush t-70, win gee gee russia needs buff not historically accurate

>Faction is called Panzer Elite
>The only conventional tanks in the roster are Panther and Tiger, which are hardly ever used due to how long it takes to get them


Is there any group of people more embarrassing than wehraboos?




>hitler was so scared of Patton and his balloon tanks that he gave up Normany

>Takes the part of Czechoslovakia that had no Germans in it after being given the part with Germans in it
>"Defending your own people"
After that, nothing Germany did would go unpunished. They crossed the line there, no agreement made with Germany could be accepted, because the Germans were not trustworthy.

I don't enjoy losing.

>games rarely focus on non-americans
but why??

Playing ostheer is an uphill battle and people who say otherwise are literally retarded.

That being said I need to make them good and win because I'm autistic

>It's another thread ruined by ideologyfags

I play as Germany because winning as the people who were supposed to loose is better than plain winning. Allies and soviets are often easy mode.

Axis winning allows more imagination, since the Allies won IRL.

>declare war on the world
>w-we're just defending ourselves, h-honest!

t. wehraboo

Sonic, mlp and fur fags.
>inb4 Sonic, mlp and fur wehraboos.

because America's the greatest country in the world

Weebs for one.

Hehe naziboo faggots butthurt are high itt

Slavboos, you literally can't have a conversation about WW2 games without them shitting the thread spamming "t. wehraboos"

Slavboos are nowhere near as vocal and loud as wehraboos


>Germany tries to get its land back
>Whole world jumps on Germany

Another WWII game thread ruin by left fags.

This is true they wanted to take most of europe and make a german empire. They tryed to even make peace with the UK.

that was his implication you tard

In what fantasy universe?

Because this is Sup Forums.


>win ww2 with obsolete tank designs
>reveal the greatest tank in history as ww2 ends

Eternal anglo always wing.

your naziboo hugbox is ruined by reality more like

>Austria-Hungary collapses
>Czechia has been a key province of Greater-Austria for ages, and before that was a part of the HRE
Implying they weren't just reinserting influence over a piece of land that has been defacto german for almost a milennia.

Same reason everyone jumped on Russia after ww2, too strong for their own good, they were challenging the balance of power, so the established nations all grouped together.

>near mexico
>near canada
would be better with too walls and an unban on shoelace machineguns

Mostly because I play American. Not for easy modo, but for freedoms!

I am German and I always pick Americans because their arsenal is superior.
>Shermans, Stuarts, Pershings
>Garand, Thompson, M1911, fiddy cal

u wot? the Kar is god tier, 1 hit kill like every time.

>Tfw they seem to be trying to airbrush the british out of ww2 history

soon people will think only the russians and americans took part in the war

Not an angsty teen.

>greatest tank in history

German army is superior, just didn't have the manpower and resources for a large war

They may have lost but they had outfits that were fashionable as fuck

I always like to play as Deutschland in COH and RO2


In Source, the k98 has a one-hit kill in the upper chest/head, and the Garand was only a one-hit in the head, and something like 80 dmg normally. This means that in a straight-up 1v1, an Allies rifleman either needs to get a headshot on the first shot or hope the Axis rifleman misses his shot so the Garand can get a second hit in to finish. If you were an accurate shot, the Garand was preferable for its higher firerate, but the k98 had a larger kill-box and rewarded patience in lining up shots.
Allies had the Thompson which felt much better than the mp40, but Axis had the 30-round Stg44 over the Allies' 20-round BAR. Whether the mg42 beats the .50-cal is someone else's call, as that was more to preference.

u lost goy get over it lol

>>Germany tries to get its land back
>>Whole world jumps on Germany

except that's not exactly how it happened. Countries were more than happy to make compromise with Germany but they just kept asking for more and then started war for no reason



>play as allies
>can i be british/australian?
???? getting tired of the american accents desu senpai

meme army for edgy faggots
meme army for edgy left faggots
meme army for americans
meme army for teafuckers, canadians and australians

Fuck CoH was so good, why was CoH 2 so fucking bad.

>German army was superior, they just didn't have any superiority
Revved up my thingken engine.

Are you serious?

will you get to play as australians in the games based on memes wars in the future

>I steal your wallet that contains £20
>You want your wallet back
>me: Dude here take this £1 coin
>It's not enough
>You proceed to attack me and take your wallet back
>I call the police and you get arrested and charged with assault
>I'm somehow the good guy in all of this


You must be French

>america isn't great because of these nations that are not america

t. third world logic lol

When will you guys realise that it doesn't fucking matter when you are already six feet under? Allies won, German lost. End of story. This isn't a fucking a videogame, there are no rules, whoever survives gets to be the king.

Danzig Rightful clay :^)

The french didnt deserve to be listed

>MFW I will never play a game based on the great emu war.


>tfw fourth reach isn't coming soon

>WW 2 game
>Polish players constantly ask for a Polish faction to be added to the game on its forums

>america isn't great because of these nations that are not america but constantly immigrate to it and shit it up