Console-tan Tuesday

Console-tan Tuesday
Starting everyone best and favorite -tan! Switch-tan!

kill yourself

Fuck off shitposter

Chicken dinner

does she "switch" into cute girl(boy)?


You just had to listen.

Yeesh they actually kept this one up
Oh well lads let's keep the shitposting down to a minimum

Sent ;)

You fuck, you got the other thread killed.

Post feet

Can we admit that K's concept is objectively the best, but the design and execution sucks?

Just report this one and make a new one


>last thread didn't even summoned the Handheld Power
I think it's time for a viking funeral

these threads used to be so comfy

Thread sucks check my 5

the other one was a fake. op deleted it.

I don't know, my favorite was the witch girl but only reiduran could pull it out.


We're on the fast track to getting /ctt/ permabanned from Sup Forums
What a damn shame

Where's her penis?


OP cannot delete threads anymore.

Good riddance

Do you think the Switch release will finally calm things down?

Nah, probably not...

I don't know anything about console-tans but I would have sex with that one

>Thread with a good OP image that was relevant to an upcoming holiday, linked the booru, and had some actual good discussion going on got deleted cause it was made half a minute after this one
>This one started with shitposting immediately and it'll just continue to be shitposted to death
I hate you shitposters so damn much, but I know this is exactly what you want.

Dude come on now

You only had to accept it.

>comfy Xbone one deleted on sight
I'm convinced it'll never be good again

>mods delete better ctt with xbone op pic
>they dont delete this one
Mods are fucking trash

Just ban everyone and delete the thread. I don't even care anymore.

>keeping the shitposting thread
god damn the mods are fucking retards


Here friend

Can these threads be deleted already ?

Ignoring them is the most important thing. Clearly the mods or jannies are watching so they'll take care of the serious trash. Let's just try to get through the shit for another week.

Fucking ESL OP and everything. Fuck the mods.

>Trying to force this garbage.
Someone post the dog.

Good fucking riddance. I'm so fucking glad.

Fucking good, these threads aren't vidya

Come on guys, if PC mooded literal shit into gold shit, we can make this thread good.

You know what to do to kill these threads now.
Do the same and it should die.

fuck of to you furfag

Start rolling

We can't ban all the switchposters, though.

you have autism
mods please ban this degenerate already

Dog's not a tan.


I actually don't know, I arrived late
I assume it's to just post lewds?

>all this bias against best switch

Fuck it.


It's over


Dog is best tan

I just hate all the fucking shitposting

No, hijack threads with switch-tans and fight among their designs.
That's all.





Lucky dog


How does PS1-tan looks like?

Mods, it's time to ban these threads from Sup Forums once and for all


>literally got my waifu


Remember when people didn't go apeshit over alternate designs

fill me up buttercup

Keep telling yourself that, faggot.


The best.

>It's not a hermaphrodite
You had one job...

The plush thing is alright but what the fuck is this furfaggotry?


Thick tumblr dog is built for sex

>You will never be a mentally challenged faggot who is so obsessed with the idea of a female moe gijinka anthromorphic design for a home and portable console which had the code name "NX" and turned out to be called "Switch" made by the massive videogame company Nintendo to entertain their consumers that you become engulfed in shitposting on a once a week thread to win a nonexistant contest which will have no consequences nor any rewards and insult those that have taken time out of their lives to draw the things they love instead of constantly complaining, whining, and being a autist and you will never be so obsessed with said moe gijinka anthromorphic design that you go outside this once a week thread to beg for more art with your inability to draw and shitpost even more on other boards such as /i/ and Sup Forums, and with new art continue to ravage said once a week threads about designing, drawing, and talking about humanized consoles made for the entertainment of people because your inane and bizarre obsession with the idea of a moe anthropomorphic design of a new system produced by Nintendo

Post yfw

>mods still havent deleted this blatant shitposting thread
What the fuck?

She would connect two dicks?


Alright, let's try to get some decent discussions going at least.

What vidya have you been playing?
Who are your favorite -tans?
Which -tans would you like to see more art of?

Requesting Switch doge drinking Pepsi. The male silly one, not the female smug version pretty please.


They want to see /ctt/ shitpost itself into oblivion


Feels good man
/ctt/ faggots, kill yourselves

>tfw switchdog is a thick shortstack.

hello = )

Lmao she's still getting porn tho

Pretty hot



Recommend me some good mobile games.

Wrong. That's second best.


Congratulations on ruining /ctt/ forever

I've been starting to enjoy Overwatch, and took Dark Souls 3.
The best console tans will always be DS and 3DS, of which there isn't much art tho. A shame.