Does Sup Forums unironically like this game or is it just a meme to like it?

does Sup Forums unironically like this game or is it just a meme to like it?

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idk about u guys but its my favorite game

i dunno man

it looks beautiful and the story is decent if you can tolerate nothing but cut scene spam

i just cant get past the combat. it's so repetitive and lacking

Sup Forums has pretty shit taste overall

I like it a lot.
Base game was pretty good, bar some weaknesses.
HoS was unironically GOTY.
BaW was fantastic and gave the game perfect closure.

It's good and it happens to be popular as well.

If you haven't played it, do yourself a favor and play it man.

Yennifer is best girl.

I think it's probably the best game ever made

>Started it last week
>Can't stop playing
I'd recommend it, but i'm just some fag on a christian image board, what do i know.

Its not a meme is a good game user. I don't really see how people could argue its bad.

It's actually a good game, especially with the expansions which are both arguably better than the base game.

this fucko

This is not true, Triss is objectively the only pure goddess.

not lore-wise

I unironically like it. It's like Skyrim meets Dark Souls.

it's best open world fantasy game in a VERY long time. It's also one of the best open world games ever, and it has some of the best character writing despite a pretty generic plot. Like nothing that Bioware or Bethesda have made in ten years can match it. Nor can any of them hope to match the expansions.

I like New Vegas better but even then I got to say I think Witcher 3 is the best modern rpg ever. It's not a true crpg and rpgcodex will always hate it, but I think you're have to be a true contarian cunt to not admit that it's a pretty decent game.

It's one of the few recent AAA titles with actual effort put into it.

I love it but I'm also polish, so I don't think it counts

It is very Polished

Kill yourself.

It's Skyrim meets a proper RPG.

Isn't there a mod that fixes the combat? I haven't read or watched anything about this game. I'm waiting 2-3 years until I can get a decent PC.

Skyrim is better.

No it's one of the best games of all time

Good writing, and attention to detail can make an otherwise mediocre rpg into something special for a lot of people.

If nothing else hopefully W3 convinces other rpg developers to invest more in the writing department.

can a 970 run this on max?

Can you freely run around and kill monsters and enemies for loot?

You sure can.

Not at 60 fps.

Yes, 60fps/1080p. Assuming you drop the memeworks option.


It's good

Skyrim is one of the most over-rated games in history. There is really nothing to that game. Then again the witcher doesn't have much to offer either

when the fuck did it become a meme to like something

Neat, will pick up the GOTY edition on the next sale. I already finished 1 and 2 and loved it. 2 was inferior to 1 though.

Best game I've played since Dark Souls.

Polacks are subhuman, though.
Bandera did nothing wrong.

Where have you been?

>liking any game unironically
>kills yourself.

Nobody on Sup Forums actually likes games unless they like it ironically

You'll need to drop more than memeworks to get a consistent 60. Shadow detail, foilage draw distance, foilage amount, number of npcs, and more will need to be reduced, and even then you'll still get drops in forests, and bad weather.

Yeah I preferred 1 over 2 but both are still good.

TW2 had too many weird design decisions, like stealth sections and QTEs.

60 fps is more than achievable.

I was false-flagging because Sup Forums likes to pretend skyrim is good now, it's actually hot garbage after the first 10 hours, witcher 3 on the otherhand is one of the best games I've played in the past decade.

It was god tier up until Novigrad and then I lost interest.

I'm sure a lot of people do because nowadays the site is full of the facebook/reddit normie crowd and their kind loves this shit and its twin brother Skyrim for some reason.

>for some reason.
yeah it's not like we're having fun or anything

Comments like this blow my mind, and are why I'll never trust anyone's opinion again. The game is nothing but following waypoints and highlighted trails, mashing through boring combat, and watching cutscenes. It sucks.

suspension of disbelief > everything else

plus Geralt is the best male power fantasy ever, self insertion is e

This, fucking this.

I personally think it's a garbage series with garbage gameplay that only story loving normalfags could ever like, but admittedly we're starting to become pretty rare on here. Sup Forums is mostly just college kids in their late teens that haven't played a lot of games before, so to see them refer to it as a "masterpiece" isn't really that surprising anymore. Remember that this is the same board that unironically discusses MOBAS, ecelebs and Indie shit like Undertale now.

When someone says you love a game, it's very clearly implied you're having fun with it, you utter retard. The baffling part is how anyone can like garbage like those two games.

Recommend us some Good Games™ then, bud, I'll wait.

sloppy technique lazy, not believable enough. Also I'm taking points because you had to resort to mentioning reddit, very original.

>lets oversimplify a game to make my argument seem stronger

Ebic. Any game can be broken down like that to sound incredibly dull.

>devoid of challenge
>follow the dot on the map and use batvision when told to do so
>babby tier story
>open world is just a handful of repeated activities spread over a lifeless and samey area

I just bought the complete edition for $22

Feels good man...

>Another one of these fucking threads

It is dull, though. It's just pretty and has good writing. The rest of it is static. You all have low standards.

We love 'em 'cuz they're fun to play.

How is that hard to understand.

Do you have the burgers or somethin'


You said a whole bunch of nothing.

Tell me about ginger bread. What's the secret again?


>but we like fun cuz its fun lmao xDD

Yeah, good talking to you. Please fuck off back to whatever site you crawled here from.


I will say they got a bit lazy with the minimap, the world was handcrafted and has plenty of variety in its environments, they could have made the NPCs give you actual directions instead.

I think everyone could agree with that criticism.

Why're you so jaded user? Don't you remember how to have fun anymore?

where else did you find an open world game where you don't notice textures popping up in the distance and where the trees move with the wind when it is raining? are you retarded?

It is, as a matter of fact, static. You can hardly interact with anything. The whole game really is
>follow waypoint
>watch cutscene
>maybe mash attack buttons
How is this considered groundbreaking or of high quality? It's like every AAA pile of crap. Ubisoft could have made this.


Until you provide a list of stuff you can and can't interact with your argument is meaningless.

Good day to you.

You can actually interact with a shit ton of things if bother too, yes you can't exactly stockpile watermelons like in Bethesda games, but who cares about that?

It's a meme to hate it

Sorry, I'll clarify: It's lacking interaction. All the pretty doesn't make the world more compelling. I'm really sick of games getting better looking at the expense of depth.

You can literally criticize any game and say it is dull using the same tedious reductionism you shat out. All opinions on the game aside, it is simply shitty rhetoric.

I'll give you one example of something static that pisses me off - you can't kill villagers, quest NPCs, etc. You just sorta shake your fist at 'em like a grumpy grandpa, they scream and that's it.

Elderscrolls games did this right.

What honestly is wrong about the combat for you? I'm 138 hours in, still in my first playthrough, started the Blood & Wine, still have Heart of Stone to start, and keep having a blast fighting shit in TW3.

Hell, what kind of character are you building? Could be the issue.


Nu males love it. They love fighting over which virtual girlfriend to get cucked by. Even though the game is 50% dialogue trees, 25% auto horse, 15% follow the red footsteps, and 10% horrible combat. But they love their power fantasy and it gives them hope that one day they too can be cucked but a hottie just like Gerald. Nu males need role models too!

It was easier to provide a list of the things you can do in the game, which is
>follow waypoints
>swing your sword
>talk to people

Any open world game built around following waypoints is garbage.

You can't kill them because that wouldn
t fit Geralt's character

Considering the fact that the Witcher games break the lore simply by existing, I'd say you can shove your bad excuses right up your ass.

>best open world game ever

I wonder what it is that makes people write this? Is it because they never player other games? Is it because they are blinded by the graphics and boobs? Just what leads a person to make such an uninformed and unreflected assumption?

Whatever it is, by those standards minecraft would be the greatest open world game of all time. The world is even more open than the witcher and there are just as many things to discover (almost nothing and certainly nothing special) - except that the things you find in minecraft are actually useful.

I honestly do not see the appeal. I got this game as a gift from my sister, and it bored my dick off. It's slow and I don't give a shit about any of the characters. I guess the graphics are cool, but fuck me it's boring. I'd rather play a character action game than be bored to bits by a tolkien world made by people who haven't had a creative idea in their lives.


>implying the game doesn't give you multiple opportunities to cuck back

>Play a monster slayer who's entire life's work is to protect humans from monsters
>Kill random villagers and become the very thing your entire existence opposes

You might be the dumbest person ITT.

You don't have to pick triss though?

To be honest I'm impressed this thread got as far as it did before the contrarian reich appeared.

I did, it's not valid, because that literally is all you do in this game. I'm not reducing tw3 to its base components, it already is base components.

It looks good but the combat is meh and the story is anal vomit

>tolkien world

If you have skylake maybe

I like it quite a bit--at the very least, you have to be impressed by the ridiculous amount of content/detail-- though there are a couple glaring flaws that will probably prevent me from playing it again:

-Combat is repetitive The only time the combat is "tough" is in the VERY beginning (once again mostly only on death march) and that's the time when you have hardly any potions to use.

- On that note, they seem to give you lots of options (multiple weapon types, signs, dozens of potions, crossbow, bombs, etc) but in reality you only need swords + signs for 99% of encounters even on death march. Whats the point of being able to equip daggers, axes, etc if they all fucking suck? Feels poorly thought out to me.

-On that note, part of the game's appeal is the hunting of varied and unique monsters, but they all fight exactly the same.

-Fucking smuggler caches in skellige feels lazy as fuck. Skellige is a very cool place but it feels half-finished compared to velen

-Witcher senses are a lore-relevant mechanic that helps make quests interesting, but it gets old after awhile

I really like it and can't even pinpoint why exactly. I mean there are a lot of things in it that I like, some that I dislike, even some I hate (fucking controls). When I first fired it up I was unimpressed. I guess after like 15 hours I realized I was in love and by the end (130 hours in) I was pretty sure it's the best game I have ever played.

I totally understand why some people don't like it though.

Witcher fans are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. They're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are.

It's got Elves and Dwarves so it's a LOTR spin-off, right?

I disagree with your opinion.

>Projection: the post

I feel bad for you

Diablo 2:
>Talk to People
>Follow Quest Trackers
>Spam AoE

Dark Souls:
>Follow funneled paths
>Swing your sword
>Let souls be grant, so the world might be mended

Counter Strike:
>Shoot shit

I think it's not that good
The combat is shit, you can go through the entire game spamming m1 and quen
The world is kind boring, there's copy pasted points of interest everywhere
Quests are mostly "follow this red trail" and feel really not that good overall
It's probably the most overrated game of this gen

All those games have interesting combat. The enemies in TW3 require no tactical approach, just hack away. It's boring.

>Not playing Gwent
>Not Not casting signs
>Not min/maxing alchemy

Even projection aside, there are literally two other skill trees to focus on if you wanted to, with only Alchemy being "meh" as a main focus.

>I only played for two hours on the lowest difficulty

I prefer souls combat to witcher 3 any day myself, but suggesting they are really that different is laughable.

2500k will be enough for 60