So what are you guys buying on this black friday sale on psn
My list goes
>hitman complete season
>guilty gear revelator
>far cry primal
Also what else should i buy i still have $20
So what are you guys buying on this black friday sale on psn
My list goes
>hitman complete season
>guilty gear revelator
>far cry primal
Also what else should i buy i still have $20
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Nothing, because I can buy most of this stuff cheaper else where, or on PC. I would get GG, but I'm not paying for PS+. Oh and if anyone is interested, The Divison is 10 bucks on amazon for XBone and PS4
GG Revelator for sure.
As much as I would want to buy these games and find out for myself how good or bad they are, I'll rely on you, Sup Forums. How are:
- Just Cause 3
- Elder Scrolls Online
- Tales from the Borderlands
- Batman Arkham Knight
- Bully
- One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
- The Warriors
- Assassin's Creed Syndicate
I'm buying Witcher 3 complete and GTA5.
I already own them on steam; these are solely for when I'm too lazy to get out of bed and to my pc.
It feels like I'm throwing away $55 but fuck it.
>that pathetic list of ps3 games
do they have a list of things going on sale?
Just cause 3 is good
Arkham Knight is good
Pirate warriors 3 is good
Bully and the warriors are good.
is battlefront deluxe worth 12.99? is there any single player content at all?
Just cause 3 is trash on PS4. The load times are really bd. Watch some gameplay videos and see what I'm talking about before buying.
Bully doesnt really hold up these days. The camera and movement are pretty shit. I got to a mission where I had to pick a lock in the girl's locker room and escape before an adult showed up and I could never get out of the room in time because of the stupid controls. I havent played Warriors on PS4 but I played it on PS2 and it's a fun walk and sock.
im going to see if i can get battlefield 1 for ps4 and ninja gaiden 2 for my xbox 360
is Mad Max good? down from 30 to 12 bucks
Was thinking about getting the Witcher 3 DLCs. I dunno. I'm pretty busy with skyrim, DQ builders, infinite warfare, and my daily GTA online grind.
The anniversary sale from the last two weeks was better.
Meh. It gets repetitive. But the car combat is pretty fun. If you have a decent TV and audio system (or headphones) it looks and sounds really good. It's your standard open world chip away at the map type game.
So there's gonna be a Flash Sale on Friday, right?
This can't be all they are doing for Black Friday.
>Hitman 2016 for 50% off, plus a 10% off coupon
i don't think so tim
Look it on the ps store on weekly deals
Give me one good reason not to
only recently got an old PS3.
i wish Tokyo Jungle would go on sale.
any digital exclusives worth getting?
Just Cause 3 chugged on average settings on a top of the line PC. I dont even want to think about how bad the PS4 version runs
gonna pick up DOOM for $15 from Walmart
>not live in the UK until 24th apparently
Into the trash it goes, the only PS4 game I want is eyes of heaven but I'd like to get it cheap. If anyone has it feel free to recommend or shit on it.
Arkham Knight and Just Cause 3 are all you need
>i wish Tokyo Jungle would go on sale.
you can use the 10% off code
get a ps4 and get it on psnow for $5.99
Easily and yes. There is single player skirmish like the old Battlefront games as well as wave based survival challenges.
Bought every single Nep game apart from RB1 which I already owned.
The UK has fuck all sales right now. It's shit. I hate that black Friday is even a thing here. I've wanted a new game for about 2 months but haven't got anything because I knew black Friday was coming.
I only have 5 PS4 games (and actually only 5 current gen games total) and I'm a bit lost on what to try. I've thought about Doom and Mirrors Edge, but I really despise open worlds. I've tried more games obviously but didn't enjoy them at all do sold them right away.
DOOM isn't open world, got it on PC and would recommend it if you can get it for around 15 quid
Is battlefield 1 worth getting on ps4?
14 bucks just seems like way too much for a small game this old. plus all the fucking dlc.
i'm not buying a god damn ps4. It would be nice to be able to play bloodborne, but even used, old systems are still too much. i got the ps3 for $50.
Should I get Destiny collection?
Yeah, I meant for mirrors edge. ME1 was a top 5 game from last gen though. The Doom demo didn't impress me at all. I wanna give the full thing a go. CeX has it for 15 but if I can get it for a tenner fantastic.
Dare I?
I can't wait to see you again, user!
no avoid destiny
is that jojo game any good? also is anybody here getting bound?
I had Destiny during the taken king but some portions are either literally impossible alone or a 4 hour slog because of health pools vs damage.
It's a fantastic game but 100% needs friends.
wouldn't recommend, I loved the open beta and got the full game but I just completely lost interest in it very quickly. I've read good things about the lost king expansion or whatever it's called, but meh. the base game isn't that fun.
I've not heard many good things about ME2. DOOM isn't too bad if you just want a fun little title but the multiplayer isn't that good imo. It certainly doesn't hold up to the original doom though I'd say it does a better job than doom 2
i ordered jojo on amazon last week
it's arriving tomorrow
no but seriously guys should i go through with it
I've never played a hitman game before other than Blood Money but I just played that on PSNow and didn't finish it because PSNow is absolute garbage. Got Blood Money to test how well it'd work and it didn't work well.
Battlefront is worth that price, its not brilliant but you can certainly get a lot of enjoyment from hero battles alone.
How is GTA III on PS4?
Tell me your opinion on my list Sup Forums
Hitman is great, Battlefront is extremely casual shit, but if you like that then go for it.
Is Sword Art Online: Lost Song any good?
You can get Nep VII for free if you use that discount code, bumps the -90% up to -100%.
guilty gear is great if you're actually going to play it
Wouldn't be surprised if they did. It's been more than a month since the last one.
Is Siege dead on PS4?
And can a new person realistically break in or am I going to be screamed at every match?
I got the bundle, it's a normal port but I personally forgot how dated it is in terms of controls and unfortunately I can't play it myself due to that alone. It's a fine port though, upscaled to 1080p. Don't buy it if you're looking for a remaster, because it's just the regular .iso file being played at 1080
Is Street Fighter 5 on sale?
is FarCry primal any good? I thought it looked lame personally but at this price I might check it out if i hear good things. Is it just another ubishit open world where you locate towers and shit? wasn't a fan of FC4
Seconding this. I want to pick it up for cheap
just the deluxe bundle, 67% off if you're PS+. In canada the deluxe edition is 99.99 and with the discount it's 32.99
Game was ton of fun back then but know even if it is still ton of fun the shooting mechanics are really dated fot this time
It is on sale i didnt put it in my list because i already, fighting mechanics are really good, probably better than any fighting game in the market but matchmaking is bad and ther is no arcade also remember there are 5 dlc characters by now i will recommend going for the deluxe edition since it give you the dlc characters plus all their colors and an extra costume
Nope the standard edition is as well at a discount price also the season pass
was thinking about getting MLB the show 16 because I heard good things and I enjoy baseball games.
also was thinking of getting digimon
>Just Cause 3
Really fun timewaster. Makes you feel like an elite agent even if you're just messing around.
>Elder Scrolls Online
I'd rather you buy Skyrim SE
>Tales from the Borderlands
>Batman Arkham Knight
Good example of open world that doesn't hold your hand. Very well put together. (Although that does not excuse the PC port bullshit.)
No improvements on PS4. Play it on PS2 if you have it. If not, it's still fun.
>One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Dunno, not a weeb.
>The Warriors
Fun. Really fun. You'll enjoy it.
>Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Ew. Took everything that was fun about good-era AC and boiled it down to "Press one button to immediately go to top of building" and "grind XP so the higher level enemies lose their damage-sponginess."
Good game? Pretty decent offer.
>Buying digital.
>A couch game with cell phone game timed mechanics.
Belongs in the garbage.
What's wrong with ESO?
I'm going to wait it out untill the weekend to see if any more things go on sale. Since you can only use the 10% off once.
I'm broke as fuck, so I'm not buying anything.
Outside of the premium cash store? Not much. The game is packed full of content now. The community still has enough people that content readily has people to join with.
The only people who absolutely hate it are the ones that jumped on the hate bandwagon like they did with ToR.
Buy it.
Worth the 20 shekels.
It feels REALLY cash grabby. If you genuinely believe you'll enjoy it, though, you could try.
Getting revelator for sure but should I get central fiction?
guys is MLB the show 16 or Digimon Cyber Sleuth any good?
never played either but my friend who gets the show every year has never complained about 16
>10% discount
>90% discounted game
>Jew time
>They outjew me
>it adds the 10% discount to the game's original price
yeah it kinda says that right on the coupon "10% off your ENTIRE ORDER" which means your order total, not your subtotal before discounts
Rofl tried that shit too on neptunia, they sony keked on me
Kek that was the one I tried it on too
I didn't specifically want it, I just wanted to see if it'd work with a game that was 90% off
i'd probably get watch dogs 2 if it was half off, play it for an hour and hate it, uninstall and never touch it again. i'm glad it wasn't on sale.
Someone posted in one of these black Friday threads about a 100$ 3ds deal. Anyone know where I can get one?
not sure just check retailers. i saw an ad for it on TV last night but it was a UK promotion on something I was watching on acestream.
BEst buy, Target, walmart, and even amazon. Good luck though, its 11.0 so that means you can hack is and that shit is gonna be scalped to all hell
I got a PS4 slim pack on sale this weekend for about 120 maple funbucks. Mostly just going to play it by ear with game sales, but I primarily want to grab a 2tb HD to put in it.
Nothing, I'm poor and barely able to afford food as it is.
>its 11.0 so that means you can hack is and that shit is gonna be scalped to all hell
Did you mean can't user? Because if that's the case buying all my games is gonna be a bitch.
>no PS1 games
>barely any PS2 games
>barely any PS3 games
>Namco anime shit
>Compile Heart shit
>no Gravity Rush
>no Bloodborne
>SFV is cheaper at Target with no install times
Literally the shittiest Black Friday deals ever.
wait, does battlefront deluxe seriously not include a season pass?
what the FUCK is deluxe about it then? this is a completely unheard of level of jew
>no Gravity Rush
>no Bloodborne
They were on offer during week 2 of the PSN 10th year anniversary sale. I'm still kicking myself for not getting gravity rush remastered for $14.99
No, you can hack 11.0 N3Ds no problem friend. People got it early and checked the FW version and matched the serial codes, they are all hackable but have the shit IPS screens or w/e
PS 1,2 and 3 games might go on sale if they do a flash sale this week.
>buy battlefront deluxe assuming deluxe means deluxe
>go to download DLC that comes with deluxe
>"deluxe" edition is just a few weapons and a victory animation
>season pass 39.99, not included
Holy shit, thank you. I was this close to getting it.
Guilty Gear Xrd didn't get any patches and couldn't play online in EU, anyone know if Revelator is different?
Bought JoJo and the Witcher Complete
Should be a fun, homoerotic thanksgiving weekend.
>The Standard version Star Wars Battlefront is…well, standard. As for the Deluxe Edition, it comes with five additional in-game bonus items (the DL-44 blaster, Ion Grenade, Ion Torpedo, Ion Shock and “Victory” emote). The Ultimate Edition not only comes with those aforementioned items, but it also gives players access to the game’s Season Pass.
wish i was dead
ouch man
Looking at Digimon.
What else is worth it? Farcry Primal good? What about Fairy Fencer or the One Piece games?
Is gta 5 worth it for $29
no biggie i guess, still got the base game for $12 bucks. if i buy the season pass later i'd still have gotten it for less than the full price of the deluxe edition out of sale.
still the jewiest thing i've ever fucking heard of
it's worth it for $60