Why have video game budgets skyrocketed in recent years?

Why have video game budgets skyrocketed in recent years?

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Shilling ain't cheap yo.


who cares there's still indie games


because of extensive ad campaigns, hollywood a-list voice actors, and splitting up the work between several studios so you can make 20 different video games at the same time.

need to pay for women and their artificially created job

Destiny really had that big of a budget?

This probably. It's not the actual money spent on actual development that's gotten more ridiculous but the advertising budget to try to sell games using hype marketing tactics versus just making an actual good lasting game. For example Beyond: Two Souls cost about 27 million USD to make and about 18 million USD to market. Literally the marketing budgets for AAA games that are meant to sell on hype and lofty promises are almost equal to their entire development costs combined. Destiny is no different, it's hype marketing campaign allowed it to achieve 500 million USD in day one sales and become the biggest new franchise launch in history at the time in late 2014 despite having a miserable launch, losing much of it's initial playerbase and apparently just recently passing the line where it's considered playable. They're also already working on a sequel

>Initially, Activision Blizzard CEO Robert Kotick suggested that the total investment in Destiny would be around $500 million. Bungie's COO Pete Parsons clarified that the game's development cost is not even close to $500 million, saying, "For marketing you'd have to ask Activision people, but for development costs, not anything close to $500 million."[45] Activision subsequently confirmed the $500 million figure, stating that marketing, up-front infrastructure costs, and investment in the game's engine were included, and could be amortized over the life of the IP.[46] Bungie would earn an additional $2.5 million bonus payout if the first game achieved a Metacritic score of 90 or above.

Incidentally it got 76/100 so Bungie did not get it's $2.5 million but it's okay because Activision easily recouped the bloated advertising budget because hype sells games like nothing else

90% marketing, also those retards have like 20 studios across the world to shove shit fast as they can.

Shit is just bloated.

>hype sells games like nothing else
When will people learn.
Did not even NMS wake them up?

I once heard Ben Croshaw describe the modern video game industry as having a near pathological need to make money any way possible and only in 2016 with all the hype backlashes and incidents like No Man's Sky especially do I finally understand the full extent of what he meant by that. It really doesn't look good for the future of gaming when people are this gullible and have proven that these marketing tactics and bloated budgets and development cycles are more than justified.

sure development costs have gone up, but it's mostly marketing

Liam Neeson doesn't give his voice for less than 90% of the development budget.

ITT: Idiots counting marketing budget as development budget.

Highly doubtful though even if I weren't already immune to hype marketing it would have clued me in right then and there for sure. Because of NMS and other recent incidents I don't even preorder games I'm reasonable sure I'd like and am not being lied to about anymore....you know just in case. That was really the all time trust killer on that front and should be the wake up call. Also when I hear stories about how NMS has fucked over the rest of the indie gaming industry by making it impossible to get crowdfunding I can't say I'm surprised and I'm not even sure it's necessarily a bad thing. I mean there's Mighty Number 9 and the sudden delay on Bloodborne (I put down on this because I love Metroidvania style games and now am legitimately worried as well that I've fallen into another scam) working against them too. Just a really bad year all around for video game hype backlash.

How did Destiny and Bungie spend 500 mil when the vanilla game was fucking hot garbage


>build hype
>sell gorillions no matter how shitty is the game.

I think that only Nintendo does the opposite, they burn all the money on development to have close to zero marketing.

Unless it is some big IP, but also they said that new zelda just need like 2m to make profit back in some shareholder meeting.


This is a good read on that front and most of the games you'd expect to be there are there. It's almost all heavily advertised, bloated AAA or "console exclusive" type stuff by supposed top developers

Star Fox Zero had a pretty noticeable ad campaign with the shitty CG anime by a studio known for making really bad overhyped anime in Japan. It might have well have been the alarm klaxon right there.

>MW2 spent 200 million on marketing


Easily worth it, look at how well it sold

For all the shit they catch for being behind the times on MUH GRFX they're one of the only ones still kind of "doing it right" and cost effective at least for now. I'm having a hard time thinking of clearly unfinished first party Nintendo games and the only one they really go ham on advertising is Legend of Zelda though it kind of lends itself to grandiose trailers and public demonstrations.

Keep in mind that nintendo make games for pretty pennies, even #FE made money back, for sure it was made to shill VAs on japan, but it gives you a idea.

>Destiny had a higher budget than GTA V

what the actual fuck?

Marketing is the biggest money laundering right after Adam Sandler movies.

I wonder how much Overwatch cost.

>Crysis 3: 66 million
No wonder why Crytek is in deep shit.

big publishers trying to strangle out the competition

Nintendo games don't need just sell every unit in first week, nintendo games do have legs, they kinda work on long term.

For sure some IPs sell gorillions on first week, but they still keep selling with time, also unlike AAA games you are rarely going see a new mario, zelda, metroid or even pokemon game next year.

Shit is a big deal and build consumer trust in certain way.

On it's own? Not much. As it was just slapped together from what what left of titan. Titan cost a fair bit though.



well they lost my trust after the gamecube
their games are mediocre at best
they are not challenging or fun
they are designing games that are for 40 year olds who play 5 minutes and drop the game with a kids paint on them

Neo Nintendo needs to not exist anymore.

Wii was amazing you missed out big time

WII was amazing
I had that system

brawl was a 2.0 out of 10 for me
tp which i was waiting for 4 years to bring zelda back to the old zelda I loved was a good 3.5 out of 10
Mario Kart the game that 2 generations ago had fast kart racing and when you hit someone they would fly in the air and had obstacles and the turtles would bounce infinitely now has ok oyu get hit by a turtle flip once and you keep on going while the game has no obstacles and the speed of the game was greatly reduced

I can go on about all the mediocrity of the titles but this video will explain it perfectly

Lets compare that to this video


>Say something about Nintendo
>Autists like this come to woodwork and shit the thread.

For the fucks sake.

Marketing, like 80% of the budget goes to marketing, not enough to devs.

This and this.
Normies are mainly retarded, it just works.
Companies could sell turds, I mean brown smelly shit you have to lick, budget would still be 500 millions dollars, 99.9999% marketing and it would just sell.

I didn't even know there was a Crysis 3

>Marketing, marketing, marketing.
>Celebrity voice actors and appearances..
>Hiring several hundred average skilled employees versus the 30-50 highly skilled of old.

You just proved me right thank you.

>shit is good for your tongue
>it prevent cancer
>did you try the smelly shampoo?
>5 reasons why shit could make you immortal

>Wii was amazing.
>Things only a Nintenyearolds say.

I meant in advertising

I was making fun of the guy who said the WII was amazing it was dogshit.