Ok so black people are good at fighting games and asians are good at Strategy games,so what games are whites best at ?

Ok so black people are good at fighting games and asians are good at Strategy games,so what games are whites best at ?

First Person Shooters.



the game of life

But only whites in europe

fuckin kek

Smash Bros

autistic speed runnning and Smash brothers(?)

Im not even joking

Asians rule the market on near everything else but I ONLY see white people at AGDQ and stuff.

You should take in stride and carry with pride though. That takes alot of dedication and skill.

>so what games are whites best at?

The Game of Life.


>Ok so asians are good at fighting games and asians are good at Strategy games,so what games are whites best at?
fixed it to be more accurate, niggas suck at fighting games.
to answer your question, Melee.

>black people are good at fighting games
No. No they aren't. They just play them a lot.

But it's true. Quake was pretty much 99.9% white people, both pro and "casual".

That's the first I've heard of this phenomenon but I think you're right.


Life and chicks

Well now n days I don't think they're necessarily good at it there just more privileged because of the work of there ancestors....


Yeah where did this misconception that black people are good at F come from? I mean, Ryan Hart is good but the nigga can't even win EVO much less SBO or any tournament that matters. Even then, Luffy (who is Asian) is a stronger player.

dance/rhythm games.

Japs are good at fighting games not blacks. Also FPS games

asians are best at those too

>mfw black and terrible at fightan
Its not for lack of trying either. I've played tons of fighters I've never been more than mediocre at any of them. Soul calibur is probably the one I'm best at. I tend to get thrashed in 2d fighters even though I like them the most. Other than that its fps and strategy for me.

>he thinks you can be "good" at a fighting game

The japanese dominate rhythm games what are you talking about

black people are generally terrible at fighting games. OP is a faggot. Theres only one good street fighter player whos black and thats ryan.

so you're still saying the white race is better than the others


Poor quality bait aside, wouldn't this just reinforce the notion that white people are better

90% of professional CSGO players are white


You're living proof that this isn't the case.

he was laughing because white people shoot places up you dunce

Non-asian rhythm games.

Not really, considering the type of person that posts this sort of thing. Any time you want to disprove white supremacy, just have a good look at the guy proclaiming it.

>PIE Smug
>every black guy that was relevant in mvc3 before that fag Chris G took over with soul fist spam shit
and for the sake of memes




Any game where you can sort of create a formula or science to produce best results are the ones white people seem to rule at. Then it just becomes a matter of honing your mechanical skills to take advantage of it.

Koreans are the undisputed masters of computer games though and Japs become relevant every now and then.

usually are the more casual ones, that they don't even bother with.

>Doesn't think whites are good at the Game of Life
>They created Western Society.
>Africa is still a shithole even though black people have been on this world longer.

Hello, black user. Can I ask you something in which you'd be representative of all members of your race on this board? Does the racism here bother you? Do you know many other black people IRL that use Sup Forums? How do you feel about the anons of other races?


even if you were right, you would still be overgeneralizing :^)

Koreans are pretty ridiculous for sure

Only because the games are shit

>tfw a spic and top FPS scoreboards constantly after a few hours of practice.

the smash scene is dominated by black people, talk to any white smash player and they'll sound like they want to be black I'm not kidding. It really has that black twitter culture.

Smug hasn't been relevant since SF5 doesn't have have vortex.
SonicFox plays a party game.
UMVC3 didn't even have that many relevant black players in the first place

>over generalization
That's ironic, considering you're unwilling to judge people by their merits, but by their genetic background. Also nice infographic, bitch, you sure are the debate queen of /stormblr/.



>Ok so black people are good at fighting games

>he thinks owning some shitters in public servers or the internal MM system is a worthy achivement

Newsflash 80% of people you meet online are clinically retarded.

Actually, Smash is dominated by wetbacks/spics, the niggers come after them.

>you're unwilling to judge people by their merits
>White people overall are much more inclined to be people of merit.

Your move, tumblr.

I'm also an Onyx (top 1500) in Halo 5, though.

Assfaggots are pretty evenly split up between Asians and whites, with blacks being almost non-existent

ITT: spics thinking they matter and want to be included

>Does the racism here bother you

im not him but im a black user that has frequented this site since 2006 or so when I found it through Encylopedia Dramatica.

only when its used in Sup Forums tier phrases or meme spouting .

If its a coherent sentence with racial undertones like this I actually find it pretty amusing. Like watching Candy rant about his "niggers are made to serve " pseudo-science.

but shit like " LOL NIGGER DETECTED GTFO NIGGER XD POINT INVALIDATED" really grinds my gears.Its like the low hanging fruit of replies and its something you say when you have nothing to say (which at that point why reply to the first place?) its like watching an autist try to acknowledge somebody the only way he knows how which by being an obnoxious piece of shit and it creates this environment where mature conversation is impossible.

tl;dr Racism doesnt bother me. Stupid people do.

who said anything about genetics, you racist?

Individual merits, nancy, not what their third cousin did. You don't get to ride on the coattails of better people just because you're related.
No matter how many accomplishments your "race" achieves, you're still an obese failure posting regurgitated infographics on a geonosian moisture vaporator sharing webzone.

been a while since i paid attention to fighting games but wasnt kbrad a nigger who was pretty good?

>Want to play an old FPS that isn't Quake or Unreal
>Go into a server
>It's a bunch of South Americans who have been playing for 15 years nonstop and all know each other personally

This happens to me a lot. Is this what you do?

#6 is factually incorrect

So you think if you make people see how superior the white race is, you will suddenly be a successful person, by osmosis. That's some magically nigga bullshit there, yo.

They're good at Undertale.

Yeah, 0 black chicks are raped by white guys. No-one wants black chicks, not even black dudes.

Nobody ever said that. I'm smelling a lot of insecurity here. All those images lead one to believe is that one kind of person may be more liable of becoming successful in one endeavor or another, and that's what this thread is about.

>every black guy was relevant before ChrisG morrigan blah blah blah

Lol, no. Lol at your statement in general, but let's focus on Mahvel for fun. A lot of black players existed but I can't think of that many that were notable except for that one who played MSS. Not a single black player even won EVO in Mahvel 3.

Vanilla: Viscant- White AF
2012: FilipinoChamp - Not Black, Filipino?
2013: Flocker - Not Black, Brownish..?
2014: Justin Wong - Not Black, Asian American
2015: KaneBlueRiver - Not Black, South Americans
2016: ChrisG - Not Black, Hispanic

Oh and look. ChrisG only recently won, so that means other people were able to beat his tactics... but not black people?

Can you explain this? Do black people just suck at FG?

Thanks, black user. Very intredasting insight. How do you feel about the Hoteps/afrocentrists and the KANGZ meme if you don't mind me prying further?

1) The Zulu's
2) Neil degreased Tyson
3) America
4) Systematic opreshun of the black man by racist cops and polticians
5) Lower number of individuals being tested because of unfair police practise
6) because the same police force that abuses blacks are going to support a black woman accusing one of their own

I'm not him, but I'm a black user, I'll answer if you care
>Does the racism here bother you?
No, not at all, most of it is ironical banter and the ones that are serious are pitiful trash, no need to bother.
>Do you know many other black people IRL that use Sup Forums?
I'm not talking to black people at all irl (I mean, we're on Sup Forums, IRL is a fake).
>How do you feel about the anons of other races?
I don't care about their race. All that matter is if they've pleb tastes or not.

Was this hilarious joke intentional? Because judging by the replies only two people got it.

Oh it's that forced Twitter meme. Yeah people here don't really care about that.

Thanks, other black user. Feel free to also look at this post

Black people suck ass at fighting games. They can't even win a major tournament.

pretty much

>Halo 5
All you had to say was you play FPS on console for me to completely dismiss you, user. Thanks for wasting my time totally.

>Whites created Western Society
>Blacks predate whites

is that .4 question the "women are payed X% less than men" of racism arguments?

1-3 dont prove anything are are just garbage irrelevant questions("IF U CANT NAME A BLACK CELEBRITY ITS PROOF THAT THEYRE DUMB LOLOL!").

4-6 is literally b8. Its completely explainable through poverty and society attempting to keep the status quo after slavery/Jim crow ended

I fucking hate when people use statistics as backbone to thier argument and not to support it. statistic actually tell you what you think theyre telling you and can be easily manipulated.

Kangz is pretty godtier meme. I never thought anything would kill MYSTERY OF THE DRUIDS man but Kangz replaced him completely. Theres also a slight irony to it because I've actually met some black people that actually believe the whole WE WUZ KINGS and THE WHITE MAN RAPED THE MUTHALAND. Well edited Barbosa faces never fail to get a slight chuckle out of me.



Minorities dominate Smash 4 and the best Melee players are spics. Outside of M2K and PPMD, whites don't dominate Melee

>But Armada and Leffen
Sweeds aren't white

But asians dominate fighting games too.

I'll look at it

>How do you feel about the Hoteps/afrocentrists and the KANGZ meme if you don't mind me prying further?
Hahaha, it's bullshit made by insecure cucks.
I heard that they believed that Egypt was black, particularly central-western kind of blacks.
Sure, it was proven that some pharaoh were nubian, but not all of them. Besides, East Africa is not like the west.
So, no, this WE WUZ meme is made by retards.

Not any of the two previous black anons, but as a black user, I find the WE WAZ KANGS more annoying than offensive since it just derails a thread instead of adding to the conversation.

lmao LTG got BTFO by the whitest kid who ever lived. A pasty faced beta manlet bit him off so hard the guy was about to cry.


I think the joke falls flat when they're actually really good at FPS's.


Still also haven't seen a reply to which pretty much proves his talk about black players being notable in Mahvel.

The last one is easy. White women are prettier than black women and literally everyone agrees with that statement.

If you're going to risk life in prison for pussy why would you do it for D tier snatch?


There's a reason we got 576984 different FPS's int he west.

Thanks, black anons. You da real kangz.

1. Zulus
2.Fredrick Douglas, Nelson Mandela
3. Ethiopia, Nubia
4. All those test are carried out in the hood of Detroit and North Houston and its 50% last time I checked Cracker
5.Made no sense whatsoever, am I on Sup Forums? Half the black population have Goid IQs those tests are bullshit
6. Explain 90% of murderers and Serial Killers through out history were white? Explain the Italian Mafia asshole?! And where the fuck is the source for that statistic?!

While it is sad that Age of Empires discussion is forever impossible I think Kangz man is a great trade.

>Blacks predate whites
>Africa is still a shit hole.

Asians, and sometimes even spics are better than blacks in fighting games. Literatly the most legendary fightan gaem players are asains.
White people are prtty good on everything all around kinda similary as asians, I did say our best are FPS, TPS, RPG (asians are also good on these) and sometimes RTS.
I guess you could say the best speedrunners are always white, at worst they are spics.

Actually, the running analysis by the FBI showed that blacks outpace whites in terms of serial killers. Go look it up. The data's right there on google search.

And they're still a smaller percentage of the population. Scary, huh?

Anyone who makes the socioeconomic argument is in denial or playing devil's advocate, and all they're doing is moving the goalposts anyway. You can just move on to posting the transracial adoption studies and other shit disproving the supposedly huge impact of someone's environment or culture. If people don't want to listen to statistics, well, they don't have to.

Black people can't be serial killers, even if they kill dozens of people.

Serial killers kill specific targets, blacks just kill anyone.

Looks like your whites are on a lower rating, loser.

>the KANGZ meme
Annoying as shit, but only because I'm an AoE fan.
The AI in AOE2HD is the worst thing I've ever seen. Not even pathfinding survived.