ITT: Discuss censorship

Okay censorshipfags, where do you draw the line between actual localization and censorship (or terrible localization)? Is changing clothes really all that bad? Is removing a boob slider all that important? What are some examples of "censored games" that are actually worse because they are "censored"?

Is there any reason at all to change anything in the first place?

>the stewardess revealing too much skin
Ugh. It's 2016, you fucking scum.

OK, lemme rephrase. Is there any GOOD reason to change anything? Mind you, if it's fit for the initial release, it's fit for future releases.

I prefer the international version of that comparison picture. I don't want no slut of a helper.

Nell isn't a stewardess, you ass.

This is the most awful censorship I've seen in a long time.

Not even getting into "too much skin revealed", the chick's left outfit looks like shit. No one wears that outfit unless they are trash and think, "Who cares how shitty my arms are? I'm gonna pull off sleeveless cause I'm confident."

Sleeveless suits look like shit and are tacky as fuck.

I could give less of a fuck about the rest of the changes.

What was the point of changing any of them?

Sometimes audiences will be more receptive to a version of a game if it's localised.

If a Japanese developer chose some text or imagery specifically because it'd be familiar or make a concept easily understandable to Japanese players. Wouldn't it follow that the western version should really also use text or imagery that would be easily understanable to western players?

>Start post with the pretence of having a 'discussion' or 'conversation'
>Phrase everything to be as snide and biased as possible

This is Sup Forums - Video Games, not Destructoid or VICE

>I like battling female preschoolers
what game?

You think Madden has fucking samurai and fox demons in it? If players want to appreciate the game, they'll LEARN.

I don't get it. What was censored?

it should have been the jew in the west

look at the image, this time more carefully.

right looks better in this case

Erephant?! I haven't heard of that Pokemon

everything else is just "i like x" except for the preschooler npc because implications

They added "battling" to the preschooler option.

International designs there are consistently better.

>Samurai Madden
Sounds hype

The option of female youth athletes is still visible, but you can't select it?

all of these are improvements, the japanese side designs are dumb as fuck caricatures

look at

literally all the international ones are better

>a woman's arms and legs are too much
>a disgusting fat belly is okay
Censors literally hate anything that someone might derive pleasure from.

>pedophiles getting upset over the most trivial fucking bullshit

kill yourselves


Is not censorship, it's localization.
Censorship is done and/or caused by governments alone. Did a government, any government, force those changes? NO!
Thus it is NOT censorship.

Get out britfag.

To be fair, it's the only one that wouldn't otherwise define what the person does, only place them in an age range.

So I think it's somewhat reasonable to add "battling".

Besides, this could also be read as them being of the battling sort, if you had to be a grammar stickler.

If you're using the strictest definition of censorship, but we don't always use the strictest definitions of words, especially when the concepts are so prevalent.

This is life, not debate class.


You called?

>tl;dr the dictionary is ok as long as it fits my view of the world

OH SHIT! A reaction image of cropped bestiality porn! Whatever will i do?

>This is life, not debate class.

And this is just being annoyed with people attempting to devalue a word that carries a real meaning.

member when translators were fine with pedo jokes

I only am bothered by censorship because of feminist and SJW's.

I don't mind if they alter it for other reasons. Because those are done in good faith.

When they alter other shit it's to push an agenda cause they are trying to mind fuck you into normalizing their bullshit.

>muh ESS JAYYY DABVIUU boogeyman
Found the faGGot. Back already? Did your cripple fuck you in the ass already? GOOD! You can fuck off forever now, you aren't welcome here.

What the fuck is this post trying to say?

That's just what shitty localization staff tell their bosses to justify their job. Would the Tengu in your example be unfamiliar to western players? Yes. Would it kill them? No. So why change it?

This goes for almost every localization change, but occasionally you'll run into the awkward example where it wasn't possible to release the game in Japan in the intended format. For example, the blood in No More Heroes, and I believe there are some rules about military costumes which explains (some) of the Advance Wars changes. In those instances, ideally the player would be given the option to experience the Japanese version or the originally intended vision.

Translation work has it's own set of issues. But trying to match the tone is key. You can't swap a serious line for a joke as it will create inconsistency in the two products. Atlus USA have recently fallen foul of this with Persona 5, but despite the delay, I doubt they'll correct that.

wew lad what an autistic post

Localizing games made for anime fans is like localizing anime.
People still harbor a grudge
You don't fuck it up

>shit he's right and i have no defense: the post

Boob slider is removing a gameplay function

Putting more clothes on a pixel slut is fine because it makes her design not look retarded. But it is still censorship because they made her skirt longer and now I can't see her delicious armpits.

As for the other characters, it's fine because it's supposed to be military themed and they looked unprofessional originally. Like pretend if Sega took Valkyria Chronicles that was about the military and hardships and made a sequel about high schoolers instead.

Found another one, take him em away, Emperor Trump.

i don't give a shit if they tone down some outfits, i can look at all the anime tiddies i want online. Since i live in germany stuff like the completely butchered version of C&C Generals or the nearly gamebreaking changes to some action games are the kind of 'censorship' that actually bothers me because it directly affects the gameplay

Removing references to another culture is 'done in good faith'?