Is the steam version any good?

Is the steam version any good?

Final fantasy IX thread too


It's pretty good. There's a clear disconnect between the upgraded player models and the pre-rendered backgrounds (as well as the models they didn't bother to upgrade), but being able to skip the opening animations in battle and speed up the game make it much more bearable to play by today's standards.

its exactly the same as the ps1 version with slightly sharper models, thats it

Speed up, along with better models for the main cast, and large resolution movies are nice. Everything else is kind of bad, especially the backgrounds.

It's got some nitpicky flaws, but if you're not an autismo, it's a great way to play it.

Just about as good as the original version.

I got stuck right at the beginning, I was near the ladder after ratboy asked me to be his slave, and I couldn't move from where I was standing. I could rotate, but I couldn't move. The game is buggy and I stopped playing there because I don't want something like that to happen again when I'm late in the game.

it's a common problem because you don't have analog control, and it was in the original version if you weren't playing with a Dualshock controller. If it ever happens, just roll the d-pad in a circle really fast a few times and you'll pop free. This was a problem in 7 and 8 as well.

Why did they change some lines? Like when you bump into the little girl with Vivi in the beginning.

They added literal cheat quick-keys for casuals who don't want to play their games.

The line was changed because it's a port of the Android mobile version. Some phonetic dialog was changed to accommodate regions where English is spoken, but may not be a first language without totally retranslating the game. Unfortunately lines that are written phonetically weren't reverted to the originals for the rerelease in English speaking regions. For example, someone playing the game in Enlish in Sweden may not know that "dwopped" is a mispronounced version of "dropped".

That's a fantastic way to plase both audiences. You leave the game just as it is for the purists and you put cheats for players who don't give a fuck and just want to read the story

That's suck it made the game more charming in my opinion, good thing I played it on PS3 first. Might get it on steam the models are way better!

>square releases final fantasy 7 for ps4
>doesn't release any of the others because fuck you

FFX and X-2

Where is 8 and 9 before X?

I bet they'll come out next time Square has a month or so gap in their release schedule. I wouldn't be surprised if they're announced to hit PS4 a month or two after the new Final Fantasy. Maybe in the summer when nothing is coming out.

Is there a hack for the jump rope minigame yet?

If someone were to time the game and how it gets faster you could pre-record inputs to get the highest possible score. Like a TAS speedrun.

Just hack the correct button enough times. Works everytime.

Biggest blunder is that they didn't go back and e-do ALL the models. FFS, at least they could have spruced up the summons.

holy shit that looks bad

It's a PS1 game running at a very high resolution. That's how they look.

It's more effort than I expected after every rerelease of previous FF games. Every rerelease of every FF game has been in some way flawed compared to the originals.

yes, just don't use the retarded cheat options.

>those FFX models and animations
was there ever a fan fix or at least someone who has announced they're working on it?

No, that's not fantastic anything.
If you only care about the story, go read a synopsis or watch an LP. This shit is literally an insult towards all the fans who dedicated time and money to finishing the game proper.

Is it really that bad? The Pc version only has good reviews

I bet you didn't bitch about the infinite ammo code in Resident Evil 2, or the multitude of cheats in DOOM, or the cheat mode in MediEvil. A lot of older games had cheats, so you're either ignoring all the games that did this from your childhood or you were born in the late 90s/early 2000s.

All the models except Tidus are an improvement and there's a fix for Tidus on steam guides section.
tl;dr he's shitposting

it's not bad enough to burn the port over it, but it is pretty bad.
no, the animations especially for the faces during scenes for everyone is a bump down from the original.

And yet Dragon Quest simply must have accented text that's probably unreadable to people who aren't well versed in English and English representations of other accents (though even native English speakers have trouble with them, but that's just because they're retarded).

Yes it is

The steam version is fine. But it's not a good game.

Like said million times in the past, those are completely different things than flicking the R3 and having all your stats maxed + trance activated. The old cheat codes required you to dig out the info on how to input them, often also requiring you to purchase a separated device to use them.

Now you have a literal in-game menu, accessible right off the bat, that's indistinguishable from the rest of the game, offering you game ruining hacks on a silver plate.

Sweden is bad example though, most people here have pretty good english skills!

The OFFICIAL Sup Forums Final Fantasy Tier List

>God Tier:

>Good Tier:

>Allright Tier:

>Mediocre tier:

>Bad Tier:

>Shit Tier:

>Now you have a literal in-game menu, accessible right off the bat, that's indistinguishable from the rest of the game, offering you game ruining hacks on a silver plate.

I still don't see the issue. It just makes it somewhat easier for people who'd cheat anyway if they could. Casuals get to have their own form of fun and can be laughed at by everyone else if they pretend they got through it on skill alone, and everyone who isn't interested in cheating simply won't do it. Just because I can easily max my stats with a cheat doesn't mean I will. You're doing what's so typical of Sup Forums these days and just bitching for the sake of it.

Overall I think it's an improvement over the ps1 version. The only thing I don't like are the (!) bubbles for npc conversations. Makes it harder to find treasures.

Is there any huge difference between the PS1 version and the new version?
Is the music the same?

I don't agree, I don't want to write a wall text explaining why, but still wanted to state my disaproval, though.

I think that the text boxes are weirder, it looked nice in the original but now it looks like a android app.

Also WHY THE HELL there's buttons to make you max level and learn all the skills in the config menu? It blowed my mind that they added such a cheap feature, basically a in-game gameshark that anyone can acess.

I think you're better emulating it in epsxe with double resolution, it looks more consistent imo.


>4 not in shit tier
>12 not in god tier
>10 not in good tier

>anything but shit tier

More importantly, can we agree that this is actually pretty damn good.
They put real effort into the remaster, even if the new music is shit.
I played it last when it first came out and had forgotten most of the plot, playing it again after having now finished I through IX, its definitely up there with the best.

the problem is more than that though. investors and executives get data back that's shows a possible increase in sales for games that include accessibility that basically makes it a free ride, even though FFIX is a very easy game outside of a few encounters if you aren't prepared. these are the people funding games, they're out to make a profit out of entertainment and in the end if they don't approve it then the project is dead. devs get feedback on this and must now make a goal to appease the new audience. this means a new demand on the creators to focus limited resources to meet this goal. resources that might have been focused on some other aspect of the game; refining it. the end result has a much higher chance of producing a product that your original audience will comparitively dislike.
this is all worst case scenario, but bits and pieces of it will happen with expansion. it's only gradual changes but it happens every meeting.

No, that game was shit.

>God Tier

Will we ever get a FF with a setting like IX again? Bravely Default is alright but I don't actually need the freedom of class selection.

Garnet still my favorite videogame girl.


no we cant. it was the exact moment square plunged down the slippery slope of terrible. They did away with the big open overworld, every zone was a fucking hallway simulator, and awful fucking VA ruined even the slightest chance of redeeming the characters. It had such low replayability as well. It literally was the worst FF they had made in 5 games at least. The sad thing is, they never got better.

IX is still my favorite. It was the one that actually felt like a next gen version of what I loved about I and IV. What came after feels like a separate series.

Stop samefagging faggot. We got it, you have shit taste. Now go back to neogaff/reddit

IX was a bad Final Fantasy. It had absolutely terrible equipment, skill, and ability systems that allowed no room for players to shape their characters in any way. The trance system going off outside of your control was even worse designed than VIII's limit spamming. The combat was slow and boring and the only interesting mechanic AT ALL was the dynamic between Steiner and Vivi, and it didn't really add anything to the game at all. It had a terribly boring setting that's only praised by "classic fans" because it didn't emphasize sci-fi, completely disregarding that Final Fantasy has used sci-fi elements from the start of the series. Your cast consisted of characters like Freya who were completely forgotten by the plot after their usefulness to the story was up, characters like Quina who basically just showed up whenever the game felt you needed a 4th party member and didn't do ANYTHING of any relevance, and characters like Amarant who I'm still trying to figure out why he was added to the game. The protagonist and antagonist being "space alien grim reaper brothers" is by far the worst plot twist in the series, much worse than either the orphanage in VIII or "You're a dream Teedus" could ever hope to be.

The worst part of all? In a series that's known for its innovation in its genre, Final Fantasy IX bitched out and actively BACKTRACKED to boring, outdated, mechanics. At least the early games it was a callback to were innovations of their time like the ATB system in IV, and at least for the PSX titles VII, VIII, and Tactics all tried to do new things with turn-based RPGs, storytelling, and world building even if it didn't please everyone- whereas IX actively decided to say fuck that, and appeal to idiots who want video games to stagnate.

It was boring and had nothing unique going for it. In fact, nothing about the game is particularly memorable. It has no sense of identity for itself and just takes after previous titles.

>awful fucking VA
are you referring to the jap cast? because the English VA is some of the better dubwork in videogames

>whole series
>anything but shit tier

Fuck no 10 is utter shit

X was my first FF and vidya in general, still my fav game of all time. Tried getting back to the older FF games but they have aged real bad, can't get past the clumsy gameplay and bad graphics. There's obviously some good ideas in there but they are far too sparse, X pretty much perfected the formula and is the first real FF game. Just skip to that, you won't miss a thing, they are pretty much just prototypes.

It's one of these "remasters" when the original game running on original hardware looks better than the version released 16 years later.
This won't be a problem if you don't care about the graphics, but it triggers my autism badly. The PC version is a blurry mess of stretched backgrounds with some shitty photoshop filters thrown in. The menus are disgusting. They couldn't even bother to recreate the original font. Instead they just slapped Arial on it and called it a day.
I would love to see a proper re-release of this game, but Square-Enix is doing it in the shittiest way possible. I assume this one was outsourced to wherever the fuck they work the longest hours for cheapest like the godawful FFVI Steam release.

>battle/exploration runs at 60fps
>world map runs at 30

Wait what? Is it really 60 in battle? All battle animations were running at 15fps on ps1 and i doubt that they interpolated ALL of them.

I dont know actually. But definitely twice as fast as the world map

Absolutely not, no.

...and the award for the shittiest opinion of the week goes to:

Sorry, but you are a literal enabler.
Don't try to wash your hands off this issue. You are part of the reason the whole industry is so fucking terrible nowadays.

Unrelated to 9 but I'm planning to go back and play through all the classic ones and the gameboy ones as well. I played 1, whichever ones had cecil and faris (I think I played one with the US numbering so I was confused for years) and 6, which was the only one I beat. Is there anything weird in the old ones like how magic defence/evade was bugged or whatever? Just don't want to fuck something up.

Oh do I ever.

You mean arabic

>implying 12 isn't a masterpiece

>having options is bad
Mooooom! Sup Forums is being stupid again!