Steam dont starve together

Could some one buy me dont starve together so i can play with my friend? Its on sale
Plus my bday is in 5 days

Ask your friend to buy it for you

We are both poor sadly

i was gonna buy it but then i saw you posted the same thread on Sup Forums, so fuck you for being a whore

... well i have been wanting to join my friend...

Jesus fuck, do you even know how to directly reply to someone?

sent ;^)

>That profile

Ask your parents to get it for you.

Yes i do

sent :)

>he replied, after desperately looking for a "How to" thread on google search

sent :)

pm'd u

No i always knew

Do you have no fucking shame ? I hate spoiled brats , your parents should of whipped you when you begged , not get you what you wanted. Damn niggers wasting a thread for this

>B-day in 5 days, can't wait!

>announcing your birthday on your steam page

The nerve on some people.

>This level of bait

It's some retard trying to get other retards to do something retarded on some different retard's profile. You guys are retards if you don't realize this.

Hopefully everyone who replies is saging.

Literally underage. Go ask mommy to buy it for you.

check your email buddy

how do i sage


I don't think that's the case this time. OP actually owns that profile, and he's quite obviously underage

>that guy on your friends list named "DICKSUCKER [20 DAYS TILL BDAY]"
>the next day: "DICKSUCKER [19 DAYS TILL BDAY]"

sage goes in all fields


PM'd u the fix ; )

I don't have this issue

If I get this seven, then I have to drink my own cum.