Why does FFXV look worse than Wii games? It's on PS4 which is 100 times stronger and was in development for 20 years.
Uhm... hello?
Other urls found in this thread:
of the
Luminous Engine
And no consistent artstyle whatsoever
>look worse than Wii games
Have you ever played a Wii game?
the shit that looks better doesn't run all that well on the ps4
I want your wii
It's really inconsistent, sometimes it looks amazing, especially the lighting at night, sometimes like shit.
Is this thing on?
>square enix
>open world
Even wii games had grass
Umm? Can you go back to rebbit
Holy fuck, can't deny that.
>there are still people here who are too scared to type regedit here
Why does this 10 years in development game on PS4 PRO look like this.
Am I all alone?
When Pii Poo games two years in development look like this.
Because it's on PS4 Pro.
I ask myself so many times... why the fuck did I sell my Wii U?
That has to be a compressed screenshot
you shittin me?
There's no way it won't get ported to the Switch. Just play it then.
There is a rumor that XCX is getting a director's cut version on Switch, but I don't believe it.
Nice bullshots
Is this the daily /XCX/ thread
Someone explain this sand texture. Why did they insist on giving it such contrasty shadows when it's 100% flat?
Port, not director's cut. They probably will put out a sequel on the Switch in 2018.
Monolith soft once again showing themselves to be one of the best companies in the industry
just get it on switch
>not turning up the saturation on your TV
made XCX look way better.
bottom has contrast lowered
I'd expect every significant Wii U game to make its way over simply because it's a chance to sell to an install base that will be several times bigger and therefore have a ton of people who never played them. The only real question should be whether a particular game will be a straight port or have stuff added like Mario Kart.
and top is retouched. your point?
Those screens are directly from the Wii U, just increased colors and contrast (which every TV can do).
Even compressed because Wii U saves pictures in jpg.
The screenshots in your picture are blurry Youtube caps.
Nice low-res image, top one just has bad lighting but I think it rains?
>game has been in and out of development for 10 years
>graphics look dated
well no shit you retards
>trying to hide the ugly visuals by blinding your eyes with saturation
It's called bad art design.
>responding to acfag's poor cousin
No one posted the top picture. You did.
Although FFXV should also look much better than the top picture since it's just X at 1080p. A Wii U game at 1080p.
But FFXV doesn't look better than this Wii U game at 1080p. Really weird.
>not using your TV settings for the very purpose they exist
You are a smart fella
>Favorite party member
>Favorite boss
>Favorite area
>Favorite song
even with that shit off, XCX still looks better than FFXV
a WiiU game with 2 years dev time with a relativity small company looking better than a game in 10 year dev hell on a ps4pro is embarrassing as fuck
Only started development in 2012
completely rebuilt in early 2014
It's not overtly compressed, FFXV is just a blurry mess.
>Nice bullshots
Irina a CUTE!
Too bad she was a hard carpetmuncher
>graphics were better when it was a PS3 game
>and when it was pc only
How dare you push a button on your remote control!
PC release when?
Xenoblade X looks awful though and has awful pop in.
The game wasn't all that impressive animation wise or with ANYTHING really. Shit game.
>what is a bullshot
FFVX has good music and a good story though
It didn't look that good. Tabata is just a shit director. Game just looks terrible now, Duscae had better graphics.
>XCX looks awful
yet XV looks worse
Thats because the majority of those textures and trees and shit are all 2D and flat.
Heck even the gras fucking rotates with you and casts mp fucking shadows.
It's not hard.
>Xenoblade X looks awful though
Nope. Most varied and vivid open world ever.
>has awful pop in.
Only in the city, apart from that basically never.
>The game wasn't all that impressive animation wise
Damn, I buy JRPGs for their animations.
> or with ANYTHING really.
Yup, just the most varied and vertical open world ever made to this day.
Is that a new edgier remake of FF5?
I give you the music
There's barely any, luna dies after 3 minutes of screen time, wow so sad, fedora is evil 2000 years old guy that wants world kill, wow amazing
Yeah, but 15 also has a whole lot of better tech and actual physics instead of static animation and constant pop in of trees, enemies, objects, NPCs, etc.
>textures are 2D
Wew. Just blew my mind.
>good story
although I'm not surprised, this is the man that brought us the kingdom hearts "story"
>Episode duscae screens
How much bait have you got?
>two years
Be reasonable
>overworld is so ugly you have to post the MOST GENERIC caves imaginable to brag with graphics
>because the only thing that looks decent are the gay character models and hair... because this is all SE cares about since all their designers are gay Japs that fap to shota
>Most varied and vivid open world ever.
Hahaha, that's hilarious. Only Sylvarium was even appealing, Chronicles was worlds better in level design. Most of X's areas were boring and shit.
It has popin everywhere, fucking please.
Damn, you must buy them for their shitty affinity system, terribly made sidequests, J-pop boyfriend drama, terrible OSTs, butchered mech combat, or awful characters. Well then.
I'm gonna be happy when everyone can just emualte Xenoblade X and see how shit it really is. It's the worst RPG I've played in maybe 8 years, and I bought the fucking collectors edition.
The same can be said about Tetris. Are games just graphic demonstrations to you?
Report and ignore. You know better.
>yfw there was more effort put into the atmosphere in Crystal Bearers than there was for FFXV
is that for real? Xenoblade X looks better than that
The sad part is Duscae looks better than the final game
>Be casually walking in Xenoblade X
>Suddenly enemy right in front of you from thin air
>Be casually walking around again
>suddenly held in place by invisible objects that take 6 seconds to load in.
Really hate to break this to people but FFXV won't have one single track that can compete with this
Or even this
>b-but the track in the city is bad
and it ran like shit.
what would you rather have, a game that looks bad in static screenshots and runs at a solid framerate, or a game that looks a little better but has frame drops everywhere?
Haha. :D
Top one, never.
Bottom one, very rare.
The actual physics apply to barely anything though. And the draw distance is bad in FFXV as well especially on shadows.
They said the graphics would be better and it wouldn't run badly. It was all a lie. Seeing how MGSV is on par in every way with FFXV and exceeds it visually in a number of areas, AND it runs at 60fps, Tabata has no excuse. He's incompetent.
>b-but the track in the city is bad
It grew on me. UH YEAH
That's why they have data packs for you to install from the eshop so it loads faster
Every monster including the super bosses in FFXV phase in from ????, even that massive turtle does.
>tfw just dicovered there is actually an entry into that huge yellow ball with a secret boss
XBCX is a pretty mediocre game (except for the exploration), but god damn is it gorgeous.
It'll probably get ported.
They fucked up the aesthetic and technical part
>This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.. It is not available in your country.
the fuck? It's a nintendo game
I find it funny that you are so unsure you need to compile a bunch of screenshots of places that have literally nothing to do most of the time.
The game was a fucking disaster, and exploration was minimal because 90% of it was open fields or copy/pasted areas.
FF15 actually has physics, clothing, hair, attacks, proper lighting, physical area changes. Xenoblade had nothing of the sort.
Most of the static changes to the world were minor and were through over extended quest lines that were horribly written and implemented. It was an offline mmo with worst everything.
Holy shit, that's worse than X
"Sony entertainment of Japan has not made this available in your country"
The little flying dudes in there are also good to farm for ultra-tier weapons.
But I had the data packs.
The Wii U HD is just a piece of shit and 32 GB of storage space is needed to play 1 shit game. its great.
Kek. A game with such a world can't be mediocre. The combat is amazing, too for RPG standards, and incredibly deep (probably too deep for its own good). It just sucks you can't save different sets and the whole interface is kinda shitty.
And it got some amazing characters, too. Which just need a sequel to flesh them out.
Wow Witcher 3 blows this away.
jesus is this better on pro or is that pro?
Hey, can we mic right now? I want to know if you are being ironic or not. Xenoblade X was putrid shit.
Hop on a discord? I wanna talk with you.
>FF15 actually has physics, clothing, hair, attacks, proper lighting, physical area changes. Xenoblade had nothing of the sort.
Yet X looks better overall because actual thought went into it. FFXV is an offline mmo as well with a worse story somehow.
Xenoblade - Theme X.
One of the best tracks of this generation.
PC max settings?
Stop responding to old bait.
>XCX on switch
XCX is one of the few games that utilized the gamepad as a separate screen pretty well.