Well, Bloodborne was fun while it lasted, but I guess I'm at my limit with this spider shit...

Well, Bloodborne was fun while it lasted, but I guess I'm at my limit with this spider shit, looks like I'll never finish the game.

Throw rocks at the little spiders first. Also you can lure the little ones into the side alley to fight and then fight the big one, also you can run past them.

I'm pretty sure you can run past every spider encounter in the game if they're that much trouble.

I just can't do it, the way they move and shit, terrifying and I die.

just run past them
and the hunter after them
run and keep running until you reach the lantern at the foot of the elevator
use beast roar to push things away if need be

I only remember encountering them in that one cathedral near the giant brain

Must be rough playing vidya while being arachnophobic.

Oh, you're just scared of spiders.

Well there's no getting around being a pussy, user. Just play another game.

Is this post the proof that the "I'm scared of spiders" meme is real? Have you guys never encountered a bug in real life? You know that most spiders are beneficial to you, right?

Just because they're beneficial doesn't make them NOT nightmares on wheels.

Look at house centipedes. Literally do nothing but kill every other bug in your environment, clearing out any other infestation. But they look like they spawned from satan's own night terrors.

People are afraid of shit, it happens.

>But they look like they spawned from satan's own night terrors.
I guess it depends on how you were raised. I grew up in a very small town in rural Vermont and we had all kinds of bugs there. Had a yellow orb weaver (not sure of the exact genus, it's been decades) I used to check on every couple days. House centipedes are fast little fuckers, don't even bother trying to catch them if they spot you first.

It's a phobia, an irrational fear by definition.

Don't mind spiders and most crawlies myself, perfectly content to leave em alone as long as they don't bite me, which they never do.

Now ticks on the other hand, can't stand those bastards

Ticks are an annoyance. In the hierarchy of annoying bugs, here's my ranking:

Cockroaches >>>>> Bedbugs >>>>>> Fleas >>> Ticks

Just do it mate, overcome your fear and molotov it to spider hell

>House centipedes are fast little fuckers

Understatement. Those fuckers are speed demons. I kind of go into a primal haze when I see one. My fear and anger levels hit critical mass and I refuse to let it leave my sight until it's dead.

I've smashed a hole in a wall killing one once, I think I have a problem. They just really fucking scare me. But not nearly as much as cockroaches, I can't even function if I see one in real life. I've been held up at gunpoint and I was less afraid than seeing these bugs in my house. What the actual fuck.

If you don't go to chalice dungeons, the spiders in the beginning of Mensis are the ONLY ones in the game, DLC included. If you really can't take it, just run through the big double doors, sprint up the right stairs, hug the right wall, then keep running across the bridge, past the hunter, then into the next room with multiple floors. Kill the hunter there. The spiders won't cross the bridge.

Feels good to not be a pussy arachnophobe.

Or better yet, put a password and SUMMON ME and I'll clear the whole level for you, friend.

Throw ants and wasps in there somewhere.
Both are useless assholes that deserve nothing but death.

>tfw spiderbro in the corner of my ceiling
It's pretty comfy.
There's a huge fly problem here, so he's more than welcome.

There are some in the mensis basement area too, with a couple of winter lanterns.

I only ever find spiders in my bathtub.
You'd think by now after the last few got washed down the drain they would start to realize chilling there is a terrible idea and yet there they are.

I kill em when I see em, but I don't particularly hate them, and they're not a huge problem where I live, thankfully

>bedbugs, fleas
not a problem where I live


Just run past them

>that feel when I saw a cockroach for the first time in like 5 years in my apartment last night

I'm already considering moving.

Imagine being underneath the food chain of spiders.

You don't even have to fight it

>Lesser Amygdala whole over town
>Rom with his spider minions
>Medium size spiders in Chalice Dungeons
>That large hairy fucker with smaller ones

Seriously, From wanted to fuck arachnophobes who bought this game hard.

>tfw you have spider crickets in your house all the time

Usually they're cool and I leave them alone. RIP that one that ended up in my bed somehow and I squished him with my leg.

Imagine if you were a human and there was a spider big enough to eat you

That's a good point, if OP is so afraid of spiders how did he get past Rom?

It's usually more that they can't get out. Most spiders seem to have trouble navigating ceramics for some reason. A literal slippery slope, they slip and tumble inside the tub and can't come back up.

Open ALL cabinets/drawers and look on the UNDERSIDE of all counter tops. If you have an electric stove lift the range up, check underneath. With a glasstop you'll probably need to pull out a couple screws to lift the top. Look anywhere dark or wet, or where one could potentially burrow. The chances of having them after seeing one are extremely high, but it COULD be a rogue wandering in from another apartment. If you DO have them, make a paste of sugar, diatemaceous earth, and white flour, little bit of water. Leave it in balls all around and they'll carry it back to the nest and the earth will shred their insides.


Rom is QT. Leave her alone.

Amygdala never were a problem for me for some reason but the nightmare spiders and Blightstone Cove in Ds2 were a problem for me

Yeah, ROM is, but her spiderlings aren't.

I have never seen a cockroach in my life, I'm 25. They seem to be pretty much non-existent in western Europe.

I like millipedes

What are some games with millipedes?

I get those a lot in summer, kinda annoying but I leave em alone

This. She just wants to be left in peace with her little spider babies

I have severe arachnophobia and Rom didn't really do anything to me besides the initial shock when they first plopped down. Then again, the ones in op's image didn't really bother me much at all either.

It's really rare for spiders in videogames to really bother me. It's more like I get a small discomfort from being reminded the things exist and could be near me right now. Videos, gif., etc make me really uncomfortable though and I can almost feel stuff touching my feet.

Is this the new 12 VIT build, my friend?

Flies are worse than spiders.

They zoom around like crazy even after you spray them, and they slap into you with their disgusting meaty bodies.
I hate flies so fucking much.

I don't mind spiders that much.
Those fuckers are much worse for me.

kek what a pussy

Bloodborne 2 when

Seriously, this game was so fucking good, and a sequel that fixes all of the minor problems like fps and lanterns would be 10/10. Plus, imagine Bloodborne in 4k man.

Who the fuck was Rom anyway? I haven't really delved into the lore. Is he someone who got "eyes on the inside" and turned into a spider for some reason? Why is Ebrietas crying over his dead body?

>imagine Bloodborne in 4k man.

Rom is a qt that did nothing wrong.

What the fuck was the evolution committee thinking with these things?

>"Oh yeah legs are nice and seem to boost survival rate"
>"Maybe try more legs"
>"Like 2 more"
>"wait that's cats"
>"4 more"
>"That's spiders, that shit we made as a prank"
>"Fuck it, add a thousand legs and lets see what happens"

Rom and Ebrietas are both old ones.
She was the one holding back the paleblood moon before you kill her.

I thought Rom was human who tried ascending but failed.

I thought Rom was a Byrgenwerth scholar that was turned into a great one using blood or something from Kos?

You blindsided me with that Dubu, mayng


>Imagine if you were a human

I actually appreciate this advice user, thank you

I've heard diatomaceous earth is hazardous to handle. Like you can't breathe it in or you'll fuck everything up. Is that true? Because I've also heard you could spread that shit all over the place - unscrew socket plates and sprinkle it in your walls, for example - to fortify yourself against bugs. But I have a worry about the stuff being toxic.

I'm the same way with horseflies/daddy longlegs/whatever you call those ones that look like massive mosquitoes.

I'm so fucking terrified of them and their goofy movements, how they're just flailing at walls all willy-nilly until they sit still for infinity.

I have super hard IBS and some mornings I just lay in bed to churn/meditate the stomach pain away (which 90% of the time is just gas but it fucks with my insides) and if one of those assholes show up I bolt out of my bed faster than when Goku arrived on earth to fight Nappa and Vegeta.

FUCK those assholes.

You people do not know what living with stinkbugs everywhere during fall and winter is like.

Stinkbugs are the fucking worst
I always throw them into the fireplace and watch them burn because those fuckers deserve it, there is nothing worse.

Not really, I guess it can potentially be hazardous if you breathe it in for an extended period of time but it won't fuck you up or anything from breathing it directly. Just wear a mask when handling it.

I had to spread some on my chickens once and none of us suffered any adverse effects.

It's safe to handle, it's not safe to inhale. Wear a filter mask and you'll be fine.

I was feeling really motivated to clean up the trophies but I just can't do that chalice dungeon shit.

Whoever thought Defiled chalice dungeons were a good idea is a fucker.

Daddy longlegs are literally harmless dude.

Yep. That's why it's a phobia.
I can't help it, and I've tried super hard the last two years. I'm not panicking when I see them anymore, but they freak me the fuck out.

I think the ones I'm referring to are called Craneflies. I'm not american so I'm not sure.

yeah she ascended kind of like the hunter if you kill the moon presence but for some reason is preventing the mensis ritual either because she doesn't want it done or she's too stupid to do anything besides squat in a lake of mud
well nothing wrong with horseflies, I'd take florida tier mosquitoes over those
do they smell after burning? because I know conventional smashing makes the vicinity smell of burning halloween costumes

>the only game I can remember having centipede enemies was in fucking Gears of War 3

>and you could even PLAY as the centipede in one of their game modes

Good fucking times.

Never heard any smell after burning them, maybe the fire covers it up i don't know

But fuck them, kill 'em all i say

Jesus, OP'S. I hate spiders more than anything on this earth. Well except maybe moths and butterflies, those fuckedlrs are awful. Even for me, those spider batches are still easy once you get the hang of how they move.

spiders are completely harmless to humans

But I do, they're everywhere where I live. I guess there was a huge infestation in Pennsylvania a few years back and they just spread from there

They get along just fine with the yearly swarm of ladybugs that came last month

How fucking retarded are you?

The reason almost zero games invoke arachnophobia on fucking anyone is because idiots cannot model and animate a spider in a way that would even begin to resemble something real, a phenomenon which is repeated again in bloodborne

if cartoony, janky, shitty looking "spiders" prevent you from playing the game, fucking kill yourself


He's fast!

Oh that's something different, I thought you were talking about pic related

I don't think those flies are dangerous either, but they are a crop pest

Spiders used to be people
Those spiders with human heads with those bowl-cuts

Man, I miss BB

I see you didnt meet red spiders

fuck those things, worse in every way

also, what's up with the big spider? literally the only unique enemy in the game that's only used once aside from NPC enemies

I'd rather have it on pc than on ps4 pro, I know its literally NEVER EVER, but still

Stop posting, you spider.

Enter the room, go right to the high ground, then all the way to the back, jump off and at the end of the room to the right, just run from them and they will stop agro. you are welcome

I finished Bloodborne and have zero memory of spiders outside of Rom...wtf?

> literally the only unique enemy in the game that's only used once aside from NPC enemies

Not true. What are
> Flaming Fist Church Giant
> Wrecking Ball Church Giant
> Flamethrower Church Doctor
> Repeating Pistol Church Doctor
> Church Cannon Nightmare Execuitioner

They're on the way to Micolash.

I feel like someone must have fucked up and accidentally boosted the HP and damage of the big spider by like two NG cycles or something because shit is retarded.

You're really better off just running past.

They aren't that scary though because they look goofy as fuck with their Paul McCartney faces slapped on their spider body