This is going to the best Final Fantasy game ever made. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: You can't.
Final Fantasy XV
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a huge blunder
Both demos I played were shit, and I've got high tolerance for garbage jap vidya.
Aggressive waste of time
>FFVII last fight with Sephiroth is literally just selecting Omnislash from the menu and watching the animation play out
>"Quite possibly the greatest game ever made"
>FFIX can be beaten in under 12 hours
>People will vehemently insist it's the greatest Final Fantasy game
>FFXV can be beaten in a bit over 20 hours, and you finish the last boss fight with QTE inputs
I fucking hate you faggot redidit rejects. Go the fuck back to your containment website.
>b-but muh footage..
Maybe they should improve over a game from 20 years ago
The world is still empty as fuck, barely any story and character development, gameplay is one of the wirst i've played in years, doesn't get any better even at high levels, summon fights are just setpiece QTEs half of them are final boss cutscenes
Make up more dumb excuses, you xv fags always compare it to PS1 games
>muh boyfriend simulator
Hiki pls go
> Sup Forums is one person
FF XV is a new game with a ton of hype and a very large budget. Did you seriously think you would not hear from the vocal minority that just shits on everything every chance they get? Where do you think we are?
I don't understand why you people still fall for this. You've clearly been here a while.
>The world is still empty as fuck, barely any story and character development, gameplay is one of the wirst i've played in years
Says a fag who hasn't even played the game.
>Make up more dumb excuses, you xv fags always compare it to PS1 games
But you'll freely and regularly compare it to the old games when it suits your shitposting needs.
>Damage Control
It's already confirmed worse than FF13. They removed entire fucking cities the game is so unfinished.
Yes it is.
>It's already confirmed worse than FF13.
I never did, compare it to anything except for the combat, so yeah it should be better than earlier Square games
Everyone dies at the end for no reason.
None of the fights are challenging because of the shallow combat.
The story as a whole is fucking terrible.
Graphics are usually worse than FF13 too.
It's 20 hours long.
Everyone fucking loved it from the demo.
Shame the story will be a let down but i'm still looking forward to it and grabbing the plat.
There has been an rpg drought for ages and this fills the void
>cinematic DBZ fight
>button promts
oh lord
>Damage Control
Translation: "stop interrupting my shitposting using rational arguments!"
Millenials think everything sucks. Their opinions literally don't matter.
>Everyone dies at the end for no reason.
Wow! spoilers bro!
>being older than a millennial
>still playing vidya
>Being under the age of 25
>Offering opinion on anything
>has less lifespan left than me
>actually bragging
wew lad
Squeenix's last blunder, FF14, was a gigantic disaster but the company didn't go under
Squeenix has spent 10 years on this project and right now they have probably spent huge amounts of money on advertising
So how will this fuck up affect Squeenix?
Go look up the definition of millennial.
>It's 20 hours long.
Skipping the 72 hour boss battle?
>thinking when you get older, you'll lose interest in video games.
I've spotted the youngster!
You mean the 3 hours boss fight?
Oh wow 3 hours of hitting a rock that makes it way better
Lifespan is arbitrary considering you could die from any number of numerous things tomorrow
It's 72 hours actually.
Because they said so on Conan?
It's obviously not 72 hours and you're retarded for thinking so.
Posting this again from other thread because I don't know which is the most active one right now:
A thing I wanted to comment on.
In that scene when Gentalia reveals she's shiva to Noctis, she first walks towards him passing through Ardyn and he only says this with Japanese voices: Ah, that's right. You also looked exactly like that when you died--"
So that's something I was wondering about. I bother myself to replay the same scene both in Japanese and English and they say entirely different things.
Just a reminder, I'm a japanbro here and I also finished the game already. One other thing I wanted to say is that the translation (at least the English text) is pretty awful. Things as simple as "what a bad weather" are wrongly translated to things like "what a good weather". I found a lot of Japanese dialog to be totally different from the English translation.
Wouldn't be the first time for a long as battle in FF
Could just be if you go there at lvl1, you can probably just summon kill it or use the death spell
If you google it you find out Tabata said the same thing retard.
Also Conan was right about the game being shit, why would you doubt this?
stop spamming
A thousand times better than shitposting about the game 24/7
>None of the fights are challenging because of the shallow combat.
Literally every FF game aside from optional bosses is incredibly shallow and easy.
>The story as a whole is fucking terrible.
From the few snippets you've seen? Do you read the summary of a book on wikipedia and then judge its story based on that?
It's against the rules and you seem like an attention whore having a name and copy pasting, you'll annoy people.
We already knew that, the real question is will it be worse than VIII?
I'm only annoying you apparently, and I don't really care either, it's not even a trip in the first place.
It can't be worse than FFXIII at the very least
You know II and VIII exist right?
It is worse than 13.
8 is better even with it's flaws
>I've got high tolerance for garbage jap vidya
Did you like Dragon's Dogma?
Straight up lying.
Give source or fuck off
>Worse than 13
It could be a 10 hour long cutscene of Noctis having diarrhea and 1 boss fight and it would still be a better game than 13.
>punished for leveling up
>using magic makes you weaker
>drawing is the worst thing ever
>weapon upgrades are shit
>two playable characters are relevant after disc 1
>garbage story for jrpg standards
>love story
>time travel
VIII is in no way shape or form better, the only redeeming aspects to this piece of shit are Triple Triad and its music.
VIII also has the best summons, hidden dungeons and towns/hubs
>good towns
I'll give you summons though, GFs were pretty based in that game.
Now let me see what FF13 had
>good graphics for the time
Still better than VIII, it also good music.
You VIII fags are seriously delusional when you defend a game where leveling up is punished and using magic is discouraged. Also the entire game is just spamming Renzouken.
>Straight up lying.
>Tabata has mentioned 30 in-game days
Sorry, he 30 hours in 2015 and he changed it to double that then some.
>VIII fags
It's not even close to my fav FF
Yet here you are shilling for it because you unironically like it. Both VIII and XIII are shit but VIII is far worse.
>saying it's above or below one of the worst FF games is now shilling
At least learn your buzzwords kid
i give you
My apologies senpai
Leave pepe out of this
>summons appear randomly
>you cannot choose when to use them
Looks pretty nice.
I never played a ff besides type-0 so I don't understand what is wrong? the character design looks like a devil which is nice
t. false flagging narutard
I am not false flagging but how did you know I like naruto though especially sasuke