>there will never be a proper Metal Gear X Metroid game
I fucking hate this reality
There will never be a proper Metal Gear X Metroid game
Other urls found in this thread:
Other M
This seems like something gay 8 year old me would've wanted.
Also, you apparently can't aim in first person in OM unless you plan on shooting missiles which is bad design
you've never played a MG game, huh? The older titles had some of the best boss fights in vidya plus great level design (at least in MGS1)
>you've never played a MG game, huh?
What does that have to do with Metroid?
Also, MGS3 is one of favourite games.
>you've never played an MG game
You can't really "play" a movie.
>What does that have to do with Metroid?
>he doesn't want memorable bosses and great level design
Oh wait
>MGS3 is one of favourite games
So you have shit taste overall? That explains it.
being able to fuck with the space pirates like you can fuck with guards in mgs would be pretty cool
>he doesn't want memorable bosses and great level design
Crossing over too good franchises won't automatically result in a good game. That's fucking retarded to think so.
>So you have shit taste overall? That explains it.
Ow, my feelings.
No but handled by some competent devs it could be amazing. Stop being such a pussy
>does nothing to disprove the post
Metroid is a good
I rather have a Halo x Metroid game. Makes far more sense.
two posts above that one was the proof, no need to repeat myself
Any game being done by competent devs can be good. What's the point your trying to make?
>Stop being such a pussy
So ruthless. ;_;7
I don't understand why people feel the need to smother fine looking spritework with crappy looking non-pixellated effects. They just look so out of place and amateur.
are these from AM2R or SuperFusion?
you played hunters?
>Also, you apparently can't aim in first person in OM unless you plan on shooting missiles which is bad design
>It's ok when MGS does it.
>What's the point your trying to make?
I literally made it in the post you just responded to
Technically you can towards the end. Plus those games came out a decade from one other
10 hours of cutscenes aren't "level design". It's laziness.
who knows. some user posted it on a webm thread.
Yeah, I didn't like it.
I see, so you haven't play the games either?
>not Master Chief with Samus shenanigans
piss off
I definitely tried at least. But I refuse to consider a game good if it has too much story. So please take your movies back to neogaf.
if they make a hunters 2 they will try to make it a class based shooter like overwatch.
Yeah but why does a dev, regardless of skill, need to crossover Metal Gear and Metroid of all things? They're not even in the same genre.
There's Haloid but you guys have probably seen it. I dunno if it holds up, I was an impressionable kid when I saw it last.
>Vocal Chord X-Parasites
part 2.
>he doesn't like space espionage
Are you two trying to make this into a 'shipping thread?
>I refuse to consider a game good if it has too much story
Literally autistic and/or retarded
The first hour or 2 of MGS1 has incredible level design with the collecting of card keys making it feel like a Metroidvania
>The first hour or 2 of MGS1 has incredible level design
And constant dialogue exposition and cutscenes. Invalidated by default.
Op this is the dumbest idea for a crossover ever.
There both good franchises but it would be like a peanut butter and lobster sandwhich. Two good things mixed don't always make a great thing.
>crossover Metal Gear and Metroid of all things
It's already been done, the OP text was more about the only attempt ended up being so shit it ruined Metroid, kinda like how MGS x Openworld meme ended up
>And constant dialogue exposition and cutscenes. Invalidated by default.
Once again, literally retarded and/or autistic. You probably couldn't even find Ocelot or beat him and got mad
The Solid Samus:Tactical Espionage Action part of Zero Mission only worked because it was done as a small burst, and was only temporary, a full game wouldn't work, plus any bosses you fight like that would either have to be an environmental one like Dragoon or Flaaghra or shit like the actual Zero Suit boss
I didn't want to because I was disgusted at how cinematic the game was. I Don't want story and plot in my video games, I want gameplay. And I refuse to dig through the story just to get to the videogamey stuff.
>b-but games need to be less videogamey and more artistic
I don't care about art.
>stars a superhuman who wears a powered exoskeleton
>evil alien organization that wants to conquer the galaxy
>ancient dead race that may still exist
>ultimate weapons created to stop space plague
>universe killing parasites
>main character is the chosen one
>stars a superhuman who wears a powered exoskeleton
>evil alien empire that wants to conquer the galaxy
>ancient dead race that may still exist
>ultimate weapons created to stop space plague
>universe killing parasites
>main character is the chosen one
How do you not want a Halo/Metroid crossver. What you want would lead to Other M 2.
Why? Couldn't they just drop you in a room where you're cornered by some menacing monster like Ridley or Kraid like they always do?
OP is dumb but you're literally autistic .
>there will never be a megaman and sonic game
you have yet to give an solid proof that you even played the game and aren't just repeating shit you heard on Sup Forums. Fuck off
>What you want would lead to Other M 2.
AGAIN, give the game to some competent devs, i.e, no that's been involved in either franchise of late since thats why their both in the shitter currently
Because the whole point of the Zero suit is that you have no real firepower,
It doesn't matter, no one wants another story heavy Metroid game
In order for Metroid to be god again it just need another 2D game like Fusion and Zero Mission. Halo is already getting better, it's just that 343 needs to make sure to make Halo 6 a Master Chief game and not push Locke any further. In other words sideline his ass.
And you've yet to give solid proof that MetalGear is a video game, instead of a cinematic experience. Allow me to offer you pic related if you still doubt me.
I didn't realize you were talking about just the Zero Suit part. Plus that's going off the idea push in Super that literally anything that's not a boss or unusual Space Pirate is cannon fodder
no one said anything about story or cutscenes, good, scifi-esque level design with memorable bosses and good 3rd person gameplay.
Something like Hunters in the MGS2 engine would be great as many 1v1 Hunter encounters there are
Hunters was never good to begin with, Metroid takes place in space, this shit doesn't work. If you're going to cross over a series you do it with a series that actually has similarities with the other series.
Older than you, actually
>Hunters was never good to begin with
Never said it was, just that it had a fuck ton of 1v1 encounters that would be great in a competent engine
>Metroid takes place in space
literally retarded, half of the games take place in some sort of fortress/lab setting
I assumed it would be Samus rarely needs or uses stealth otherwise, you can with the Sheegoths or just run past things, but I think that's about it
I imagine that could be pretty fun, having a bunch of people as different hunters all locked to one planet, with all the octiloths hidden about initially,
Server costs would be huge, it would be completely dependent on playerbase, and isn't really a typical Metroid game idea, could work though.
I never said anything about multiplayer, just more 1v1 humanoid boss fights which are always the most fun imo
What am I seeing? The dubious claim that MGS has gameplay in it? I don't believe that for a second.
Find me a single MGS where there isn't any story whatsoever, and then I'll believe you. I'm talking zero cutscenes at all, maybe an exception for an intro cutscene, but that's it.
>literally retarded, half of the games take place in some sort of fortress/lab setting
Confirmed for never playing a Metroid game in your pathetic life. Metroid take place on different planets and sometimes space stations across the galaxy. Halo would work wonders if it crossed over with Metroid.
>Find me a single MGS where there isn't any story whatsoever, and then I'll believe you. I'm talking zero cutscenes at all, maybe an exception for an intro cutscene, but that's it.
literally Ground Zeroes
>If something has cutscenes and story it has no gameplay.
5 hours of cutscenes. Try again.
>If something has cutscenes and story it has no gameplay.
Metroid: Other M says hi.
>5 hours of cutscenes
only on complete completion of side missions. the main mission has an opening cutscene and a closing
>being so cucked by a mediocre game that you're ruined from vidya forever
So that's what this is? Seek counseling, you need it
>it's an ACfag thread episode
I hope the next console Metroid is just MGSV in a sci-fi setting. You'll hate the shit out of it, but it would probably end up being my favorite game of all time.
>only on complete completion of side missions. th
Why do they exist at all? If anything, they're a deterrent that makes me want to avoid side missions. That's bad game design when additional content rewards you for NOT playing it.
>being so cucked by a mediocre game that you're ruined from vidya forever
When did we start talking about vidya? We were discussing Sup Forums material ala Metal Gear. Now, when it comes to actual video games with gameplay, I like Metroid personally.
Other M did have gameplay, it wasn't good but the closest it came to salvageable.
Also because Tekken has interlude cutscenes, and stories does that mean it doesn't have gameplay either?
>Why do they exist at all?
To give more background to the main mission. They can't even be accessed until you complete it.
>I like Metroid personally
The thing is, I can tell you don't. I like Metal Gear AND have finished more Metroid games than you. How does that make you feel? Call that counselor yet?
point him out to me
>tfw no Metroid equivalent of Sonic Mania
>Also because Tekken has interlude cutscenes, and stories does that mean it doesn't have gameplay either?
Considering that they slashed the game budget just for that precious CGI and voice acting in later installments, and the gameplay therefore suffered and became repetitious and boring, yes I'd say it doesn't have gameplay either.
He's the guy you're arguing with. He believes a game must have zero cutscenes, otherwise it's unplayable.
>To give more background to the main mission
Why do you need story and exposition for that though? If the gameplay was so good, it could do all of that without saying a single world, kind of like Metroid Prime and its scannable lore. You know everything you need to know without intrusive, disgusting cutscenes being forced on you.
>I like Metal Gear AND have finished more Metroid games than you.
The fact that you consider Other M good already nullifies this statement.
They never said Other M was good, spergo
>you consider Other M good
>resorting to lies that can literally be disproved by looking at the OP
Do you need me to contact a counseling office for you? What's your area code? Do you possess a drivers license?
>without saying a single world
>kind of like Metroid Prime and its scannable lore
You literally just contradicted yourself. How the fuck is stopping the flow of gameplay to make you have to read something in order to understand what's going on any better than a cutscene? And before you say "it's optional, you aren't forced to it," bear in mind that it's the only way to obtain said info otherwise you're left completely in the dark.
ACfag, if you're gonna be a gameplay elitist, at least commit to the act instead of playing favorites.
seeLiterally his only complaint was the aiming of missiles in first person. Says nothing about the abhorrent gameplay design otherwise, or the terrible forced story, or the abysmal level design.
Sounds like he likes it to me.
Answer my fucking post.
>How the fuck is stopping the flow of gameplay to make you have to read something in order to understand what's going on any better than a cutscene
Because Prime can be played without scanning a single piece of lore. At the very most you scan an elevator to activate it. Thats it. For someone who wants a videogamey product, I can ignore everything else.
>bear in mind that it's the only way to obtain said info otherwise you're left completely in the dark.
And that's how it should be. If your game can't hold up while the player is "left in the dark" about the story, then it's not a good game.
>If your game can't hold up while the player is "left in the dark" about the story, then it's not a good game.
That's literally how Ground Zeroes is design though. Contradicted again!
>Literally his only complaint was the aiming of missiles in first person.
If you read the line above that, you'd see that I was calling OM an improper game in general
Except Metroid Prime's doesn't make a lick of sense without reading the scans.
Also, you clearly DON'T want to ignore the lore, since you praise it so much, so why the fuck are you acting like you DO ignore it, in which case you wouldn't know the lore anyway?
>That's literally how Ground Zeroes is design though
Oh? So I can go through the game on mute and never once have to listen to a voice actor, or read any dialog, or listen to some expository banter? Do tell.
>I was calling MOM improper
I don't see that word anywhere.
>Except Metroid Prime's doesn't make a lick of sense without reading the scans.
Why wouldn't it make sense? You see aliens, they're experimenting, you assume they're bad guys, you shoot them. Boom, that's all you need to know. That's why I praise the game so much, because the gameplay is the narrator that tells me what I need to know through my actions. I don't need an expensive CGI cutscene telling me that Ridley is the bad guy. Hes a giant fire breathing dragon trying to kill me, of course I'm gonna know he's a bad guy. I don't need his backstory about how he raped and killed Samus's parents. Infact, I've never even scanned all of the lore in Metroid Prime. I don't think I even got half of it. I didn't really care about it that much, but the videogamey part was unaffected, so I considered it good level design.
>so I considered it good level design
>he admits to having no fucking idea what level design is
Well that's one way to invalidate your own opinion
Let me guess, MGSIV's one hour long cutscene is "good game design" to you? Who actually wants to PLAY their video game, right?
>You see aliens, they're experimenting, you assume they're bad guys, you shoot them
You have a really narrow and intolerant view of the world. What if they were trying to cure space cancer? What if the Mafia was forcing them to fight you? Could the game tell you that without scanning any logs? Sounds to me like you just want games to be "save the princess, kill the demons," and that's narrow taste, not "refined" taste.
I'm going to assume you meant MGS4. I wouldn't know, I only played the first mission and wasn't impressed. Its also known has having the most lackluster design in the series, so nice cherry picking
>What if they were trying to cure space cancer?
Then they wouldn't be shooting at me. Simple as that. Funfact: the game starts with pirates attacking you first, and goes all the way to the end with that in mind.
Not my problem. They shouldn't have borrowed money.
>could the game tell you that without scanning any logs
Yes, because I use common sense. When you're trying to cure cancer, you don't shoot at anyone you see.
>Sounds to me like you just want games to be "save the princess, kill the demons,"
So it's wrong to prefer videogamey products like Super Mario and Pacman over """cinematic""" """experiences""" like Metal Gear, Uncharted, And The Order 1886?
>Its also known has having the most lackluster design in the series, so nice cherry picking
Which is funny because it plays exactly the same as any other Metal, so one having bad game design correlates to all of them having it.
>Which is funny because it plays exactly the same as any other
literally every one of the 5 numbered titles changed the gameplay in a critical way, 4 being one of the biggest departures since it became a full on 3rd person view even when shooting
>literally every one of the 5 numbered titles changed the gameplay in a critical way
You're still a guy sneaking around corridors, listening to expository dialogue, watching 10 hours of cutscenes every other mission, and shoving quick time events everywhere, like with stealth takedowns (dunno if they're technically quick time events, but they're lazy and unintuitive, and don't complement gameplay).
No installment in the series has ever fixed the game's major problems, one of which being that the series is too reliant on the story.
>You're still a guy sneaking around corridors
not even 10 words in and you've fucked up
3 (and a good bit of PW) takes place predominantly in a fucking forest/jungle whereas V is completely fucking open world
Also, V is hated so much because of its lack of cutscenes and story, nearly all of the dialogue/lore is optional so you can listen to it in tapes while doing recon. That in and of itself makes it superior to the lore system of Prime, to be honest
>3 (and a good bit of PW) takes place predominantly in a fucking forest/jungle whereas V is completely fucking open world
And you're still traveling a completely linear path every time, with nothing but glorified filler around you giving the illusion of being more open.
>Also, V is hated so much because of its lack of cutscenes and story,
So people hate it for being more videogamey? Gee, if you hate the gameplay so much, then clearly it isn't a good game.
>traveling a completely linear path every time
wrong again, faggot. There's even cycles in the maps in every game except maybe 4 since I'm not sure about its late gameplay
>Gee, if you hate the gameplay so much, then clearly it isn't a good game.
On the contrary the FOX engine is a work of art, google it for yourself
>wrong again, faggot. There's even cycles in the maps in every game except maybe 4 since I'm not sure about its late gameplay
And it doesn't change up the gameplay. It's as shallow as increasing HP in a "hard mode". It doesn't take any more effort to go through.
>On the contrary the FOX engine is a work of art, google it for yourself
I don't want art. I want gameplay.
Who would win in a fight?
do you think metal gear can beat up metroid?
>recanting on previous points
>literally calling a gameplay engine art
Took you long enough to go full retard, ACfag. gg ez
You know I don't think we've actually seen a Metroid take on any sort of robotic entity, not that I can think of anyway
I'd guess a Metal Gear since all you'd have to do was slap a freeze gun on it
The particle effects in that webm were all created from tiny sprites that are no bigger than 5x5 pixels.
So I don't really know what you're complaining about.
That sounds fucking stupid, even their character interactions would probably be shit
I think it would be alright
>FOX engine
>"gameplay engine"
Pick one. It's sole purpose is to have "teh pretty graphics" and make multiplat titles. At no point does it make game development any more streamlined, nor does it help games that are exclusives. Furthermore, not a single "game" has even used the engine. Just sports trash and a cinematic experience.
So tell me, why isn't any game using this engine if it's so good?
its probably the best stealth and third person shooter engine around. Plus MGR:R used it and its a Platinum game, one of your favorite devs, right?
>MGR used it
So another cinematic experience? Doesn't speak much for the engine.
>platinum is one of your favorite devs, right?
I hope you're kidding.
Because Mario and Pac-Man are the fucking pinnacle of video games.
You don't know ACfag. He hates Bayonetta and MGR not only for not having zero cutscenes, but because their gameplay is "style over substance" and because Bayo is le sexualized character.
ACfag is a fucking barbaric Puritan
pathetic is more like it
>Because Mario and Pac-Man are the fucking pinnacle of video games.
Them and Tetris, of course. Do you even realize who helped pull video games out of the depression? And we were in that hole in the first place because people decided to spam movie tie-in games that would supposedly sell because of their "story" and "brand recognition" instead of being solid video games. Remember that sonny?
>hates reading
>hates listening to people talk
>hates "art"
>hates sex
>just wants to kill everything and everyone
Nah, barbaric suits him just fine.
Why haven't you killed yourself? I can't imagine that being someone as autistic as you are is better than being dead.
It's not the fucking 80's anymore, Grandpa.
And the E.T. game didn't have hours of cutscenes because it was a fucking Atari game, you AVGN-loving casual.
Tetris gets old fast, Mario gets old fast, Pac-Man gets old fast.
Also, Ms. Pac-Man had cutscenes that don't contribute to gameplay, as well as a female lead, so I guess it's a bad game ;^)