Its a mattless superbestfriendcast

>its a mattless superbestfriendcast

Who the fuck are those 2 bitches and that man-ape on the right?

Haven't watched bestfriendsplay in fucking ages, what the FUCK happened?

what is going on in the far right? Also nice hairlinelol

Do they just hire hookers for this shit?

fat girls with bright colored died hair. degenerate as fuck. probably all voted hillary

Someone please explain?

what the fuck happened to them?

Its matt's "friends" apparently. I was wondering twitch and saw he was streaming and popped in and was greeted with this bullshit. I just had to screenshot it because jesus christ.

>Tumblr: the picture

>mfw seeing Woolie getting BTFO in the most recent Omikron

>Overeaters anonymous meetup:Tumblr edition

I think the one right next to him is the one that drew all the best friends as turbosluts

fuck e-celeb bullshit. KYS nigger, sage and hide this shit thread

Looks like the super fat bitchcast to me

What happened? Waiting until the lp is finished before watching them all.

Underages sure love their e-celebs.

My god that pic made me cringe

>listening to the podcast
>no matt thank god
>Pat, Liam, and Woolie are all chill

thats not the best friends matt is the one in the middle right. i posted it because these are the people that matt fucking hangs out with which explains a lot

Woolie was holding the guide and withheld vital information from Matt, who wandered around an area for about 10 minutes. Pat snatches away the guide and points out that Matt is supposed to use an item, and tells Matt to go around using the object on random doors, and Matt immediately finds the right door to use it on. Pat insults him for withholding information, but Woolie gets mad and says he was going to tell Matt to use the item once they found the right door, but the right door ended up being an unlabeled door that Matt had interacted with before, and a lot of time would've been saved if Woolie just mentioned the item to begin with.

Instead we have Pat and Liam being so fucking retarded and stupid.

>Pat thinks GiTS movie will be better off without the philosophical references
>Pat thinks Blade Runner is boring
How fucking pleb can you be.
These are the consumers of braindead Disney capeshit.

They don't go too nuts over cape movies anymore. I think they're getting burned out but instead of complaining they just don't talk about it as much. And they are allowed to have their opinions as long as it isn't matt because fuck him.

You say that, but after discussing every single of the marvel movies they go

>GitS movie will be better off without the philosophical references

Well that's true. If you remake shit for the big screen you don't give a shit about the source material, you just want to make another big fucking pile of money. Make it a dumb action movie so critics will call it shit, the movie bombs, and Hollywood leaves anime the fuck alone.

>that guy on matts left

Matt's opinions are fine as long as he likes whatever it is they're talking about.

As soon as he dislikes anything even a little bit he just needs to leave the room.

>Thinks Blade Runner is boring
Does Pat have ADHD?
Not even joking.
He says he often plays with knives during the podcast, he has started assembling a chair during the podcast, and is the only one to actually play games during the podcast

>GiTS would be better without the entire reason for it existing
>Anything that requires thought or use of his psychology degree is boring
Makes sense why he was bagging groceries before they got lucky. I'm just glad these fuckers aren't making any headway in a world that is becoming increasingly more savage to these "content" creators.

>Make it a dumb action movie so critics will call it shit, the movie bombs, and Hollywood leaves anime the fuck alone.
That's wishful thinking.
Disney is so deep in all reviewers pockets this movie will get 80% on RT at the WORST

Dont do that user. Excessive shit consumption can easily lead to death.

>Pat and Woolie will still play P5 dubbed despite getting the original voices for free

They are Canadian though so that would be pretty hard.

That's because they're just contrarian attention whores who want to be rebellious and edgy. People give Liam shit for this but Pat, Matt and Woolie are guilty of this too.

Everytime there's a popular thing that people mostly hate they would either pretend to like it or go easy on it. Fucking hipsters

>Pretend to like it
This is what I hate the most, absolutely.
How fucking far up in your ass can you be to lecture people about stuff you haven't finished/have played for 1 hour

>Igor sounds like shit
>velvet twins sound like grandmas

>Liam: Yeah! Westworld is a really, really good show! The way they present robots and humans is so good! etc. etc.
>Woolie: How far in did you get?
>Liam: 1 episode.

>that extremely loud FUCK Woolie screamed when he realised he was wrong and how much of a cunt he was being
>that pat giggle and him shouting YOU'RE SO WRONG, YOU'RE SO WRONG

it was fucking beautiful

SMT4 Apocalypse had a breddy gud dub.

Pat is definitely the worst about this
>Pat can't stop talking about Persona and SMT but he has actually only beat P4 and SMT4

Although, there's also:
>Woolie keeps ejaculating because of Beyond Good and Evil despite never actually beating it

Why would you withold information like that?

Also have they called him out on the shit control scheme he hasn't bothered fixing?

So, SBF have finally gone full tumblr?

I think he's just trying to keep it more interesting by not just reading up the walkthrough as they play the game.

However, it's Woolie and he has no comprehension and his reading ability is questionable

Okay I know e-celebs are cancer and I hate myself for even taking the time to find a picture like this, but how the fuck does Pat have the hottest girlfriend?

Ive got absolutely no idea why they dont remap the controls. Woolie made it out like it was near impossible to get Omikron to run on modern systems, when from what ive heard its extremely easy to get to run and ontop of that installing widescreen fixes/bugfixes etc is fairly simple relatively too. Woolie is a straight up retard, he nearly shits his pants not knowing what to do looking at a menu with three options max to choose so its not a surprise tbf

I can't see Pat where is he?

The control scheme is actually entirely Matt's fault for being a stubborn dipshit for some reason.

They are all aware that the mapping is the old ass way where there wasn't any sort of common procedure and controls are automatically mapped in the order that the buttons register but Matt say NAW WE SHOULD KEEP IT BECAUSE IT'S AUTHENTIC.

Why is Pat so small jesus fucking christ


>any of those disgusting cows
Jesus Christ, user. Fix your life.

Where are the games?

Holy fuck, did Matt replace everyone with a pimp and his two prostitutes?

I'd gag and cum from the foot smell of the 2nd bitch from left desu

Who is this mammary monster?

those are the bridesmaids posing with the grooms friends m8 none of them have any relation apart from matt and his wife. Also liam is ugly as sin without the face covering beard damn son.

As if you wouldn't

Look at the fucking doughboy's face, it's like the weight of all the hair he doesn't have has deformed his face into this manchild smirk.

Meanwhile Pat looks like Jack ready to conquer that beanstalk next to him.

He traded normal height for a giant dick

No, I'm not sure about the rest but that IS Pat's girlfriend

Fat people irritate me, like, work out a bit and drink less soda. It's so fucking easy.

>been watching terrace house since it came on netflix and enjoyed my jap boring as fuck reality show
>tfw now these retards fans will flood it
fucking hell

im so glad they havent gone into mecha shit as hard as jojo. its a kinda shame though,i thought pat was funny when talking about it

Woolie the Liar struck again.

no it isnt

is pats girlfriend

Pat is perfect and we should all strive to be like him.

Absolutely fucking not. I hope you're being ironic, user.

Woolie the liar stole my sensible controls.

He's not though

He can be extremely annoying.

When he's calm, he can be ok

I loved his general disdain for how retarded everybody is in Zeta

I can kind of understand that GitS thing if only because I don't expect the guy who direct Snow White and the fucking Huntsman to be able to do any of that justice. Maybe if they make it a generic PG 13 Hollywood action movie it will at least just be forgettable instead of insulting.

fucking hideous. seriously get some taste.

I sure do love videogames LOL

Forgettable but profitable is the Disney way

>channel where random hookers are hired to complete different games.

No sex just video games.

while zeta is one of my favorites, i laughed a lot when he kept screaming "JUST LOCK THE GUNDAM", and "NO KAMILLE YOU CANT FUCK THE CYBER NEWTYPE".

These people look disgusting

>Right on your carpet
>Not even a towel
Fucking subhuman.

Woolie isn't nearly as tall as I thought. It looks like Liam is actually taller although his lack of a chin hurts his looks real fucking bad.

>Matt: "I want the triggered audience."

this is a trap isn't it

>Still listening to the podcast after they switched to video

Get fucked. The only reason they did that is because vessel died so now they need to rely on twitch donations so Matt can buy even more stupid shit and Pat can blow money on XIV and dropboxes.

>Pat thinks Blade Runner is boring

He was probably expecting its to be some non stop action flick with Harrison Ford beating the shit out of robots. I knew somebody like that, they complained that the movie was boring and Ford just got his ass beat throughout the entire movie.

>tfw that cheap ass Bloodborne stream with Pat and his woman is more entertaining than anything those cunts shat out in the last year

You know your show is beyond redemption when nepotistic introduction of women makes it BETTER.

>Matt has an actual mountain of expensive toys of things he barely even knows anything about
Him and Rocco Botte freak me the fuck out because of this shit.

Rocco at least knows something about the majority of stuff he buys, and in the case of PR/ the KR adaptation toys and Haunted Mansion, he knows a metric fuck ton about them.

>ywn pull a legit 7/10 face on 8/10 bod qt redhead who is actually genuinely amusing.

Why live?

And also what redeemable elements does Pat somehow have to achieve this?

>listening to podcast
>guys start having fun talking about shit they like
>possibly interesting conversation they start getting hype and heated up
>Liam pipes in a bunch of cold water
>"come on guys that thing you like isn't exactly what you're saying liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike"
>everyone stops and changes subject momentum dead

Every time someone is having fun conversations without him he does this. Is he autistic?

At least when matt is left out he doesn't try to derail the subject he just repeats what someone else said whilst laughing or ads in random simpsons quotes.

You mean a service you pay for to see free content a little bit earlier wasn't successful? I'm shocked.

Huge schlong.

Pat has infamously bad opinions on games, movies, and books and if it wasnt for Liam he'd have the worst opinions on anime.

Seriously some of the shit he says he believes in makes me think its all an act to be the villain of their show.

Sup Forums needs a board for youtube shit and take off here these stupid threads


as much as id love to fault matt for this, its very easy for a toy collector to fall into that a bit. ive bought multiple kits and even some figmas of stuff ive never seen. if there statues then thats retarded.

>Pat thinks Blade Runner is boring

Last podcast he said he loves it
Where did you get that information out of?

More like 0/10 face 0/10 body desu senpai. I'd rather die than be with an uggo hag like that.

She should donate some of her chin to Liam.

On that same podcast. He says he loves the movie but thinks it's boring.

I don't think you know what that means user

>there are people on this earth that find this acceptable looking

Anything you can have fun building and posing I get, but when nearly every room in your house is cluttered with that shit it's honestly concerning

>people still watch these Gaffers
Jesus Christ.

Are you okay user?