explain why?
Explain why?
Other urls found in this thread:
boss fight is in fact very tense
mindblowing moon moment with great music
it really feels like a peak moment of chell's and glados' lifes
and comfy ending with two well made songs which conclude the story on a positive note
I guess they're right. No matter how badly abused, some idiots just can't stop loving being shit on
looks good. what's the game and when does it come out? graphics look a kinda old school which is cool
The whole ending is ruined by the fact Chell survives being in the fucking vacuum of space.
I don't care if this game has portals, at least give some realism ffs
Could have had smarter puzzle solving at the end
Where Wheatley is an actual threat and you have to work out to shoot the moon since it makes sense rather than it be PRESENTED to you
shes not in the vacuum of space, though. Shes in a air geyser shooting out of the surface of the moon.
>The whole ending is ruined by the fact Chell survives being in the fucking vacuum of space.
A human being can survive up to 3 minutes in space. Educate yourself.